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Cultural Barriers
06-22-2010, 12:22 AM
Have cultural barriers ever been a problem when it comes to pick up/dating? What do you do to overcome them in general?
I'm seeing this Indian woman and it has been somewhat more serious than my other relationships. She follows my rules, is lady-like, and enjoys spending time with me. However, her Indian culture and background prevents her from going further with this relationship. On one hand, I am content with the idea that we can casually date and I don't have to worry about anything, but this is a first for me where culture prevents the relationship from getting serious. In other words, a serious relationship would mean potential marriage (which at the early age of 21 I have other desires). When she brought up culture, I immediately felt distant from her.
Half of me wants to keep it going and let it ride, the other half is telling me to say fuck it, replace her, and keep it moving. My hesitation stems from her being a solid 8 with a great personality, and an Indian flag would be great as well.
This topic isn't limited to women and would like it to extend into other aspects involved in our lives (business, social interaction, etc.)
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Cultural Barriers
06-22-2010, 01:12 AM
Roll with her as long as you can, if you can at least get head from her and she can get you off, then it's all good. If you're dating for a while (6+ dates) and she isn't sucking your cock then I don't think it's worth it. Definitely don't get caught up in any marriage business, and you can always lie about your level of seriousness, if that will help you get some. As far as the culture stuff, show interest in her culture, and open her up to yours', Indian food is fucking great, so that's a good start.
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Cultural Barriers
06-22-2010, 02:08 AM
Ive found that culture doesnt mean very much between closed doors or if you have strong rapport.
I have had traditional girls asking me to get them porn, and nailed girls who wouldn't be caught dead drinking anywhere or sleeping with men. The key word is "caught." Girls tied down by culture live in fear that someone they know will catch them being a "bad" girl, or someone might tell their families/friends. Also its used as a cop-out of their own desires. Women love excuses for everything. both why they should, or why they shouldn't do something.
I remember reading on some forums somewhere, the difference is how much they really want something. Back when i was relatively new to the game, i nailed a very traditional girl simply by matter of persistence, it took me 3 months of taking her back to my house, a few drinks, and some crappy tv series she liked. Most of the time she rejected my advanced saying she was a "traditional girl" but one day she just happened to be really horny and we fucked. Later she apologized to me, saying she wast normally like that, but she was drunk and really horny for some reason. Its all about their own appearance.
Every acted like someone you really aren't to get a girl? Chicks do this almost all the time, putting a barrier between their desires and how they want to be viewed. Chicks starve themselves b/c they want to appear thinner. Girls want sex, but they don't give it out as often out of fear of being thought of as a slut. They try so hard to fit into what they expect the group mentality is, and in different cultures, modesty might be ideal. I know a group of chicks, ive fucked most of them, they try so hard too look like nice innocent good girls, but get them alone, and its just wild. Even if no one in the group agrees with cultural ideals, they still give a show of following it just to not "lose face" in front of anyone else who shares that culture. No one in traditional cultures wants to be thought of a bad girl b/c it might lessen their chances of getting married of they have some black marks on their reputation/
In as much ive found that the best way to break this kinda cultural excuse is you need to either have her fall head over heels in love with you (very rare) or build an extreme trust so the chick will no that nothing that she does with you could EVER get back to her friends and family. Also, toss in some alcohol, so she can blame it on being drunk, not that she really wanted to fuck. And you need to be persistent, be charming and fun to be with, but you need to subtly let them know that sex is not optional if they want to continue to see you. Most of the time they will cave, and if they dont, then you know its time to move on.
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Cultural Barriers
06-22-2010, 02:10 AM
Ive found that culture doesnt mean very much between closed doors or if you have strong rapport.
I have had traditional girls asking me to get them porn, and nailed girls who wouldn't be caught dead drinking anywhere or sleeping with men. The key word is "caught." Girls tied down by culture live in fear that someone they know will catch them being a "bad" girl, or someone might tell their families/friends. Also its used as a cop-out of their own desires. Women love excuses for everything. both why they should, or why they shouldn't do something.
