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Next Bangkok Trip Report

Next Bangkok Trip Report

Okay, let’s begin. I am just checking my mails and looking for a hotel for the first few nights I while i am waiting for my connection flight to Bangkok. Suddenly this 37 year old girl from TF (Thaifriendly) invites me to her place. Fair enough. She doesn’t look as good as on the pic, but she is still in good shape, has a nice place and is very helpful. She even tries to hook me up with other girls, while the sex with her is a no-brainer.
My plan was to live here for one month and to come back for longer in case that I will like it. Therefore I did need an apartment, which was harder to find then I thought and took a few days.
-Much pricier if you only book for one month
-There are places for 8-10.000 around a central BTS station (very important if you don’t want to deal with overcharging motorbike drivers and waste your time and nerves in the traffic), even cheaper ones but I didn’t like the value
-If you look for a decent to nice studio/one bedroom apartment you should plan spending 12.000 to 18.000 for one month. Much cheaper if three month or 6/12 of course
My 2 Cents about different areas. It really depends on what do you want to focus. Thong Lo/Ekkamai is very expensive but the place to go if you like clubbing with rich and hip locals or if you like to eat in fancy restaurants all the time. Good for day gaming too, since you have to be good looking for most well paid jobs in Thailand and people like to show their wealth and end up staying here for the status. On-Nut is supposed to be a cheaper alternative. If you stay in one of these condos you have probably plenty of great women next door, which is the only real advantage in my eyes. I ended up staying at BTS Victory Monument and really like it here. Still close to the center, cheaper rent, two parks nearby, good local Muay Thai Camp and the best is the wide choice of cheap but great food around. Also some cafes and bars. You won’t find many hot girls around here, but it is easy for them to visit you and just go to one of the restaurants or bars and then back to your room.

On the second evening I met this super cute Cambodian girl on the streets, we sit down for half an hour and try to communicate, which is hopeless. Couldn’t take here because I am still staying with the MILF and since then she is sending me love messages every day, after we met and touched a bit in the 30min we met. No way I am meeting her again under these circumstances, but three weeks later I still get the texts…
So the next evening I did follow he invitation from this horny thai girl who is working in japan and visiting her family in Bangkok right now. Met her on TF and we talk almost only about sex before, couldn’t be easier.
Then I went out one night with a few expat friends. Usually I don’t drink anymore, but well, what else you gonna do with old friends? Another crazy night in Bangkok that ended at 11am next morning. We just focus on drinking and all I got was this number of a barkeeper from the first rock bar we went. She was the first one to visit me at my new place 2 days later, after I have cured the hangover. We met at front of my place and she is carrying her backpack and the made up story that she got locked out of her room. Wouldn’t have been necessary… Another easy and good fuck. She is from Vietnam and 32 years old. I really like this age here in Bangkok. They know what they are doing, are straight forward and are still in good shape.
But always the same is boring. The next days I have finally the right location to meet some of the TF girls I have been chatting the last 2-3 weeks. I would suggest anybody to only start pipeling 2-3 days before, because it is impossible to meet and remember anybody otherwise. Average girls are pretty lame there, but if you find them instead of vice versa you can still find a lot of beauties and even interesting ones.
Next nights meetings are all from TF:
This nurse who invites me for food. Pretty boring and I had only 2 hours time, so it was pretty clear that we wouldn’t get intimate, because we met in a mall (I had to meet an appointment nearby).
Then I did visit this rich and smart 29 year old women in her expensive condo in thong lor. I didn’t go for the make out, because she is really interesting (travels a lot) and I want to keep her as a friend. Not easy to find interesting women in Bangkok, but there are definitely a few. She text me the next day how nice it was and chances are good that she will be my friends with benefits in the future.
Okay, enough talking, now I need some action. The next day I visit a 30 years old girl that works in a shop at terminal 21. I have learned that girls look usually different than on their pics and because I never saw her on Skype I just drop by to see her in real. She looks better than on the fotos and agrees to come straight to my place after work. Too easy, but nothing special, plus she gets a bit too annoying with messages after this. Interesting story: After the sex she told me I was her first foreigner and she really wanted to try this (probably the main reason why women sign up on TF…). Then she showed me pics of another good-looking dude. They met 3 times, even went drinking, slept in one bed and he is more or less asking her for sex online, but nothing happened. This is probably the reason why so many decent looking men still fuck bargirls while the good normal women are starving for Caucasian dick. They are often to shy to give signals, so just go for it.
Next night I meet this cute, tattooed and very skinny 19 years old student in a park around asoke. We move on to coco walk (really nice place to hang out!) and one hour later to my hotel. She is playing guitar for me and just a bit later riding on me.
In the meanwhile I approach two business women in a decent restaurant. We had eye contact, I introduce myself and since we are both ready to leave and they have to work the next day I take the number of the cuter one. Her English sucks, but this is perfect since I need to learn Thai. Plus she is really hot, one of the hottest girls I have seen so far in Bangkok. While driving away in the cab she is looking and smiling back to me and text me good night one hour later. We always would send a few messages the next days, but always when I ask her for dinner or a drink, she doesn’t reply anymore. Any ideas? Maybe she has a boyfriend or is super shy? This is confusing me. Haven’t heard of her for a good week and don’t care about her, but I am still curious.
The last TF girls were too easy. It is weird, often enough I dream about a situation like this. Choose any girl from the site and you are more or less guaranted to get into her pants after a few hours. But then there are too many of these girls waiting in line and it just gets boring. Also must of them are just above average. So I choose a rich 23 years old girl next. Has studied overseas, which makes her a good companion compared to the boring average women. We check out two nice bars around my places before we go back to my place and make out pretty wild, but even though she is getting super horny she knows how to stop it and leaves me horny after some time. Next day we meet again on the rooftop bar the nest. Really nice place, but prices are pretty high as well. After one drink she drives us back to my place. Same game as yesterday, just before she has to go home she can’t stop it anymore and we have great sex. I did ask her before but she doesn’t tell me why she always stops. After the sex she tells me she just had her period and when she had sex during her period last time she felt very bad and had to go hospital. Okay, makes sense, and she admits, that it was stupid to wait that long. Cool girl, this kind of best friend. Have met many times after and she knows that I am meeting other girls s well.
Next day. Not sure with whom to meet, some girls are hard to catch, due to their busy working lifes, others too easy and boring. This is really going on my nerves here. Everybody is just too busy with work. Just before I have to go training this girl with one beautiful picture wants to hang out and “relax”. Her profile is almost empty, besides some weird stuff for a BKK girl, like “rock, drugs and porn” but sounds promising. I tell her in around 2 hours and being another 2 hours late I meet her in a restaurant near my place. Wow, what a stunner, she even shows me model pictures of her. These boobs are hard to find in Bangkok. Plus she comes in her noble working dress, she is just 23 years old but already another of these so called hi-so girls. Even though she is the first girl that doesn’t atleast suggest to split the bill. But well, we just went there because I was hungry anyway. Straight to my place and talk a bit when she gets a phone call from her sister and has to go. She will be in Honk Kong for business for two weeks from the next morning on, so I have to go for it right now. She is shy but at the same time loves it. The hottest notch so far, it was sad that we had to rush.

