Quote: (07-14-2010 05:21 PM)Mrs. Chocolate Wrote:
This is none of your business. (in a polite way if I'm a good mood, or just like that when the guy asks in a rude way).
You are not my BF and most of time you don't intend to be. So, don't come around with those shit men tests to see if you have "competitors" or to see if I am need enough to run around you like a puppy does.
'Shit men tests'? Hahahahahaha!
Would all the men in the room who care if a girl has a boyfriend raise your hands?
Look at that, not a single hand raised...One of the key areas men and women differ is that if men know they won't like the answer to a certain question, we won't bother asking it.
Someone posted 'It's complicated'. That, and any slight variations of that, are the correct answer; say it with me people, ambiguity and mystery*.
The only wrong answer to this question are 'yes' and 'no'.
'Yes' fails because women are slaves to their images, and while sleeping with a guy she merely
suspects (but can't confirm) has a girlfriend is not a problem, sleeping with a guy she
knows has a girlfriend makes her feel bad about herself.
'No' fails because...[internal female monoloue]'This guy isn't even seeing anyone, he's not even going to humor me? What the fuck is wrong with him? I think I'll go now...'[/internal female monologue]
* - Does anyone else think 'Ambiguity' would have been a better PUA name than 'Mystery'?