I remember reading on some forums somewhere, the difference is how much they really want something. Back when i was relatively new to the game, i nailed a very traditional girl simply by matter of persistence, it took me 3 months of taking her back to my house, a few drinks, and some crappy tv series she liked. Most of the time she rejected my advanced saying she was a "traditional girl" but one day she just happened to be really horny and we fucked. Later she apologized to me, saying she wast normally like that, but she was drunk and really horny for some reason. Its all about their own appearance.
Every acted like someone you really aren't to get a girl? Chicks do this almost all the time, putting a barrier between their desires and how they want to be viewed. Chicks starve themselves b/c they want to appear thinner. Girls want sex, but they don't give it out as often out of fear of being thought of as a slut. They try so hard to fit into what they expect the group mentality is, and in different cultures, modesty might be ideal. I know a group of chicks, ive fucked most of them, they try so hard too look like nice innocent good girls, but get them alone, and its just wild. Even if no one in the group agrees with cultural ideals, they still give a show of following it just to not "lose face" in front of anyone else who shares that culture. No one in traditional cultures wants to be thought of a bad girl b/c it might lessen their chances of getting married of they have some black marks on their reputation/
In as much ive found that the best way to break this kinda cultural excuse is you need to either have her fall head over heels in love with you (very rare) or build an extreme trust so the chick will no that nothing that she does with you could EVER get back to her friends and family. Also, toss in some alcohol, so she can blame it on being drunk, not that she really wanted to fuck. And you need to be persistent, be charming and fun to be with, but you need to subtly let them know that sex is not optional if they want to continue to see you. Most of the time they will cave, and if they dont, then you know its time to move on.
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Cultural Barriers
06-22-2010, 11:49 AM
If you learn about the culture it could be easier to deal in specific situations.
Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!
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Cultural Barriers
06-22-2010, 01:02 PM
Good looks everyone. Great breakdown on that Alpha, I'm realizing that I have to drop more hints and see where that'll lead me. She doesn't drink as often as I do, but is willing to drink with me. You're on point with the living in fear aspect, the other day we went out for a walk and she completely dissociated from me when she saw someone that looked like a family friend. She trusts me a lot, and I'm trying to milk it for what it's worth.
Aside from benefitting myself, would it help to speed the process of glazing over the culture barrier by dating other girls? Maybe pushing the idea that I'm not going to always be around will push her not to lose our connection.
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Cultural Barriers
06-22-2010, 01:51 PM
I hate being a cynical and I sincerely hope this isn't the case with your Indian princess. However, from my experience when a chick refuses to suck/fuck and she's not a virgin after multiple dates(4+) is because she's Sucking/fucking somebody else and wants to keep her twat tight for her real man. Also, withholding sex is the oldest trick in the book. If her culture is to waste my time and money chasing her tail, then my culture is not to fall for that.
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Cultural Barriers
06-22-2010, 03:21 PM
I'm not to educated on Indian culture but I had a friend in college who was from India and he said he could only marry a woman from India. I know he dated girls from different cultures while he was in college but his family would only condone him being with an Indian girl.
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Cultural Barriers
06-24-2010, 06:32 AM
Cultural barriers are advantages.
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Cultural Barriers
06-30-2010, 12:09 PM
Well now wait a moment gent's..we seem to have gotten off track here. Cultural barriers can be hella troublesome when looking to bang. That is the question at hand. Some of you are talking about taking months to get in the panties, and that is like dating. I don't care what culture you are from, after a few (3-4) months the girl is still chilling with you then she likes you.. its attraction, comfort, raport, damn after HS you can nail just about any girl if she is willing to kick it with you for 3-4 months I mean we are all adults here..No offense intended to those of you talking about relationship game. I respect that.
As far as the hook up and the game goes, yes certain cultures are more traditional. Its not about women wanting sex more or less in any given culture but to me its about the level of masculenization in a in the USA the "You go grrrrrl" battle axe, treat me like a man, society is what drives the easy pussy market. You go to some strict catholic Town in South America or some small place in Asia and of course the same rules apply as far as a girl liking you or feeling atttraction..what does not apply is the sexual competition the girl will have with the other avialable women in her area. Many of these girls are really "good" girls, who do want to probably marry you and have your kids. There in lies the question and challenge of a "bang" culture compared to a relationship culture.