to be continued...

Next Bangkok Trip Report

Paragraphs please! Impossible to read.

Next Bangkok Trip Report

I agree! Paragrapshs please! This is too sticky,

Next Bangkok Trip Report

Paragraphs are a must, even in forums.

Onnut is definitely cheaper than Thonglor. Japanese businessmen tend to stay in the Thonglor area, hence the higher prices. The good thing about Onnut is that many working girls stay in the area. You can nail them for a song and a dance and there are no hassles.

If you do not speak Thai, don't have big cash, or you don't know much about the culture, don't stay in the Thonglor area. Very few farang can mingle with hi-so Thais and unless you get lucky, your chances of hooking up are poor.

Next Bangkok Trip Report

Ops, don't know what happened to the paragraphs and now I cannot edit it anymore.

@anamericaninbangkok: what is the definition of hi-so girls? as i said, i met one girl living in thong lor and another regular going out there in the clubs. both have big money, style and are well educated. maybe i just got lucky, but i didnt had any problem to hang out with them. usually i dont like to hang out at places like this... but the sad story is that if you want to meet smart people with a worldview that goes beyond soaps, work and the local shopping mall, then you need spend with these people.

anyway i didnt like both areas too much, simple because the choice of food is much smaller. here at ram nam i just have to leave my places and the whole street is full with restaurant, bars, cafes and street stalls. are there any similar places like this?

here again with paragraphs:

Okay, let’s begin. I am just checking my mails and looking for a hotel for the first few nights I while i am waiting for my connection flight to Bangkok. Suddenly this 37 year old girl from TF (Thaifriendly) invites me to her place. Fair enough. She doesn’t look as good as on the pic, but she is still in good shape, has a nice place and is very helpful. She even tries to hook me up with other girls, while the sex with her is a no-brainer.

My plan was to live here for one month and to come back for longer in case that I will like it. Therefore I did need an apartment, which was harder to find then I thought and took a few days.

- Much pricier if you only book for one month
- There are places for 8-10.000 around a central BTS station (very important if you don’t want to deal with overcharging motorbike drivers and waste your time and nerves in the traffic), even cheaper ones but I didn’t like the value
- If you look for a decent to nice studio/one bedroom apartment you should plan spending 12.000 to 18.000 for one month. Much cheaper if three month or 6/12 of course

My 2 Cents about different areas. It really depends on what do you want to focus. Thong Lo/Ekkamai is very expensive but the place to go if you like clubbing with rich and hip locals or if you like to eat in fancy restaurants all the time. Good for day gaming too, since you have to be good looking for most well paid jobs in Thailand and people like to show their wealth and end up staying here for the status.
On-Nut is supposed to be a cheaper alternative. If you stay in one of these condos you have probably plenty of great women next door, which is the only real advantage in my eyes.
I ended up staying at BTS Victory Monument and really like it here. Still close to the center, cheaper rent, two parks nearby, good local Muay Thai Camp and the best is the wide choice of cheap but great food around. Also some cafes and bars. You won’t find many hot girls around here, but it is easy for them to visit you and just go to one of the restaurants or bars and then back to your room.

On the second evening I met this super cute Cambodian girl on the streets, we sit down for half an hour and try to communicate, which is hopeless. Couldn’t take here because I am still staying with the MILF and since then she is sending me love messages every day, after we met and touched a bit in the 30min we met. No way I am meeting her again under these circumstances, but three weeks later I still get the texts…

So the next evening I did follow he invitation from this horny thai girl who is working in japan and visiting her family in Bangkok right now. Met her on TF and we talk almost only about sex before, couldn’t be easier.

