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Do asian chicks age better?

Do asian chicks age better?

I think there are hotties of all races...but as this was mentioned on another thread, I'm wondering:

Do asian women really age better? just true for some asians?

I see most girls (and guys) put on weight in their 20's over here...and then I see a 40+ asian milf with even a little bit of gray hair, but a hotter body than most 20yr olds...makes you wonder...

On the other hand, out of all the asian people I know over here, it doesn't seem like they have much less of a weight problem than Germans

Do asian chicks age better?

No. They just tend to be thin whereas whites tend to get fat after 30, but that is strictly a diet thing. And I doubt it will even be a distinction in ten years as most Asian diets are roughly as crap as American, any more.

Only blacks age better, all else held equal. Thin 70 year old black people can often pass for forty. The skin holds up better. Also, they tend to have a bit more muscle mass to start with so age shrinkage is less noticeable.

Ageing is very heavily diet and lifestyle. I don't think race affects the equation too much. Check out this 70 year old Ukrainian gymnast who looks 38.

This isn't a super rare example. Check out arthur devany and kurt harris and various athletes profiled on Ross Enamait's sites. Eat right (avoid starch/sugar, plenty of fat, zero vegetable oils), sleep plenty, and exercise right and one ages well.

Go through some photo archives of the 1920s through 1950s in America. It's absolutely shocking. Hot thin 45 year old women all over the place. This thing where people disintegrate in their 30s is definitely new.

Do asian chicks age better?

One of the hottest bodies I was ever with, for any length of time, was an Asian cougar. She had the body of an 18 year old track star. I still fantasize about it, and rarely, if ever, see that kind of body anywhere here in the states on a woman of any age.

I can literally only remember seeing two women with that type of body since I've been back, and one is one TV (Sam from the show "Las Vegas").

I'm talking about a very petite body that still has a perfectly filled out and symmetrical ass and tits.

Most petite white women here are lacking in both the tits and ass department, or have some other type of body asymmetry. They have the smoker emaciated look, or something else. Or, they simply aren't petite enough. This woman had a shelf for an ass. But in a perfectly symmetrical and sculpted way. And nice tits. Sex personified.

I just got done dating a black woman, and while she was very sexy and in shape, her body lacked the symmetry and extreme petiteness of the asian. She had a shelf for an ass too, but it was less perfectly sculpted into the shape of her upper thighs.

But I agree that you are more likely to find better bodies in older ethnic minorities here than in white women.

Do asian chicks age better?

interesting observation..maybe it's due to diet..they asian chica's I run with every now and then drink alot of tea, garlic, antixodants and eat a very low meat, low calorie diet...

also, yeah one of the advantages of being black is you age like 5-10 years behind everybody else...My white friends have those dam crow feet in their late 20's...i think alot of that is just damage from the sun.........

Do asian chicks age better?

Quote: (07-06-2010 02:52 PM)Caramel Communist Wrote:  

low meat, low calorie diet...

Low meat and low calorie has nothing to do with healthy or aging well.

Do asian chicks age better?

Quote: (07-06-2010 03:01 PM)kingkong Wrote:  

Quote: (07-06-2010 02:52 PM)Caramel Communist Wrote:  

low meat, low calorie diet...

Low meat and low calorie has nothing to do with healthy or aging well.

O really? I guess all those scientific articles I've read about why the Chinese, Japanese, live a long time compared to the rest of the world and have linked it to experiments performed on animals where the animals fed low caloric/low fat foods/fish fats lived significantly longer than those fed high calorie/high fat foods must of been a figment of my imagination......

Do asian chicks age better?

Genetics has a lot to do with it. Diet helps -- Asian cuisine is healthier than the average American diet.

Whenever I go back to the US after spending time abroad, I feel like I just returned to a land of giants. FAT ASSES EVERYWHERE. It's unbelievable.

Do asian chicks age better?

Any Asia experts in here? Which asian countries have the highest number of milfs?;-)

or..which other countries for that matter?

Do asian chicks age better?

Quote: (07-06-2010 04:30 PM)GermanDude Wrote:  

Any Asia experts in here? Which asian countries have the highest number of milfs?;-)

or..which other countries for that matter?

Haven't been to Korea or China yet...doubt I wll...but Japan has my vote...

Do asian chicks age better?

