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Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws


Well, you gotta give credit to progressive LGBT activists and feminists. At least they're consistent in one thing: Their absolute and final lack of logic or understanding whatsoever of how the world works.

How they are able to associate Russia's anti-gay laws with private vodka companies is beyond me, but you've gotta give them credit for their brazen ignorance.

Of course, there are other brands of vodka like Skyy and Tito's that aren't russian that the faggots and dykes can turn to for their apple-tini or cosmopolitan, so there's no harm done in switching brands.

Meanwhile, in China, there are legit reports coming out of human rights abuses in manufacturing plants for Apple. Think the fag brigade would ever boycott their beloved Apple? The prospect of going a single day without attention-whoring themself on Instagram is a fate worse than death for them. No way that would ever happen.

Russia is looking better and better.

"...so I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

I may switch to Stoli in my Greyhounds...

And tell people why.

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Stoli is a really nice vodka for its price point. A nice happy medium between trash like Smirnoff and Popov and overpriced GG/Ciroc

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Anyone ever run cheap vodka through a Brita? Supposed to remove all the impurities and make it better.

Team Nachos

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Been reading a few postings about this article...

A lot of the boycotts are happening around the corner from me in West Hollywood. Just to show you how moronic this city is, a city councilman, the FORMER MAYOR, spoke up about the boycott saying they can't allow poor treatment of gays go unnoticed.

On one website I found this in the comments section:

It's fantastic that West Hollywood City Council members are openly supporting a boycott of a brand that is produced in Latvia and headquartered in Luxembourg. By doing that they are hurting those who market and distribute it here in the USA, who also have absolutely nothing to do with the Russian government. Smart, guys. Way to do your research.

You should obviously boycott Smirnoff as well, since that was at one time in history a Russian brand. Nevermind that they are owned by a British based company and are not produced in Russia either.

[Image: thumb.gif]

"...so I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Ive been boycotting Absolut for years ever since they put an ad in a major Mexican magazine with a map showing the U S Southwest as Mexican territory
Fuck Absolut and their AntiAmericanism. I'll never drink it again and I talk it down anytime Im with someone who orders it.Its not even that good. Uncle Titos is better.
But that was something the company itself did. This boycott is stupid but what would you expect from that sort. Im ordering Stoli for a while

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

If you want to support Russian vodka makers, Russian Standard is cheap and tastes great:

[Image: TiEFJzY.jpg]

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Quote: (07-29-2013 03:26 PM)DLZ Wrote:  

Stoli is a really nice vodka for its price point. A nice happy medium between trash like Smirnoff and Popov and overpriced GG/Ciroc

[Image: brother_from_another_mother_cards-r2f652...vr_324.jpg]

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Using Western protest methods against the East... won't work.

It's like going up to a Russian girl and asking her who lies more... men or women. She will think you are gay ("why does he want to know if men lie?")

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Quote: (07-29-2013 04:13 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

Ive been boycotting Absolut for years ever since they put an ad in a major Mexican magazine with a map showing the U S Southwest as Mexican territory
Fuck Absolut and their AntiAmericanism. I'll never drink it again and I talk it down anytime Im with someone who orders it.Its not even that good. Uncle Titos is better.
But that was something the company itself did. This boycott is stupid but what would you expect from that sort. Im ordering Stoli for a while

Absolut is fucking piss. I'ts made in Sweden and advertised as pure premium vodka, and maybe it was back in the old days, but now it gives me (a Russian) massive headaches in the morning even if i don't drink that much.

I don't really buy Stoli, Smirnoff and all that crap either. They may be good, but they are not Russian brands.

Russian Standard is pretty good vodka and really is Russian. The problem is it's not sold everywhere in the us, maybe only in larger liqueur stores.

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Absolut is analogous to Stoli in terms of quality. I consider Smirnoff rail.

Russian Standard is good, but I think it's overhyped.

One of the more underrated vodka's is Wyborowa (Polish).