Then I went out one night with a few expat friends. Usually I don’t drink anymore, but well, what else you gonna do with old friends? Another crazy night in Bangkok that ended at 11am next morning. We just focus on drinking and all I got was this number of a barkeeper from the first rock bar we went.

She was the first one to visit me at my new place 2 days later, after I have cured the hangover. We met at front of my place and she is carrying her backpack and the made up story that she got locked out of her room. Wouldn’t have been necessary… Another easy and good fuck. She is from Vietnam and 32 years old. I really like this age here in Bangkok. They know what they are doing, are straight forward and are still in good shape.

But always the same is boring. The next days I have finally the right location to meet some of the TF girls I have been chatting with the last 2-3 weeks. I would suggest anybody to only start pipeling 2-3 days before, because it is impossible to meet and remember anybody otherwise. Had a few akward situation through this and lost contact to some hotties while got spammed from ugly ones. Average girls are pretty lame there, but if you find them instead of vice versa you can still find a lot of beauties and even interesting ones.

Next nights meetings are all from TF:

This nurse who invites me for food. Pretty boring and I had only 2 hours time, so it was pretty clear that we wouldn’t get intimate, because we met in a mall (I had to meet an appointment nearby).

Then I did visit this rich and smart 29 year old women in her expensive condo in thong lor. I didn’t go for the make out, because she is really interesting (travels a lot) and I want to keep her as a friend. Not easy to find interesting women in Bangkok, but there are definitely a few. She text me the next day how nice it was and chances are good that she will be my friends with benefits in the future.

Okay, enough talking, now I need some action. The next day I visit a 30 years old girl that works in a shop at terminal 21. I have learned that girls look usually different than on their pics and because I never saw her on Skype I just drop by to see her in real. She looks better than on the fotos and agrees to come straight to my place after work. Too easy, but nothing special, plus she gets a bit too annoying with messages after this. Interesting story: After the sex she told me I was her first foreigner and she really wanted to try this (probably the main reason why women sign up on TF…). Then she showed me pics of another good-looking dude. They met 3 times, even went drinking, slept in one bed and he is more or less asking her for sex online, but nothing happened. This is probably the reason why so many decent looking men still fuck bargirls while the good normal women are starving for Caucasian dick: They are often to shy to give signals, so just go for it. Another reason just to go and take what you want.

Next night I meet this cute, tattooed and very skinny 19 years old student in a park around asoke. We move on to coco walk (really nice place to hang out!) and one hour later to my hotel. She is playing guitar for me and just a bit later riding on me.

In the meanwhile I approach two business women in a decent restaurant. We had eye contact, I introduce myself and since we are both ready to leave and they have to work the next day I take the number of the cuter one. Her English sucks, but this is perfect since I need to learn Thai. Plus she is really hot, one of the hottest girls I have seen so far in Bangkok. While driving away in the cab she is looking and smiling back to me and text me good night one hour later. We always would send a few messages the next days, but always when I ask her for dinner or a drink, she doesn’t reply anymore. Any ideas? Maybe she has a boyfriend or is super shy? This is confusing me. Haven’t heard of her for a good week and don’t care about her, but I am still curious.

The last TF girls were too easy. It is weird, often enough I dream about a situation like this. Choose any girl from the site and you are more or less guaranted to get into her pants after a few hours. But then there are too many of these girls waiting in line and it just gets boring. Also many of them are just above average.

So I choose a rich 23 years old girl next. Has studied overseas, which makes her a good companion compared to the boring average women. We check out two nice bars around my places before we go back to my place and make out pretty wild, but even though she is getting super horny she knows how to stop it and leaves me horny after some time.
Next day we meet again on the rooftop bar the nest. Really nice place, but prices are pretty high as well. After one drink she drives us back to my place. Same game as yesterday, just before she has to go home she can’t stop it anymore and we have great sex. I did ask her before but she doesn’t tell me why she always stops. After the sex she tells me she just had her period and when she had sex during her period last time she felt very bad and had to go hospital. Okay, makes sense, and she admits, that it was stupid to wait that long. Cool girl, this kind of best friend. Have met many times after and she knows that I am meeting other girls as well. Well I never make a secret out of this, but she even gives advise on girls etc.

Next day. Not sure with whom to meet, some girls are hard to catch, due to their busy working lifes, others too easy and boring. This is really going on my nerves here. Everybody is just too busy with work. Just before I have to go training this girl with one beautiful picture wants to hang out and “relax”. Her profile is almost empty, besides some weird stuff for a BKK girl, like “rock, drugs and porn” but sounds promising. I tell her in around 2 hours and being another 2 hours late I meet her in a restaurant near my place. Wow, what a stunner, she even shows me model pictures of her. These boobs are hard to find in Bangkok. Plus she comes in her noble working dress, she is just 23 years old but already another of these so called hi-so girls. Even though she is the first girl that doesn’t atleast suggest to split the bill. But well, we just went there because I was hungry anyway. Straight to my place and talk a bit when she gets a phone call from her sister and has to go. She will be in Honk Kong for business for two weeks from the next morning on, so I have to go for it right now. She is shy but at the same time loves it. The hottest notch so far, it was sad that we had to rush.