Quote: (07-06-2010 04:30 PM)GermanDude Wrote:  

Any Asia experts in here? Which asian countries have the highest number of milfs?;-)

or..which other countries for that matter?

Almost anywhere in Asia is good... I don't know about Mongolia though...

But milfs specifically? If thats your fetish, then go for it.. But the younger girls will be consistently better in the looks and attitude department... I just happened to hook up with a milf, but all things considered, I would have been much better off with a younger woman... The body was unbelievable, but could be found in select younger women as well...

Some milfs may treat you like your doing them a favor, which is nice. But some may treat you like your their last chance at happiness. That equates to crazy behavior. You don't want that.

Do asian chicks age better?

Hehe, I don't have a fetish for MILFs, but I guess I'm a bit different from you guys..I'm more into the LTR thing (but also big on travelling which is why I landed here)..

and if I get a girlfriend / wife again Id prefer one who's good-looking and stays that way for a long while...to one who is super hot, now but not in shape at 30..

have been thinking about this at the back of my head recently and saw a comment about asian women's bodies typically not quitting until a much later age in another thread (and..saw this tan asian milf a few days ago with some gray hair yet still a perfect body better than most 20yr olds)

So Asia is the place for chicks that stay in shape much longer? and the discussion was really just about whether its in their genes or in their diet?

Do asian chicks age better?

Quote: (07-06-2010 08:30 PM)GermanDude Wrote:  

Hehe, I don't have a fetish for MILFs, but I guess I'm a bit different from you guys..I'm more into the LTR thing (but also big on travelling which is why I landed here)..

and if I get a girlfriend / wife again Id prefer one who's good-looking and stays that way for a long while...to one who is super hot, now but not in shape at 30..

have been thinking about this at the back of my head recently and saw a comment about asian women's bodies typically not quitting until a much later age in another thread (and..saw this tan asian milf a few days ago with some gray hair yet still a perfect body better than most 20yr olds)

So Asia is the place for chicks that stay in shape much longer? and the discussion was really just about whether its in their genes or in their diet?

While I like to try and hook up with a lot of women when single, I tend to fall into relationships too. So, I get your perspective on the LTR thing. There was another recent thread here where you can catch me whining about women in general, due to relationship issues.

But I think your approaching the age/in-shape thing all wrong. No matter how in shape an older woman is, she's still older. That means that she will be legitimately old sooner than a younger woman. No matter how long a woman keeps her body in shape, at a certain point she's still old and her body will start to fall apart and sag.

While there are less frumpy women in Asia than in the west, the majority of older women aren't anything to get excited over. But there does seem to be a higher proportion of in-shape older women in Asia than in the west. You still have to be choosy though.

If I were you, I'd develop a very good eye for a womans body type. When you do this, you can pretty much tell, with a high degree of certainty, how a womans body will age. Then, when you get in a relationship with a woman with a good body type, you can then evaluate her eating habits. Sometimes I'll date women with hot bodies, but due to their unchecked eating habits, I know that it will never last. Some women just have no control or sense when it comes to eating, and their bodies are only still good because of genetics. For most women, bad eating and sleeping habits will eventually destroy their looks no matter how they look now. Sometimes I can predictably watch their bodies change over time. They go from slim and petite to average. Then I know its a matter of time until they are a little softer, and then a few pounds heavy. Its a slippery slope. They can eat normally, no problem. But so many women just eat like pigs, with no rhythm or control. They eat late, they eat often, and they don't care what they put in their mouths (fast food, deserts, alcohol, etc.) Cigarettes are super bad for looks as well. Most women can only smoke for a couple of years before you really notice a difference in their face.

Look for women who are a bit taller than average (at least over 5'3"), and more petite than average, with good muscle tone (not 'muscular', but really low body fat, without looking too skinny, I guess would be the best description). You know how some women just look slim and athletic even though they don't do much? Thats what you want. Those women will stay in shape longer, even in spite of themselves. Even real athletes that don't have that natural petite yet super athletic body type aren't nearly as good. Stay away from wide hips. If she has a nice ass and tits on top of the athletic body, then your set.

The Vanessa Marcil Body Type is exactly what you want, if you want good shot at a hard body as she gets older:

Do asian chicks age better?

thanks for the input hydro..Ive been working out for over a decade now so Im familiar with different body types, etc.. Obviously some people have a harder time being in shape/not getting fat (endormophs) or well not being fat in the first place, whereas others are naturally lean (ectomorphs).

