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Model Agency Opener

Model Agency Opener

So I am in Seoul and one of my friends is a sex writer for Cosmopolitan magazine from Manila. He is doing a sort of tour of the Seoul and Tokyo offices to see how improvements can be made there.

Naturally, he has a lot of connections to modeling agents and he is a photographer.

We went to a really snazzy club here called Eden and I started walking around and basically opened super fine girls like this:

Me: I like your look. What group do you work with?
Her: What?
Me: Are you not a model?
Her: No! But thank you!
Me: My friend is an agent from Manila who works for Cosmopolitan magazine. (Take her hand, spin her around and check her out a bit) You have a very unique look that I think could work.

Then I would grill her about stuff like age, ethnicity, experience modeling and hair/makeup.

I totally did this shit all on the fly and these chicks were eating it up. It's great for kino because, acting as a modeling agent, I was basically just giving them orders to spin, pose, and pout their lips. It was almost like a flirty interview and the whole time they were qualifying themselves. Cockblocking is nonexistent with this kind of game.

Since last night I've been talking to my friend and he said it is definitely possible for us to get camera/equipment/lighting/makeup from Cosmo and do an independent shoot.

I am going to continue to develop this idea of creating a part time gig where I pick up hot Euro girls in Asia and invite them to our independent photo shoots.

Model Agency Opener

hit up latinstylez

he lives there and is a good friend of mine

Model Agency Opener

haha.... the birth of a kick-ass porn site.

I'm surprised girls still fall for this type of thing, without being suspicious.

Model Agency Opener

Haha true, I thought about that after I got her number.

Well, my friend is in fact a sex writer with a lot of connections in the industry in Asia, through cosmopolitan. He can definitely hook girls up with modeling opportunities so it is not like we are lying to them.

She texted me out of nowhere today (I lost her number bc I'm still getting used to my new phone here) and asked me when we could hang out. I've got family stuff going on tonight and they (two German chicks) aren't in Seoul tomorrow. Also, I am going to Hong Kong for ten days starting this coming Tuesday.

I am going to have to organize something for when I get back.

Model Agency Opener

Fact: Every girl at the club wants to be a model, or thinks she already is.

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