Oh and she tells me her boyfriend just left her for an older and richer girlfriend which is pretty interesting.
Anybody has experience or heard about sugar mummies here? There is even a sex industry catering to women only:

Next Bangkok Trip Report

Quote: (07-03-2013 06:56 PM)anamericaninbangkok Wrote:  

Paragraphs are a must, even in forums.

Onnut is definitely cheaper than Thonglor. Japanese businessmen tend to stay in the Thonglor area, hence the higher prices. The good thing about Onnut is that many working girls stay in the area. You can nail them for a song and a dance and there are no hassles.

If you do not speak Thai, don't have big cash, or you don't know much about the culture, don't stay in the Thonglor area. Very few farang can mingle with hi-so Thais and unless you get lucky, your chances of hooking up are poor.
Could you tell in what areas to stay in BKK? Is Ekkamai a good area?

Next Bangkok Trip Report

Ekkamai is great. Some of the hottest girls I've seen in my life go to ekkamai clubs

Next Bangkok Trip Report

Quote: (07-03-2013 08:27 PM)libertad1312 Wrote:  

Ops, don't know what happened to the paragraphs and now I cannot edit it anymore.

@anamericaninbangkok: what is the definition of hi-so girls? as i said, i met one girl living in thong lor and another regular going out there in the clubs. both have big money, style and are well educated. maybe i just got lucky, but i didnt had any problem to hang out with them. usually i dont like to hang out at places like this... but the sad story is that if you want to meet smart people with a worldview that goes beyond soaps, work and the local shopping mall, then you need spend with these people.

Anyway i didnt like both areas too much, simple because the choice of food is much smaller. here at ram nam i just have to leave my places and the whole street is full with restaurant, bars, cafes and street stalls. are there any similar places like this?

Not sure with whom to meet, some girls are hard to catch, due to their busy working lives, others too easy and boring. This is really going on my nerves here. Everybody is just too busy with work. Just before I have to go training this girl with one beautiful picture wants to hang out and “relax”. Her profile is almost empty, besides some weird stuff for a BKK girl, like “rock, drugs and porn” but sounds promising. I tell her in around 2 hours and being another 2 hours late I meet her in a restaurant near my place. Wow, what a stunner, she even shows me model pictures of her. These boobs are hard to find in Bangkok. Plus she comes in her noble working dress, she is just 23 years old but already another of these so called hi-so girls.

Even though she is the first girl that doesn’t atleast suggest to split the bill. But well, we just went there because I was hungry anyway. Straight to my place and talk a bit when she gets a phone call from her sister and has to go. She will be in Honk Kong for business for two weeks from the next morning on, so I have to go for it right now. She is shy but at the same time loves it. The hottest notch so far, it was sad that we had to rush.

Oh and she tells me her boyfriend just left her for an older and richer girlfriend which is pretty interesting.
Anybody has experience or heard about sugar mummies here? There is even a sex industry catering to women only:

First - how long have you been here? And how many times?

Hi-so = high society.

What or where is Ram Nam? Never heard of it.

The girls you met on Thong Lor may or may not be hi-so women but the fact that you hung out with them means very little unless you're banging one or both of them regularly. There is virtually no way a decent Thai chick who comes from a filthy rich family is going to go online, hook up with a dude straight away, then nail him two hours after meeting him. She may have looked fantastic and been a great lay but hi-so chick? I don't think so.

She's probably a chick working at a massage parlor or G-club. She may want you to think she is some rich chick or she may try to act like it, but I guarantee you she's not.

Where you stay or hang out depends on what you're looking for: Ekkamai, Ratchada, Ramkhamnhaeng, Lad Prao - good for lower to middle-class women. These are areas where there are farang but nowhere near as many as Sukhumvit, Silom, Khao San, Victory Monument, etc. I find it's much easier to deal with Thais in these areas and a person is less likely to get jerked around.


The sad story is that if you want to meet smart people with a worldview that goes beyond soaps, work and the local shopping mall, then you need spend with these people.

You must be a total newbie. The truth is that there are plenty of intelligent Thais you could speak with if you spoke the language. Some Thais want to leave the country but some are perfectly content here and have little to no desire to learn English unless imperative to their success. You're kidding yourself if you think that simply hanging out in Thonglor is going to put you in close proximity to people who are smart.


Not sure with whom to meet, some girls are hard to catch, due to their busy working lives, others too easy and boring. This is really going on my nerves here. Everybody is just too busy with work.

Gee, everyone is working...I wonder why? Most non-hos are 1) waking up early 2) going to work at 7 or 8AM 3) working until 5-8PM 4) coming straight home 5) eating 6) taking care of their man and / or kids 7) going to sleep! Sure there are young chicks going to school who don't do these things but you need to find them. Sure you can go out with a nurse or dental assistant or whatever but they're rarely going to sleep with you right away.


Then I did visit this rich and smart 29 year old women in her expensive condo in thong lor. I didn’t go for the make out, because she is really interesting (travels a lot) and I want to keep her as a friend. Not easy to find interesting women in Bangkok, but there are definitely a few.

You didn't go for the make out because she's interesting? A 29-year-old woman who brings you back to her condo WANTS TO FUCK!!!

Not easy to find interesting women? TRY LEARNING TO SPEAK THAI! You make these blanket statements and they're ridiculous. The great thing about Thailand is you can have whatever you want! If you want to fuck three women, you can do that. If you want a middle class nurse who doesn't know how gorgeous she is, you can have that too.

