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"Dimitri the Lover"

"Dimitri the Lover"

Worst game ever?

Holy shit, words cannot describe. [Image: lol.gif]

I'm not trying to PUA hate here, I just found this shit really funny and wanted to share.
I couldn't believe this guy was for real and assumed he was some sort of viral sketch character, but apparently he's a legit Toronto PUA (to whatever extent such a title can be legitimate).

Check out his hilariously bad website, replete with Flash animations and unlicensed music.

"Dimitri the Lover"

Yeah, it's an old classic. Hilarious! [Image: lol.gif] "Maybe you were abused in childhood..." [Image: icon_lol.gif]

That said, I find the commentary even stupider. Just listen to the pure, unedited messages here:

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

"Dimitri the Lover"

Heard about him for the first time on Opie and Anthony a couple years back. Hilarious 30 minutes of radio.

Guy is a joke.

"Dimitri the Lover"

Imagine how hilarious it would be if he got elected.

"Dimitri the Lover"

haha comedy goal.

old school tactics. very mystery like.

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