Its very rare that a woman has me "confused" on what direction to go, so I figured I'd let you guys analyze this scenario.
Many years ago, about 6 years ago actually - I worked with an incredible hottie (40 years old now, and still SMOKING HOT), and she relied on me to get her work done. Of course, this work relationship led to many disagreements and emotions that always stirred inside of us. But we never hated or disliked each other, but we had a few emotional fights. However, we did the usual lunches, and got to know each other deeply etc - but I just never had the balls to move forward for 2 reasons: She is married, and I did not want to risk my job.
That was then......
About 4 weeks ago, we bumped into each other at a mutual business seminar, and were both surprised to see each other after so many years, we laughed about old times, old disagreements/fights, and I felt we connected as before. I still found out she is married, but I am not sure she is happy or if she is, wether or not she wants something on the side.
She has always given me subtle IOI's, and I finally decided that since there is no more risk of getting caught at work, she would be open to meeting up personally. So, a meetup is set for happy hour, after work, which she happily accepted - just the 2 of us.
Here are some highlights of what troubles me:
1. I chose a place that has drinks and dancing for happy hour figuring that this will allow for her to relax and sip martinis, and give me a chance to start escalating Kino while dancing, and not view it as a "date".
2. We have a lot of mutual business friends, I need to make sure she feels comfortable enough to know that she will not get "caught", and if she is after sex - what's the best way of bringing that out in a high status, married woman who worked with you in the past?
3. I'm not sure if her accepting to privately meet me for happy hour, and only gives me her work cell phone, and work e-mail is an indicator she is down to creep, or is she just trying to catch up with an old work friend?
4. Most important, and I know this will come down to the wire of how the night goes, but should I try to f-close on the first night, or build enough comfort and trust for a second shot, and set up for lunchtime "nooners" - we work 5 blocks apart! Obviously is she is groping me all over, and kissing me after 4 martinis - then its a no brainer. =)
I have some game plans I'm thinking of, but it never hurts to get some sideline viewpoints. yeah, I know, she is married - blah, blah, blah - as if ya'll never banged married women or women with "serious" boyfriends. =)
Many years ago, about 6 years ago actually - I worked with an incredible hottie (40 years old now, and still SMOKING HOT), and she relied on me to get her work done. Of course, this work relationship led to many disagreements and emotions that always stirred inside of us. But we never hated or disliked each other, but we had a few emotional fights. However, we did the usual lunches, and got to know each other deeply etc - but I just never had the balls to move forward for 2 reasons: She is married, and I did not want to risk my job.
That was then......
About 4 weeks ago, we bumped into each other at a mutual business seminar, and were both surprised to see each other after so many years, we laughed about old times, old disagreements/fights, and I felt we connected as before. I still found out she is married, but I am not sure she is happy or if she is, wether or not she wants something on the side.
She has always given me subtle IOI's, and I finally decided that since there is no more risk of getting caught at work, she would be open to meeting up personally. So, a meetup is set for happy hour, after work, which she happily accepted - just the 2 of us.
Here are some highlights of what troubles me:
1. I chose a place that has drinks and dancing for happy hour figuring that this will allow for her to relax and sip martinis, and give me a chance to start escalating Kino while dancing, and not view it as a "date".
2. We have a lot of mutual business friends, I need to make sure she feels comfortable enough to know that she will not get "caught", and if she is after sex - what's the best way of bringing that out in a high status, married woman who worked with you in the past?
3. I'm not sure if her accepting to privately meet me for happy hour, and only gives me her work cell phone, and work e-mail is an indicator she is down to creep, or is she just trying to catch up with an old work friend?
4. Most important, and I know this will come down to the wire of how the night goes, but should I try to f-close on the first night, or build enough comfort and trust for a second shot, and set up for lunchtime "nooners" - we work 5 blocks apart! Obviously is she is groping me all over, and kissing me after 4 martinis - then its a no brainer. =)
I have some game plans I'm thinking of, but it never hurts to get some sideline viewpoints. yeah, I know, she is married - blah, blah, blah - as if ya'll never banged married women or women with "serious" boyfriends. =)