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Russian girls

Russian girls

Not my forte and I generally consider them too tempermental, high-maintenance, and nutso to date.

But I met one who seems interesting. Any experiences or thoughts for those who have been with hot Russians for long-term relationships?

Russian girls

just like any girl

Russian girls

Quote: (07-17-2010 09:19 PM)Badstuber Wrote:  

just like any girl

Personally not attracted to eastern europeans but I've heard nothing but awful things about Russian women...they are the ultimate female alpha's..."Klingons" with accents is what my friend calls his russian chica on the side...chicks are cold, calculating, and can be pretty ruthless if they peg you for convenient/disposable...

Russian girls

there is some truth to that - that will chew you up and spit you out and them walk all over you if you let them. be careful. but at the same time if you have a strong frame and dont let them pull that and take charge and let them know you are in command you can do well. to some extent some of them come from poverty and its almost like their survival instincts are deep rooted.

Russian girls

Ok - if you truly want to know what Russian girls are like - watch the movie "Birthday Girl" You can Instant Watch it on Netflix!! Man, its scary how much truth to Russian girls are in that movie...In my part of Miami, russian girls are everywhere....I've banged a few, and know them very well.

Russian girls

Quote: (07-18-2010 08:27 PM)Caramel Communist Wrote:  

Personally not attracted to eastern europeans but I've heard nothing but awful things about Russian women...they are the ultimate female alpha's...

You are probably talking about American-raised Russian girls, or some daughters of oil billionaries.

Russian girls

You have to be very dominating and not take their shit, otherwise you are in for trouble (in a LTR, I mean). This is true mostly for those in the US, as the sheer fact of them emigrating means they have some agenda, possibly to mary a rich dude, or jump from a man to man getting cash, gifts, or cars from each one. I've met russian girls like that in DC.
Other russian girls I've met (and banged) while on vacation on the beaches in Bulgaria and Turkey have been very different, they are just there to have fun. Great to spend time with such girls, they are pretty, slim, fun to be around, etc. They do drink and party hard, so you have to be on the level.
For bangs, they are lots of fun, very feminine, passionate, alsmost all russian girls I've banged have shouted and moaned loudly during sex and geniunely enjoyed it. Which makes it enjoyable for you, too.

Russian girls

I went through a Russian girl stage. All the advice here has been spot-on.

I always thought they'd be great in a LTR if you were in a high-octane area like politics or business. Of course, you'd have to constantly make sure their Machiavellian tendencies were working for you (schmoozing, building contacts, etc) rather than against you.

Russian girls

Now some of you are lumping Eastern European with Russian. This is a huge mistake. Its like Comparing a Colombian to a Mexican, maybe some similarities but just as many differences culturally.

I have never been into Russian women, I personally do have the stereotype that most of them are cold and calculating, boring to talk to, no sense of humor etc. BUT...I do know that girls from the countryside in Russia seem to be more laid back and friendly. Some of my friends swear by Russian girls. You guys got to remember its a huge country with many cultures so try not to lump all Russians together...Thnk Brazil...Rio people are way different from Curitiba or something. Either way def, do not put the all other Eastern Cultures with Russian you would be doing yourself a disservice.

Slovaks and Czechs are waaaay more friendly and fun than Russians and IMO hotter looking too. Russians seem to be taller and thinner...whereas the Central Euro girls (Hungary, CZ, SK etc) have the same nice facial structure, bueatiful eyes etc...but tend to be more curvacious. Also remember pretty much any of those countries from the Former USSR hate Russians. Bieng under communist rule left a bad taste in many peoples mouths.

Russian girls

Sorry, but you are talking about immigrants. Russian girls can't even visit America. Try getting a girl from Russia a tourist visa to America. Just try it. It is practically impossible.

If you understood some Russian and traveled to places like Kazan you would be stunned. I will put Kazan, Russia against any place on earth when it comes to beauty, class, style, and warmth (when it comes to girls). In saying this, I hardly ever saw any American males in Kazan. There were a few basketball players, some Mormon missionary types, and some students who went for a semester of Russian language learning at the local university. Outside of that you never see an American or foreigner.

Russian girls


Sorry, but you are talking about immigrants. Russian girls can't even visit America. Try getting a girl from Russia a tourist visa to America. Just try it. It is practically impossible.


Russian girls

Quote: (07-31-2010 04:10 PM)Badstuber Wrote:  


Sorry, but you are talking about immigrants. Russian girls can't even visit America. Try getting a girl from Russia a tourist visa to America. Just try it. It is practically impossible.


Politics. They have to go through interviews and everything. Many times they are denied a visa for no reason. Plus, the vast majority couldn't dream of affording a trip to America. Heck, most can't even speak decent English.

Russian girls

I see.

I hear many foreigners get beaten in Russia?

Russian girls

Quote: (07-31-2010 04:07 PM)PinkElephant Wrote:  

Sorry, but you are talking about immigrants. Russian girls can't even visit America. Try getting a girl from Russia a tourist visa to America. Just try it. It is practically impossible.