It's great you're doing a report...but what I tell anyone who is new here is to just open their ears, use their eyes, and don't speak too much. If you stay here for 20 years you'll look back and realize that even after four or five years you know relatively little about this place.

Also, you keep saying something to the effect of, "she was rich. He expensive condo." Until you see their name on their bank account that's loaded or the deed to their condo or house, assume they're full of shit! Believe this. Everything in Thailand is about face and impressing people. I'm not impressed when I go into a nice condo - I'm impressed when I see that the chick is the one paying the mortgage or that SHE paid for it in cash, not daddy or her Gig or Guk.

Thailand is like an onion and there are many layers to it. At this point, you haven't even begun peeling it.

Next Bangkok Trip Report

We need to get the_conductor on here to explain what exactly is "hi-so". It gets thrown around like crazy.

It is my understanding that just because a girl is from a well off or rich family, it does NOT make her hi-so. Just because a girl has a car, does not make her hi-so. Living in Thonglor or Ekkamai does not make her hi-so.

My girlfriend is from a very well off Thai-Chinese family. She has several Rolex's, a Patek Phillipe, a dozen overpriced handbags, and all kinds of other crap. She isn't hi-so. Her dad has a very successful business and they have a lot of money, but that doesn't make them hi-so.

It is my understanding that hi-so would be a famous singer, actor, some kind of socialite, extremely wealthy people, royalty, etc. Basically, people that would be in tabloids and magazines.

I could be wrong, but that is my understanding. So I doubt you will find any hi-so chicks on dating sites, just as you wouldn't find any even mildly famous people in the US on dating sites. As a normal guy, or even a high value guy, it is going to be very difficult to hook up with a legitimate hi-so girl. Not to mention, that unless you are rich or famous in your home country, it will make a hi-so Thai girl look bad to have a farang boyfriend. Especially just some random farang visiting Thailand for a month. These girls have their pick of the rich and famous Thai guys, and even rich and famous farang. That is a serious uphill battle.

Next Bangkok Trip Report

My understanding is similar to yours RioNomad, that Hi Society only includes old money and royalty. However, the term gets thrown around all over the place these days, and is often used for those that I would describe as nouveau riche. For lots of westerners, it just means a girl that has an office job and some disposable income lol.

I doubt there are many westerners dating hi-so beauties. I knew of one chinese australian guy that used to go for actresses etc but he said that their security would block.

Next Bangkok Trip Report

Quote: (07-04-2013 02:15 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

We need to get the_conductor on here to explain what exactly is "hi-so". It gets thrown around like crazy.

It is my understanding that just because a girl is from a well off or rich family, it does NOT make her hi-so. Just because a girl has a car, does not make her hi-so. Living in Thonglor or Ekkamai does not make her hi-so.

My girlfriend is from a very well off Thai-Chinese family. She has several Rolex's, a Patek Phillipe, a dozen overpriced handbags, and all kinds of other crap. She isn't hi-so. Her dad has a very successful business and they have a lot of money, but that doesn't make them hi-so.

It is my understanding that hi-so would be a famous singer, actor, some kind of socialite, extremely wealthy people, royalty, etc. Basically, people that would be in tabloids and magazines.

I could be wrong, but that is my understanding. So I doubt you will find any hi-so chicks on dating sites, just as you wouldn't find any even mildly famous people in the US on dating sites. As a normal guy, or even a high value guy, it is going to be very difficult to hook up with a legitimate hi-so girl. Not to mention, that unless you are rich or famous in your home country, it will make a hi-so Thai girl look bad to have a farang boyfriend. Especially just some random farang visiting Thailand for a month. These girls have their pick of the rich and famous Thai guys, and even rich and famous farang. That is a serious uphill battle.

Like I said, hi-so means high society - a socialite is another way of putting it. This does not necessarily mean rich or wealthy are hi-so but those who are hi-so generally are rich and wealthy.

High Society - a category of people deemed to have social status or prestige.

A "Khun Ying" or คุณหญิง is someone known as a person in Thai hi-so. They spend a lot of their time at functions handing out donations and presiding over events. Sek Loso of the band Loso is a famous musician here in Thailand however I doubt anyone considers him hi-so.

Actress/model "Ae" might be considered hi-so but...I doubt it. Bird Thongchai - maybe. I'll have to ask my wife what she thinks. There are many superstars in Thailand who are not considered hi-so. Caribao and Sek Loso can hardly be considered hi-so and they don't want to be...this is what I mean though, the chance of a farang landing a true hi-so chick who doesn't speak a word of Thai and who isn't filthy rich is extremely slim. He better be running in some heavy circles.

I know a couple of guys in the Thai band Thaitanium...they've all got good looking to hot women and have a pretty nice chunk of cash, but they're definitely not hi-so. So being an actor, singer, rock star, etc. doesn't necessarily make you hi-so. Paris Hilton is a socialite and considered hi-so - Brittany Spears is a famous singer but she's definitely not hi-so.

Next Bangkok Trip Report

Thanks AIB. That makes sense. I asked my girlfriend about Buakaw, and if girls would be all over him. She said no. He is famous but girls are not falling all over famous Muay Thai fights in Thailand like a girl would be a pro boxer or MMA fighter in the West.

Next Bangkok Trip Report

Quote: (07-04-2013 03:10 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Thanks AIB. That makes sense. I asked my girlfriend about Buakaw, and if girls would be all over him. She said no. He is famous but girls are not falling all over famous Muay Thai fights in Thailand like a girl would be a pro boxer or MMA fighter in the West.