I was mostly wondering if..maybe..due to pure genetics the bodies of asian women might start to put on bodyfat later in life / less likely to than those of white women..thats why I asked the whole asian thing (partially)

Do asian chicks age better?

Was the only reason i watched Vegas.....

Do asian chicks age better?

Sun, smoking, and stress tend to age people very rapidly.

I think tanning is fucking up American women more than anything else. They look craggly.

Do asian chicks age better?

Quote: (07-07-2010 03:56 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Sun, smoking, and stress tend to age people very rapidly.

I think tanning is fucking up American women more than anything else. They look craggly.

I think Roosh has got it right, a lot of white girls start hitting tanning beds when they're like 15 and don't stop till their like 35, shit it may look nice to have a tan when you're 20, but 15 years later when they're all wrinkled and leathered, it's not a good look. That is especially true down in SoCal, sometimes you see a MILF from a far, then when you get up close she is all leathered out.

Sun, smoking, and stress are probably the big three, but as someone who has embraced the natural/organic lifestyle, I'd also say diet, body products, and exercise can be added to that list. Also sleep, but that may tie in with stress.

Do asian chicks age better?

I'm not convinced that exercise makes you look younger. Asian people look young as already mentioned but do you see many gyms in Asia? They don't work out. Even very overweight black people look much younger than their white counterparts.

And if you look at marathoners, they tend to appear much much older than their years, almost skeletor-like in appearance.

Do asian chicks age better?

Quote: (07-07-2010 05:15 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

And if you look at marathoners, they tend to appear much much older than their years, almost skeletor-like in appearance.

Definitely. Running/Cardio produces a lot of Catabolic (stress) hormones that will keep you skinny only because your body is in fight or flight mode all of the time. Your body eats its own muscle (directed by the catabolic hormones), for sugar, because it thinks your in danger and that you need the sugar to escape and survive. Also, catabolic hormones are what emaciate people in the disease process.

Catabolic hormones also are antagonistic to Anabolic hormones. Anabolic hormones build your muscle and repair the body. Most people who look healthy have a much greater dominance of anabolic to catabolic hormones.

In my observation, girls that do lot of cardio get sagging skin and sagging tits a lot faster, and have that 'skinny but older' look sooner.

Do asian chicks age better?

Just look at Sprinters compared to Marathoners... Sprinter's muscle-mass and the way they exercise with short, high-intensity explosive movements lead to more HGH creation. HGH is oft-touted as making a body more "youthful".

As for Asian women, I've dated 2 older Asian ladies. One was 40 and had a better body than most 20 year olds, and excellent skin softness and suppleness. She had had 3 kids too! She had also been in America exposed to the diet here for 9 years. Her mom who was 65 and had been here longer looked good for her age, in fact if you saw her from behind (she dressed fashionably), you'd think she was young and attractive. The other was 32 and looked 18 with a matching body, again amazing skin. Both were very tight as well.

From my short time in The Philippines and South Korea it seems Asian women age favorably. I think some of it is genetics, some is diet, and some is personal care. The two Asians I dated were the most hygienic girls I've ever met. In the Philippines I don't think I saw a single young fat girl, only grandmas, and not as many or as huge as a typical Wal-Mart offering.

So German Dude if you want an LTR with a woman that ages favorably Asians are a good way to go, and I think they're better for LTRs for other reasons as well. I wouldn't call them submissive but they really care about your happiness and put you before themselves if they love you. So unlike the majority of American Women.

Do asian chicks age better?

Quote: (07-07-2010 09:23 PM)thekiller Wrote:  

Just look at Sprinters compared to Marathoners... Sprinter's muscle-mass and the way they exercise with short, high-intensity explosive movements lead to more HGH creation. HGH is oft-touted as making a body more "youthful".

Good point. Due to its high intensity and low volume(time element in cardio), sprinting is the most anabolic cardio that you can do. By definition, anything that is low intensity and high volume, like marathon running, will be much more catabolic. If I remember correctly, the guy who made jogging popular in the 1970's, in the USA, died of a heart attack while jogging. Perhaps if he was a regular sprinter, instead, that wouldn't have happened. But who knows. Additionally, I can well attest to the fact that jogging is no where near as effective as sprinting for getting in cardiovascular shape.