If you understood some Russian and traveled to places like Kazan you would be stunned. I will put Kazan, Russia against any place on earth when it comes to beauty, class, style, and warmth (when it comes to girls). In saying this, I hardly ever saw any American males in Kazan. There were a few basketball players, some Mormon missionary types, and some students who went for a semester of Russian language learning at the local university. Outside of that you never see an American or foreigner.

I don't know about that, my friend in San Francisco was subletting a room to two Russian girls who were in the U.S. studying and working for 6 months.

Russian girls

Quote: (07-31-2010 04:27 PM)PinkElephant Wrote:  

Quote: (07-31-2010 04:10 PM)Badstuber Wrote:  


Sorry, but you are talking about immigrants. Russian girls can't even visit America. Try getting a girl from Russia a tourist visa to America. Just try it. It is practically impossible.


Politics. They have to go through interviews and everything. Many times they are denied a visa for no reason. Plus, the vast majority couldn't dream of affording a trip to America. Heck, most can't even speak decent English.

This is bullshit - go to any college and you will see russian students on F-1 visas. Not crowds of them, but those who are ambitious can take the TOEFL and apply to any college - admission guarantees you a visa. Affording the tuition is another issue, which I agree is a problem.
The easiest way though, is for summer work+travel (J-1 visa) - go to any resort place like a theme park or beach resort and there will be hordes of russian students working there for the summer. But they get spoiled quickly, what with all American dudes hitting on them all summer long...

Russian girls

Quote: (07-31-2010 04:07 PM)PinkElephant Wrote:  

I hardly ever saw any American males in Kazan. There were a few basketball players. Outside of that you never see an American or foreigner.

I'm very envious of the b-ballin' brothas cause they play for teams all over the world. They get to sample all types of 'poozy' . I've heard of brothas playin' b-ball in countries as far afield as China, Australia, Argentina, N Zealand, Canada, Brasil, Iran, Russia, Lebanon and all over Europe.

Russian girls

Quote: (08-01-2010 03:15 PM)Global Baller Wrote:  

Quote: (07-31-2010 04:07 PM)PinkElephant Wrote:  

I hardly ever saw any American males in Kazan. There were a few basketball players. Outside of that you never see an American or foreigner.

I'm very envious of the b-ballin' brothas cause they play for teams all over the world. They get to sample all types of 'poozy' . I've heard of brothas playin' b-ball in countries as far afield as China, Australia, Argentina, N Zealand, Canada, Brasil, Iran, Russia, Lebanon and all over Europe.

Of course. Pretty much every town in Russia has some American ballplayers. The starting PG for Russia is an American from Pittsburgh. They gave him Russian citizenship.
Holden knocking down the winner against Spain to win Euro 2007.

Russian girls

Quote: (08-01-2010 12:36 AM)K-man Wrote:  

Quote: (07-31-2010 04:27 PM)PinkElephant Wrote:  

Quote: (07-31-2010 04:10 PM)Badstuber Wrote:  


Sorry, but you are talking about immigrants. Russian girls can't even visit America. Try getting a girl from Russia a tourist visa to America. Just try it. It is practically impossible.


Politics. They have to go through interviews and everything. Many times they are denied a visa for no reason. Plus, the vast majority couldn't dream of affording a trip to America. Heck, most can't even speak decent English.

This is bullshit - go to any college and you will see russian students on F-1 visas. Not crowds of them, but those who are ambitious can take the TOEFL and apply to any college - admission guarantees you a visa. Affording the tuition is another issue, which I agree is a problem.
The easiest way though, is for summer work+travel (J-1 visa) - go to any resort place like a theme park or beach resort and there will be hordes of russian students working there for the summer. But they get spoiled quickly, what with all American dudes hitting on them all summer long...

Russian students? Huh? 98% of the people in Russia can't speak decent Russian (let alone get into an American university!). If you had been to Russia you would know this. Russia is not Holland. Finding someone to speak English (even in Moscow) is near impossible.

Plus, Russia has amazing universities. Some of the best in the world. No reason to come to America to simply study. A J-1 Visa requires a person to return home. It is not for immigrating. I would suspect there are more American students in Russia taking language courses than Russian students in America. I won't get even get into the costs. The typical Russia could not dream of doing such a thing.

Remember, immigrant Russians are not the Russians you see in Russia. Two different beasts. Just like a Russian from Moscow is not like a Russian from Kazan or Omsk. You have to travel to see real Russian people.

Russian girls

Quote: (07-31-2010 04:07 PM)PinkElephant Wrote:  

If you understood some Russian and traveled to places like Kazan you would be stunned. I will put Kazan, Russia against any place on earth when it comes to beauty, class, style, and warmth (when it comes to girls).

Note that Kazan/Tatarstan is quite largely Muslim. It is not real Islamic society like Taliban was - more like American Christianity, but still may restrict you in some way if you are looking for an LTR and not a Muslim yourself. If you are, however, it may be significant bonus, as her family would see it very favorably.

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