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The "Illuminati" and the Collapse of Traditional Relations

The "Illuminati" and the Collapse of Traditional Relations

Quote: (05-03-2015 01:27 AM)Honorable Man Wrote:  

I've had some pretty esoteric conversations with an occult/conspiracy/etc buddy from an old forum, and we mutually decided that humanity might just be stupid enough to turn "The Illuminati" into a self-fulfilling prophecy. If that actually happens, I think I'll need to stop existing.

Lol. This reminded me of "Foucault's Pendulum".

"The woman most eager to jump out of her petticoat to assert her rights is the first to jump back into it when threatened with a switching for misusing them,"
-Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

The "Illuminati" and the Collapse of Traditional Relations

That book sounds very interesting, I've added it to my reading list. Thanks!

The "Illuminati" and the Collapse of Traditional Relations

They are watching
[Image: 12592332_1082590108438302_31338153817122...e=573D59D8]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

The "Illuminati" and the Collapse of Traditional Relations

Quote: (01-29-2016 06:56 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

They are watching
[Image: 12592332_1082590108438302_31338153817122...e=573D59D8]

I'm watching back
[Image: red-hot-riding-hood-wolf-eyes-pop-o.gif]

The "Illuminati" and the Collapse of Traditional Relations

[Image: mr-burns-jacob-rothschild.jpg]

[Image: Cn4G0OvWAAAWAI7.jpg]

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

Full interview:


The "Illuminati" and the Collapse of Traditional Relations

Congrats on the 3000 th post Merc.

Somehow its only fitting to find you in the Illuminati thread the same day[Image: icon_razz.gif]

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

The "Illuminati" and the Collapse of Traditional Relations

The illuminati. In every country there are always 3-5 richest families. Intermarried. Why it´s hard to believe this families wouldn´t want to coordinate between each others their interests is beyond me. Of course they do. You can call it whatever you want. Illuminati, masons, Rothschilds, etc. From the last Davos meeting Soros said Facebook and Google are to be broken. Zuckerberg had an hearing today before congress. What you can call Davos? A place where elites form a common will. I believe the will of Davos was pretty hard on Trump. These elites use the power of the state to promote their agenda. This is why communism should be fought by all means necessary.

Now why are they promoting woman? For many reasons. First you get twice the work for the same pay. Secondly woman are more obedient and easier to manage. Thirdly woman are very pragmatic. They tend to be basic. They are not good chess players I believe and can only see the first move. And therefore are easy to manipulate. Worth mentioning their herd mentality and the mandatory willingness to fit. Whatever fit might mean. Their superficiality. Etc. etc. It´s a money thing covered by religious motive.

The "Illuminati" and the Collapse of Traditional Relations

^ Interesting, can't dispute much of that. I've always said that it's really quite simple, people do what they do to maintain wealth and power. Like a majority of every other human being you encounter, since so few (but yes they exist) overall are enlightened or virtuous to an impressive degree.

jr's post was spot on

It's all about survival, and sadly for the human, survival (macro) is cyclical. You have had the most enlightened, principled, hard core men leaders found your country? Good luck in several generations when kids get soft or the average male finds out he can pander to a "disadvantaged" group within the society --- selling out everything the enlightened founders worked and fought for.

Glubb talks about it in the Fate of Empires. It's no coincidence that when women begin "ascending" [yes, intentional air quotes] or are more prominent, you are clearly on the way down. The reasons are obvious and of course, biological. When things turn from surivival, principle, and logic to "fairness", feelings and yes you guessed it "equality" ... the countdown has begun.

The "Illuminati" and the Collapse of Traditional Relations

Quote: (04-11-2018 09:02 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

When things turn from surivival, principle, and logic to "fairness", feelings and yes you guessed it "equality" ... the countdown has begun.


Culture eventually becomes a victim of its own success in times of surplus.

Note that the time that everyone hearkens back to is the 1950s. Why? Because you had the "Greatest Generation" who grew up during the depression and had just fought WWII. Those men came back home and conquered private industry and f*cked the sh*t out of their wives to make the baby-boom. Everyone knew their place and didn't go all snowflake because the needs of greater society were more important than their personal dreams and dark fantasies.

It's the whole Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs thing. Societies that are living a hardscrabble life are closer to how we were optimized to live through evolutionary biology. Tight bands of tribes. We needed to get along even if we hated each other--just for pure survival. That whole way of life persisted in one shape or form throughout most of history until we start entering the pushbutton era of creature-comforts, which has gone into overdrive thanks to the internet, smart-phones, and being able to order or stream anything you want without leaving the house.

[Image: Wall-E%2Bobese%2Bhumans%2B-%2Bcropped.jpg]

Once all your basic needs are met your mind starts fishing around for more nits to pick. That is basically feminism in a nutshell, which is why feminism moves from one crusade to the next, manspreading, mansplaining, manhugging, #metoo, #inclusionriders, etc...

All of that shit goes out the window if, let's say, North Korea managed to Nuke Hawaii or Los Angeles or we got into a hot war with Russia over how we're dealing with Syria.

It's the same reason why the rich start fixating on trivial things like their golf swing or the quality of the caviar at the country-club. To them that's the most important thing in the world, but to anyone who isn't rich, it's petty bullshit. That's where our culture is now in how we decide what's important and what to be outraged about. Everything's relative.

Surplus creates decadence, fosters all the deadly sins, destroys the need for social bonds, and creates a void of meaning that has been filled by SJWs getting triggered to the point of insanity. We've seen this happen in past civilizations. Sodom and Gomorrah and the end of Rome. Humans aren't wired to handle surplus well. We all have addictive personalities just waiting for the right conditions.

[Image: giphy.gif]

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