It's the same as in the west. There are women who will want to be with him because of his success, his body, money, etc., for sure. My wife likes him because he shows what hard work can do for a person.

Buakaw has no problem getting hot looking women, be sure of that. But rarely will a woman of societal substance want to end up with him.

But those who have their own money are usually smart enough to know that his shelf life is relatively limited. Most fighters rarely end up with any substantial money, especially Thais.

Next Bangkok Trip Report

AIB, not staying in Thonglor runs in contradiction with most of her advice on lodging on this board.

Where would you recommend guys like us staying in the city?

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Quote: (07-04-2013 03:50 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

AIB, not staying in Thonglor runs in contradiction with most of her advice on lodging on this board.

Where would you recommend guys like us staying in the city?

Her advice?

My advice is to stay at the Oriental Hotel. Seriously, if you can afford it.

Otherwise, stay in the place that you're most comfortable. Thonglor is good during the day but it is a wealthy area. What guys fail to realize is that the majority of Thai women who hook up short term are either looking for a long-term gig, a payday, or a boyfriend. They're looking to do a George Jefferson and move it on up. Wealthy women or women from wealthy families don't need you so they better see something awesome in you or you might as well forget about it. The only reason I ever got in with some well-off women was because I could speak Thai and could carry on a conversation with them and make them laugh. But I'm still mean enough and don't give a shit about them to make them want to find out what's up. But most of the women I've been with were hos or middle to lower class chicks. Thank God I didn't end up with an Issan chick or I'd be labeled as yet another stupid farang.

If you're in Thailand to hook up, why not stay around Siam Square? Anywhere near a university is good - which is why I said Ramkhamhaeng. If I knew about Ramkhamhaeng when I was young I would have went nuts there. You can walk around, have a coffee, do a little shopping, eat, and try to hook up.

I personally don't give a shit where you are - you should still try to hook up. Just because your chances are limited doesn't mean you can't have fun. I'm married and honestly, if I were to divorce I wouldn't put up with one ounce of attitude or bullshit. They'd get kick to the curb real quick.

In Thailand, it's been my experience that if you're patient, do your own thing, whatever it may be, and go to the same areas with a twist once in a while, women get to know you and feel more comfortable with you. Then it's easier to hook up. Meeting a chick and nailing her the first night is fine if that's what you're after. Sometimes I was, sometimes I wasn't. But if you just go where ever and have fun, in Asia things tend to work out well.

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Quote: (07-04-2013 12:53 AM)anamericaninbangkok Wrote:  

First - how long have you been here? And how many times?

Hi-so = high society.

What or where is Ram Nam? Never heard of it.

The girls you met on Thong Lor may or may not be hi-so women but the fact that you hung out with them means very little unless you're banging one or both of them regularly. There is virtually no way a decent Thai chick who comes from a filthy rich family is going to go online, hook up with a dude straight away, then nail him two hours after meeting him. She may have looked fantastic and been a great lay but hi-so chick? I don't think so.

She's probably a chick working at a massage parlor or G-club. She may want you to think she is some rich chick or she may try to act like it, but I guarantee you she's not.

Where you stay or hang out depends on what you're looking for: Ekkamai, Ratchada, Ramkhamnhaeng, Lad Prao - good for lower to middle-class women. These are areas where there are farang but nowhere near as many as Sukhumvit, Silom, Khao San, Victory Monument, etc. I find it's much easier to deal with Thais in these areas and a person is less likely to get jerked around.

Have been in Thailand around 10 month, always one and off for a few month, but never spend more than a few nights before in Bangkok.
Rang Nam is the correct spelling of the street name.
Yea, seems like everybody has its own definition of hi-so girls and it is good to find a definition. I used this word to loose, since all I know so far is that the women can afford to eat/drink/live in the more expensive places is town.

This one girl became a regular. Has her own car, did invite me to clubs at Ekkamai with her girlfriends and The Nest Rooftop bar, usually studies overseas etc... Right now she is just visiting her family and has plenty of time, because her parents don't allow her to work (seems to happen to many people here?!)

I am going to meet the other girl again, probably tonight. Sure, could be that it is not her own place in Thong Lo, but I don't think that a well-educated business needs to impress a younger men with a friends condo.

I don't consider myself as a Bangkok expert but I am pretty sure that I can realise the difference between a bar or massage girl and a women from a higher class background. That doesn't take 20 years to learn...

Yeah, you are right about the Thai only speaking people. I am sure about this and learning a few words every day. But tell me, where is the place full of interesting women? Just doesn't exist, most women are just boring, especially in a busy town like. I didn't say you can't find them though.

Next Bangkok Trip Report

Quote: (07-04-2013 04:22 AM)libertad1312 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-04-2013 12:53 AM)anamericaninbangkok Wrote:  

First - how long have you been here? And how many times?

Hi-so = high society.

What or where is Ram Nam? Never heard of it.

The girls you met on Thong Lor may or may not be hi-so women but the fact that you hung out with them means very little unless you're banging one or both of them regularly. There is virtually no way a decent Thai chick who comes from a filthy rich family is going to go online, hook up with a dude straight away, then nail him two hours after meeting him. She may have looked fantastic and been a great lay but hi-so chick? I don't think so.

She's probably a chick working at a massage parlor or G-club. She may want you to think she is some rich chick or she may try to act like it, but I guarantee you she's not.