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

I once ran Smirnoff through my Brita Water filter several times. It got rid of the strong after taste. Anyone try this?

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

I've been wanting to try the Brita thing too. I was at someone's place and they had apparently run some vodka through one numerous times...but I'd already been drinking so I couldn't have an accurate taste test.

And I've been drinking Tito's lately. It's Texas made, goes down just as well as Ketel One, and is often the "house" vodka aka cheap.

"...it's the quiet cool...it's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

I love all alcohol but I can't stand Smirnoff. It's the worst tasting vodka there is.

Another very good vodka is Zubrowka or "Bison Grass Vodka". It's Polish as well. Have you tried it, Roosh?

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Funny how they never refuse to buy gasoline because of Saudi Arabia's anti-gey laws.

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Quote: (07-29-2013 10:40 PM)ColSpanker Wrote:  

Funny how they never refuse to buy gasoline because of Saudi Arabia's anti-gey laws.

Or anti-woman laws.

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

They keep having these blind taste tests and Smirnoff or Popov ends up beating the premium brands or being indistinguishable from them, especially if you're mixing it with something.

I say buy American, Smirnoff or Popov. The price is right.

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Using a brita filter is a bad idea because alcohol will denature the plastics in the filter and put more impurities in your vodka.
If you want to purify cheap ass vodka into swill that's more drinkable, pour it into a larger glass bottle with a handful of activated carbon and let it sit for a day or two, then filter it out with a coffee filter or something similar.

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Quote: (07-29-2013 07:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Absolut is analogous to Stoli in terms of quality. I consider Smirnoff rail.

Russian Standard is good, but I think it's overhyped.

One of the more underrated vodka's is Wyborowa (Polish).

You should try Minskaya (which is excellent at room temperature btw, no need to serve it chilled).

[Image: attachment.jpg13526]   

Mamont, a high-end siberian vodka, is also excellent.


[Image: attachment.jpg13528]   

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

We need to game women to stand up against this shit.

This is beyond game.

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Quote: (07-30-2013 12:46 AM)Hades Wrote:  

Using a brita filter is a bad idea because alcohol will denature the plastics in the filter and put more impurities in your vodka.
If you want to purify cheap ass vodka into swill that's more drinkable, pour it into a larger glass bottle with a handful of activated carbon and let it sit for a day or two, then filter it out with a coffee filter or something similar.

There was a episode on Myth busters about purifying vodka using filters - basically it does nothing! So don't waste your time and money and vodka.

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

So now we got to troll LGBT activists with vodka! Drink vodka when there's a gay pride, offer a water bottle filled with vodka, wear a shirt with vodka written in cyrillic and turn on your car stereo to the max and play this:

Check out my thread Essential android tools for modern players and alphas to find out how to make your android phone your wingman, or click here and scroll down if you only need to root it.

Want sound that puts iPods and iPhones to shame? I got you covered!

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Quote: (07-30-2013 08:23 AM)mental Wrote:  

So now we got to troll LGBT activists with vodka! Drink vodka when there's a gay pride, offer a water bottle filled with vodka, wear a shirt with vodka written in cyrillic and turn on your car stereo to the max and play this:

Gotta love Finland and their Koskenkorva. This, however, I bought in a Russian liquor store in St. Pete, and was the best vodka I've ever had. However, it was sold out the next day so I had to buy Russian Standard. I was so mad. 10 euro for the best bottle of vodka.
[Image: white_gold_vodka_05.jpg]

Bars Boycott Russian Vodka over Anti-Gay Laws

Quote: (07-29-2013 01:49 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Well, you gotta give credit to progressive LGBT activists and feminists. At least they're consistent in one thing: Their absolute and final lack of logic or understanding whatsoever of how the world works.

I used to think that homosexuality was just a preference that a minority of men had, but after spending the week observing my gay nephew and seeing the support this campaign has, I'm wondering if they are actually wired with women's brains. And if they are men with women's brains does that make it a mental disorder?

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