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Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

Every so often the media starts pushing the idea that women should be getting shorter haircuts. These days, women's mags are going on about "the bob" and why women should get their haircut like that (if you don't know what it is, look at your mom, she probably has it).

Anyway, I thought I'd share this slideshow depicting stars with short hair. They either look 1). Frightening; 2). Like boys or; 3). Mentally-challenged. The only passable one is Halle Berry and she's an old shrew. I assume women in the media push this stuff so the average woman can look equally awful. It thins the competition. Here's the pics. Enjoy!

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

They would look much more attractive with long hair.

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

Quote: (04-29-2013 06:03 AM)The Great Basilisk Wrote:  

They would look much more attractive with long hair.


Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

I agree with the Halle Berry opinion, she did look good in short hair and it seemed to suit her. Now she is too old but in the movie Die Another Day (terrible movie) she looked very good with short hair.

[Image: attachment.jpg11688]   

Rose Byrne looked cute in Troy (passible movie) and was even good in Sunshine (I thought it was a great movie) now however she just looks terrible.
From this
[Image: attachment.jpg11689]   

To this

[Image: attachment.jpg11690]   

Why the short hair!

Girls should be an ornament to the eye, not an ache in the ear.

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

I like the bob haircut on girls but they really gotta have a nice, feminine face and a skinny body to pull it off. I always imagine French girls sporting it like this [Image: heart.gif]
[Image: Classy_Bob_hairstyle.jpg]

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

Obviously there are girls with short hair who are hotter than girls with long hair. But this article, by basing their recommendation for the general public on the short hair of a few celebrities, is ridiculous. A lot of celebrities are hot enough that they can use the "handicap principle". This is where someone intentionally does something to weaken themselves in an effort to highlight the opposite (strength). They are effectively saying to the world: " Look, I'm so hot i can get an ugly haircut/arm tattoo/{Insert latest ugly trend here} and STILL be hot. Aren't I just too cool for words." That's fine when you are already hot. But most girls, by definition, are not hot. Their use of the handicap principle only makes them look ridiculous.

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

Gonna have to disagree here. I love girls who can pull off a pixie haircut. I hate bangs, so not those types of do's as pictured above.

Nothing sexier than a girl with a dark pixie cut, matching face that makes it work, and a slim body with great T and A. Makes me weak. Most women cannot pull it off because it takes basically a perfect face to wear a pixie cut and not look ugly.

High risk, high reward.

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

Possibly worth noting that Anne Hathaway only cut her hair short to play Fantine in Les Miserables.

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

I like short hair on guys.

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

Michelle Williams and Halle Berry look good. Both have feminine faces and high cheekbones.

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

Quote: (04-29-2013 06:40 AM)houston Wrote:  

I like the bob haircut on girls but they really gotta have a nice, feminine face and a skinny body to pull it off. I always imagine French girls sporting it like this [Image: heart.gif]
[Image: Classy_Bob_hairstyle.jpg]

I hear you. something about a very pretty face, small head, skinny body and a short bob is amazing.

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

WTF happened to Miley Cyrus?

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!


Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

Short hair is a boner killer for me.

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

Quote: (04-29-2013 12:59 PM)wi30 Wrote:  

Short hair is a boner killer for me.

Fixed it for you.

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Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

Quote: (04-29-2013 06:40 AM)houston Wrote:  

I like the bob haircut on girls but they really gotta have a nice, feminine face and a skinny body to pull it off. I always imagine French girls sporting it like this [Image: heart.gif]
[Image: Classy_Bob_hairstyle.jpg]

Let's not classify this as short hair. When I go and look through archives of old sports car races in Europe in the 1960's, you see gorgeous, long-legged girls in summer dresses sporting this kind of haircut. No surprise that, like Houston mentioned, it's usually the well dressed, feminine types who rock this look. Anyone else would look like crap.

The Anne Hathaway/Miley Cyrus shit needs to burn to the ground though.

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

Michelle Williams looks better with short hair.
[Image: Michelle+Williams+Shoulder+Length+Hairst...OH9Ocl.jpg][Image: Michelle-Williams-Short-Hairstyles-1.jpg]

Halle berry
[Image: halleb.jpg]

For these types of women long hair distracts from their bone structure and makes them look more generic. It takes a certain kind of face that 90% of women are not gifted with.

[Image: attachment.jpg11690]

She has a manjaw and should not rock short hair under any circumstances.

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

[Image: Classy_Bob_hairstyle.jpg]

I think I figured out the delicate mathematics of this.

You need a jaw that doesn't look receded in profile view. it's still very much forward when looked at from the side, doesn't look like it sinks into the neck. But it can't be wide, mannish, angular, or thick. and the chin has to be tiny. Cheekbones have to be much more prominent and wider than the jaw. Ideally big lips. The head has to be smaller than average.

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

I think I'm gonna be a hater in this thread and say that I prefer long hair on women. Short haircuts are a sign that a woman has given up on what men think. She's basically asking to be pumped and dumped.

Team Nachos

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

Hot girl cuts hair short.

Hot girl is still hot.

Short hair must be hot.

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

nah fuck short hair. i like that long flowing shit, like a brunette with some wavy light brown hair in there too?? woo lawd.

[Image: naza-jafarian-pic.jpg?w=330]

[Image: naza-jafarian.jpg?w=565]

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

Quote: (04-29-2013 01:10 PM)ghostdog Wrote:  

Michelle Williams looks better with short hair.

Other photos of her with long hair are more flattering than the one above.
[Image: MV5BMjE1NTE1MTI4MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwOTcy...SY400_.jpg]

"Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly color. I'm so glad I'm a Beta."
--Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Great Cropped-Hair Looks for Women!

^At first I thought you guys were gona post Michelle Willaims from Destiny's Child lol.

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