Where you stay or hang out depends on what you're looking for: Ekkamai, Ratchada, Ramkhamnhaeng, Lad Prao - good for lower to middle-class women. These are areas where there are farang but nowhere near as many as Sukhumvit, Silom, Khao San, Victory Monument, etc. I find it's much easier to deal with Thais in these areas and a person is less likely to get jerked around.

Have been in Thailand around 10 month, always one and off for a few month, but never spend more than a few nights before in Bangkok.
Rang Nam is the correct spelling of the street name.
Yea, seems like everybody has its own definition of hi-so girls and it is good to find a definition. I used this word to loose, since all I know so far is that the women can afford to eat/drink/live in the more expensive places is town.

This one girl became a regular. Has her own car, did invite me to clubs at Ekkamai with her girlfriends and The Nest Rooftop bar, usually studies overseas etc... Right now she is just visiting her family and has plenty of time, because her parents don't allow her to work (seems to happen to many people here?!)

I am going to meet the other girl again, probably tonight. Sure, could be that it is not her own place in Thong Lo, but I don't think that a well-educated business needs to impress a younger men with a friends condo.

I don't consider myself as a Bangkok expert but I am pretty sure that I can realise the difference between a bar or massage girl and a women from a higher class background. That doesn't take 20 years to learn...

Yeah, you are right about the Thai only speaking people. I am sure about this and learning a few words every day. But tell me, where is the place full of interesting women? Just doesn't exist, most women are just boring, especially in a busy town like. I didn't say you can't find them though.

You would be surprised at how many people have been in Thailand for years and who can't sniff out a chick gaming them. Happens all the time.

Learn how to speak Thai, better yet, how to read and write it. RANG NAM makes sense.

My point about assuming women are well off or rich is that everything may not be as it seems. Especially here. Just get to know her, fuck the chick, and have fun with her and don't even give the financial portion of the equation a second thought.

Where is the place full of interesting women? How do I know? I can go anywhere and have a good time and meet people. I guess it depends on what you find interesting and stimulating about a woman.

Personally, I would go where I wanted to go and if there's women there great, otherwise, you'll run into them elsewhere. The less you try the easier it is. I can walk over to the hospital near my house and strike up a conversation with interesting, cute, sexy Thai women...or I can meet them in Fresh Mart or on a boat taxi. If they're not interesting, fuck them and say goodbye. As I said though, I'm married and could give a shit about women other than the dynamics. Most are a pain in the ass anyway.

Next Bangkok Trip Report

I still don't really get your point.
You say a nurse or dental assistant are not going to fuck with you straight away (if straight away means the same evening than this is wrong anyway). But well assuming that we need a second date and probably more than 5-6 hours means that we actually have to spend quiet a time and talk to them before you can "fuck them and say good bye".

This is where I care about interesting people and the big majority of Thai/Asian women are interesting as bread. No interests, no passion, nothing. Just try to make up some conversation and entertain them till you get in their pants? Maybe tastes are different, but this is my experience and therefore I say it is important to screen the women before. So either you can get them to your room after a meal or drink, or they should be interesting. And I can't really imagine that the majority of girls that only speak are more interesting than those who do (and probably have traveled abroad).

I am still learning Thai, but more for the other daily needs and to learn the culture though.


Gee, everyone is working...I wonder why? Most non-hos are 1) waking up early 2) going to work at 7 or 8AM 3) working until 5-8PM 4) coming straight home 5) eating 6) taking care of their man and / or kids 7) going to sleep! Sure there are young chicks going to school who don't do these things but you need to find them. Sure you can go out with a nurse or dental assistant or whatever but they're rarely going to sleep with you right away.
Didn't saw this. Why so unrelaxed? I do understand the reasons and am aware of them. This is just the normal daily life for most women here, but it still sucks...

Man, I don't want to offence "your" Bangkok and I am happy to read your information. I choose to live here as well and like it, but it is still important to point out the pro's and con's.

Update: Had a few other easy bangs from TF from normal girls. Often enough I was surprised how easy they would agree to come to my room after we just had a coffee or a meal and didn't really show much IOSs. After 10 notches after the first two weeks (I still envy you guys for the desire of doubling up and keeping a maintening more new girls over a longer time) I had to concentrate on work and just meet for a few hours with two regulars.

Right now I just had another girl from TF coming over. She told me she has a boyfriend and therefore just wants to suck my dick and kiss. Fair enough, she came straight to my room and went down, then we obviously started fucking and after 5 minutes I realise the bed is full of blood because her period is coming... WTF?!

Next Bangkok Trip Report

Quote: (07-04-2013 06:28 AM)libertad1312 Wrote:  

I still don't really get your point.
You say a nurse or dental assistant are not going to fuck with you straight away (if straight away means the same evening than this is wrong anyway). But well assuming that we need a second date and probably more than 5-6 hours means that we actually have to spend quiet a time and talk to them before you can "fuck them and say good bye".

Thailand is no different than anywhere else. There are girls that are gonna fuck and girls that wont. I've fucked thousands of women here, pros and non, and most decent Thai women don't fuck within an hour or two. Some do but most do not. Unless they're hos or hos on the sly.That's my point.


