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I was in a hostel eating lunch alone watching world cup in a living room off of a kitchen. french girl, 8, walks in sits on couch behind my table. We exchange greetings in Spanish, she hadn't picked up on my nationality yet and continues in broken Spanish. This continues for 10-15 minutes til America lost in the world cup to Ghana.

I go to the kitchen to clean my plate she follows. She opens a big closet off of the kitchen that's where the hostel keeps bedding, towels and pillows. She says, mira eso.. voy a robar una almohada extra in a bad accent. i said in English.. "look at that, the perfect place for us to make and fall in love."

She laughed, I didn't. Closed, right there.

FYI The whole hostel was on the roof/terrace/bar to watch the world cup game i was talking about.


Not a joke, not internet nut flexing, I don't want or need your congratulations.. Just trying to elicit some decent stories, preferably told well like mine was.

It should be noted as travel advice that almost all French chicks speak English, especially the travelers.. common knowledge.

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The joys of traveling...

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..preferably told well like yours was? ... Mm ok bro

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French Traveling (young) chics are very slutty - I f-closed in a similar way with a 23yo French Girl who was tanning on the beach "top-less". It was easy to go up to her and say, "hey, you must be a tourist because you are topless, and that is illegal on Miami Beach" (it is actually legal on the semi-private beach we were at)

She replied" Oh My, really {with a thick, sexy French accent}"
Mixx "Yes, Really - however, you can go bottomless, that is perfectly cool" - and I say this with a dead serious look in my face.

She actually believed me that going bottomless was legal, and topless was not - so the bottom comes off!

It was a Tuesday evening, and maybe 4 people tops on this secluded beach near my house.

I F-closed in about 25 mins - right there with beach towels on top pf my bare ass speaking to her in Spanish [Image: smile.gif]

Great f-close experience Gabacho, thanks for sharing!

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i think this is a troll

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