Quote: (07-07-2010 09:23 PM)thekiller Wrote:  

The two Asians I dated were the most hygienic girls I've ever met.

Theres nothing like a girl who insists on showering before sex, and then showering and bathing you after sex.

Quote: (07-07-2010 09:23 PM)thekiller Wrote:  

So German Dude if you want an LTR with a woman that ages favorably Asians are a good way to go, and I think they're better for LTRs for other reasons as well. I wouldn't call them submissive but they really care about your happiness and put you before themselves if they love you. So unlike the majority of American Women.

After being back in the USA for a few years now, and dating American women, I'm regularly fantasizing about Asian women again. The only downfall is some emotional immaturity that even the older ones sometimes don't shake. Most of the hot ones seem to be stuck at the emotional maturity level of 18-22 year olds.

Do asian chicks age better?

I think asian women tend to age well if they have a city life. Country side old ladies look like it, but my mom is 50 and could pass for 25-30.

Do asian chicks age better?

You guys are touching on allot of different things here and some are accurate while others only hint at accuracy.

-Aged skin: Depends on many things, but obviously diet, exercise, proper sleep, lack of stress etc. all tend to assist in keeping health in general, not just your skin. Now people have said on here many times, that pigmentation alone is responsible for youthfull looking skin, but I do not find that accurate. Take some very dark Indians for instance, some look very old very early and have plenty of dark pigment. Same for some middle Eastern women, they do not age well and are also quite often darker than whites. On the same side of that I have met some Asians who were almost blanket white but with smooth and soft skin, looking 10 years younger than they are. So, its genetic and racial with the aid of diet and exercise + lack of skin damage to sun etc. It's not just pigmentation.

-Marathoners: The body is not meant to run 30-40 miles while not eating meat etc. The dudes you see with the "skinny fat" look and are running 10 miles a day are probably thin but zero muscle and droopy skin due to a serious lack of testosterone. Running all those miles at slow pace is conducive to both fat and Muslce loss. Compare a sprinter or a sport where sprint type motions are involved...speed positions in football, hockey players, wrestlers, boxers, etc They actually burn more fat and keep larger muscle mass...well because that is what men are designed to do by nature.

Do asian chicks age better?

GermanDude: Its all a trade off to me dude..Some Asian girls might have good skin and look young, but if you're not into that culture or their body type then it will not matter how young she looks. I would prefer a white or latin woman with more sex drive, bigger ass and tits and even if she got a little on the thick side, I would find myself still attracted to her. I hate to say it but many Asians are just too thin and lack the lucious secondary sexual characteristics I desire in a chick.

Asian chicks in the USA are thicker and more sexual I think that ones in other countries, BUT by the time the are raised here it ruins all the good qualities that you want in an Asian chick anyways, so at that point its just like a slightly thinner younger looking mouthy white American chick.

Do asian chicks age better?

I get your points Rocco..I was already thinking youre probably absolutely non-attracted to asian chicks because most of them lack the curves lol. Different people have different tastes and what we're attracted to physically is not really something we can (or need to) influence..Personally, I like the curves of latinas, but I'm also attracted to asians (if they have some tits, even though most will lack the butt). Matter of fact, there are women of all races I'm attracted to - white, black, asian, latina, mixed...

I also agree with your point about the aging of skin. I think the melanin in their skin - part probably has some (maybe a lot of!) truth to it (e.g. black people in general aging better skin-wise than white people in general). However it's not the only factor..if it was then all white people's skin (those who have a similar complexion) would age the same..but for example I know a few German people who are already starting to look old b/c of their skin at around age 30. I can think of 2 people like that in my age group (late 20's) who are already starting to look "old" purely because of their skin (and they're not pale..their skin tone is just average). Im also thinking of some lady working at the local supermarket who must be 40+ and is in great shape (bodyfat-wise) for her age, but her skin makes her look truly "old" despite being in great shape (other than her skin). ...On the other hand I can think of many people around age 50 (parents of friends)..if they hadnt gained weight (body fat) would still look very good (skin being a non-factor for them).

Actually, I think for most people here in Germany the skin aging thing is really just a detail whereas the main thing that makes them look less attractive as they age is the weight gain. Im wondering if this is different here in Germany than in (some parts of?) the US (e.g. california) because of tanning being more popular there maybe,etc.

Do asian chicks age better?


they all look like this I hope?

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