This is where I care about interesting people and the big majority of Thai/Asian women are interesting as bread. No interests, no passion, nothing. Just try to make up some conversation and entertain them till you get in their pants? Maybe tastes are different, but this is my experience and therefore I say it is important to screen the women before. So either you can get them to your room after a meal or drink, or they should be interesting. And I can't really imagine that the majority of girls that only speak are more interesting than those who do (and probably have traveled abroad).

Your experience is with Thai women is much different than my own. Even my wife, who I consider much more laid back and quiet than the average Thai chick, has numerous interests and things she's passionate about. Her friends do as well.


I am still learning Thai, but more for the other daily needs and to learn the culture though.

If you don't speak the language and they speak poor English, how do you expect to communicate past, "How are you? Where do you work? Very nice." I know I may be oversimplifying but to get into a deeper conversation language and knowledge of the culture is key. One thing I always tell my buddies who come here is to not get seriously involved with any chick here. If they live here, this changes to, do not get seriously involved with a Thai chick until you speak their language. Because communicating one another's likes and dislikes is important. Not saying this is the only reason why you can't seem to find interesting women but it's one of them.


Gee, everyone is working...I wonder why? Most non-hos are 1) waking up early 2) going to work at 7 or 8AM 3) working until 5-8PM 4) coming straight home 5) eating 6) taking care of their man and / or kids 7) going to sleep! Sure there are young chicks going to school who don't do these things but you need to find them. Sure you can go out with a nurse or dental assistant or whatever but they're rarely going to sleep with you right away.


Didn't saw this. Why so unrelaxed? I do understand the reasons and am aware of them. This is just the normal daily life for most women here, but it still sucks...

You're saying I'm not relaxed but you are complaining because Thai women have to go to work instead of being available for you. Don't many women around the world work or have things to do? For me, I don't want them around all the time.


Man, I don't want to offence "your" Bangkok and I am happy to read your information. I choose to live here as well and like it, but it is still important to point out the pro's and con's.

Just because I don't agree with some of the things you wrote doesn't mean I am offended.


Update: Had a few other easy bangs from TF from normal girls. Often enough I was surprised how easy they would agree to come to my room after we just had a coffee or a meal and didn't really show much IOSs. After 10 notches after the first two weeks (I still envy you guys for the desire of doubling up and keeping a maintaining more new girls over a longer time) I had to concentrate on work and just meet for a few hours with two regulars.

I'm curious, why don't you meet women offline as opposed to TF?

BTW - I was with 100 women in 30 days. This was before the internet was popular, before there were countless forums where guys could go to figure things out. Back then I gave a shit how many women I screwed. I've had threesomes, foursomes, orgies, screwed Pizza Hut chicks, girls from 7-eleven, banks, offices, restaurants...I do understand you want "interesting" women. But how many "interesting" women did you have back home?

Have fun, screw em, build a network of friends and fuck buddies, and learn the language and the culture. Once you learn the language and more about the culture, I think you'll find things are much different than when you originally think.

Next Bangkok Trip Report

RE "Normal Girls":
It's not normal for girls to speak english to foreigners on a regular basis. Those who do are a very small minority of the population here (I would estimate 1%). By going online or going to farang clubs, we get a very biased sample: city girls who are actively courting foreigners. This cohort does not represent the population at large.

I have lived here a few years and speak Thai conversationally, and the typical girl I encounter while spitting Thai daygame in a Thai area is very different from the type mentioned above. These girls are much more shy, they tend to display massive interest via cute texts etc but are much harder to meet up and close with - they require more patience. There are a lot of girls that live with their parents into their 30s, there are attractive virgins in their 20s, stuff that just you don't see back home. Good GF material but not ideal if you are looking for hot sluts. Of course the sluts are still out there, but you have to go through a lot of numbers to find them.

I have to say that just about every girl I have met from online (100+) has been a bit "weird" in some way when compared to typical thai girls. They are easy to lay though which is great.

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Quote: (07-06-2013 12:20 PM)Tubesteak Wrote:  

RE "Normal Girls":
It's not normal for girls to speak english to foreigners on a regular basis. Those who do are a very small minority of the population here (I would estimate 1%). By going online or going to farang clubs, we get a very biased sample: city girls who are actively courting foreigners. This cohort does not represent the population at large.

I have lived here a few years and speak Thai conversationally, and the typical girl I encounter while spitting Thai daygame in a Thai area is very different from the type mentioned above. These girls are much more shy, they tend to display massive interest via cute texts etc but are much harder to meet up and close with - they require more patience. There are a lot of girls that live with their parents into their 30s, there are attractive virgins in their 20s, stuff that just you don't see back home. Good GF material but not ideal if you are looking for hot sluts. Of course the sluts are still out there, but you have to go through a lot of numbers to find them.

I have to say that just about every girl I have met from online (100+) has been a bit "weird" in some way when compared to typical thai girls. They are easy to lay though which is great.

This is what I've been saying all along.

If you want sluts, clubs are a good place to go in just about any city in the world as alcohol is involved. I don't know much about online dating as my experience with it has been minimal but every woman I ever met online wanted to have sex right away. Perhaps it was because they were horny or perhaps it's because they didn't want to lose a shot at a farang boyfriend for not putting out.

Whether a women is a dental assistant, doctor, nurse, bank officer - if they're a decent Thai woman, most aren't screwing you within a few hours of meeting you.

Next Bangkok Trip Report

now i understand. if we can have sex with a nurse or bank officer on the first date then she is a slut.
if it takes a second date then she is decent.

i should stop learning game and try to focus on the slutty dental assistants.

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