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China Reports
05-12-2010, 06:35 AM
Since im doing a bit of travel for work inside of china recently, i thought id just give a brief rundown of the cities i have been visiting.
Kunming, Yunnan Provence (Please note i did visit during the biggest drought in the province in 100 years, but the city seemed unchanged, but im not sure if it was or not)
Size - 3
Small city, almost everything is a 20-30 RMB ride from everything else, even obscure medical trading companies.
Girls - 2
I decided not to check out the bars here b/c locals tell me its only girls from other provinces that go to/ work in them. The average woman on the street seemed to be about 40+. I saw one girl in my 2 day stay that was even worth talking to. Women seem to be either old, fat, ugly, or some combination of the above.
Things to Do - 4
If you are into nature, this is a good place. Kunming is a tourist city. I am, so i rank this pretty high. Other then that, lots of shopping for women's clothes (strangely lacking women i would want to see in the clothes, or even out of them) and lots of different kinds of food
Cleanliness - 2
Slightly below the average in china (so pretty bad)
Foreign access - 1/5
If you go to the touristy areas, you can usually get by with English, but step a single block away, and you are in deep Yunnan, with strong accents in mandarin that even i had trouble understanding, and ive lived in china going on 9 years.
Cost - 2
Very high prices all around due to it being a tourist town. A chicken sandwich i could get back at home in XM at 75 cents was a dollar here.
Overall - 2
I didnt enjoy my trip there at all. Maybe if i spent some more time there i could have found more, but honestly, in the two days i spent, i didnt find anything other then the scenery to make me interested in finding out.
Any questions i will answer via Editing.
Currently in ChongQing, Sichuan will write up the report in maybe 3 days time, depending on what i need to do when i get back from this trip.
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China Reports
05-12-2010, 03:14 PM
Thanks for those reports from the ground Alpha. Keep them coming!
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China Reports
05-13-2010, 01:47 AM
Still in Chongqing, im done with the business, so imma check out the night life before writing up the report. I could give a report of HK next week, but really, for me its routine. Ill see if anything special happens worth noting. I dont like HK girls in general, easier to lay but not nearly as much fun and far too westernized.
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China Reports
05-13-2010, 03:01 AM
You gonna swing through Chengdu?
I've been with three Sichuan girls before and they are super hot. Sort short though, but fantastic in bed. 2/3 gave me head, not bad!
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China Reports
05-13-2010, 03:49 AM
Naw, no time for chengdu this time, my flight is 2marrow afternoon. On the sad side, its nearly impossible to change euro in this area it seems like, so i wont be going out this time, ill save it for the return trip in a few months.
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China Reports
06-02-2010, 08:39 PM
Sorry ive been really swamped and had no time for writing.
ChongQing, Sichuan
Size - 5
With a city with a population of about 40 million, its a very large city. Hard to see it all in the few days i had.
Girls - 4
Sichuan girls are hot. Amazing figures, long legs. And for the most part, warmer and friendlier then most ive met. Didnt get a lay when i was there tho, since i was on a very tight schedule, but got a few numbers for the next trip.
Things to Do - 4
Shopping is good here, like in most big cities, but the major thing to try is the food here if you can handle spicy. If you cant, all you will be thinking is "i just put fire in my mouth" For those into spicy, there is an amazing variety of different flavors all highlated in different levels and types of chilis, peppers, and other hot spices. I could take a vacation here and just eat.
Cleanliness - 3
Pretty average for china.
Foreign access - 1.5
Never met anyone here who spoke any english, and very little english outside of mega chains and such. Bring a guide or speak a bit. The locals can understand a bit. (Every time i go to a new town, i always do the "dumb foreigner routine" at a few places to get a feel on how the local english understanding is)
Cost - 3
Standard prices for china.
Overall - 4
Amazing food, hot girls, cheap beer compared to the west. Whats not to love? When i go back it will be for a week, so i can update with more info.
Next week im off to north china, famous for tall chicks with model figures and loose moral standerds. Sounds like a load of fun. Also, Qingdao, which last time i went felt lacking, but ill explore more on this trip.
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China Reports
06-02-2010, 10:36 PM
Hey, thanks for the reports dude! Super hot bartender I met in Toronto was from Qingdao, I heard good things from my mainland friends too.
BTW, does anyone have any Shanghai reports? I heard it magnetically attracts every hot girl in China, and they congregate there to hope to land a rich husband. Maybe worth a couple days of entertainment.
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China Reports
06-06-2010, 10:53 PM
Word on the street is that it was fashionable to fuck a foreigner about a year or 2 ago in the upper class female circles in shanghai, but shanghai is on of those cities overpopulated with foreigners so lots of competition, so unless you are tall, white skinned, with blond hair and blue eyes, its a bit difficult there.
But you can always find girls who circle foreigners in china, some of them ugly but awesome in bed, like one girl i met who studied in Mongolia, was a total freak in the bed, to some really hot girls, like 8-9s. You wont see a 10 near a foreigner since they dont need to speak English, and they all get swooped up buy the mega rich guys by the time they are 18-20.
Off to Qingdao in an hour or so, report should be up in about 2 days after.
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China Reports
06-07-2010, 05:13 AM
No i live in xiamen. But i may be moving to beijing. Im helping out a family company right now, so i really didnt pick anywhere.
Originally after i left american uni, which i hated, i decided to goto china, since ive been in taiwan, and my mom's ancestors were from china. I chose Xiamen b/c they had one of the best unis there for foreigners to learn Chinese, so i did it for a few weeks and dropped out. Then work just magically found me wherever i went.
Right now, i travel roughly 10-15 days out of any given month b/c i am responsible for all of the product training and updates and news from Germany, as well as sales support, and advertising, since we are the only people in the market right now that has a foreigner running around meeting people. Ill do a report on Xiamen when i get back to there as well, with fresh eyes, ill go to some parts of town i haven't been to in ages and stay away from my normal haunts so i can be as objective as possible.
But yes, i live full time in china, and have for the last 3-4 years. My only international travel at that time was to the production center in Germany, and this year to the Arab Health fair (upcomming). So im quite local, but at the same time i still hold on to my foreigner-ness, if that makes any sense at all.
Also for population quotes, in china we count via district. The numbers may seem high, but then you need to understand that the cities are massive as well. Beijing for example can take 2-3 hours just to go from one end of the urban area to the next, with Wuhan, the largest city in sq km, can take 4+. China has this mentality to do everything big. There is plenty of undeveloped land outside most cities and they can expand. Plus, without all the safety concerns or permits most places require, a new highrise can be done inside of 6 months, including planning, so they tend to blow up fast, since the government can pretty much kick anyone out of anywhere, but as the same time is very good at paying for a new home or replacing it quickly and efficiently. The system is extremely efficient, and with the infrastructure put into place, cities can support the expanded growth very easily.
Honestly, i dont really care where i live, since i can find something intersting and cool people everywhere i go. And i rarely spend too much time at home anyways. When i am in XM, im out most of the time, at the office or out with friends or chicks ive met. To me, a home city is a place to stay, with a bed you make yourself, and chicks that are more then just a one night stand kinda thing.
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China Reports
06-08-2010, 10:17 PM
Ok here it is for Qingdao, Sandong province
Size 3-4
A bit larger then average, since it is one the SEZs in china.
Girls - 2
Honestly i wasnt really impressed with the women i met in Qingdao. Then again it was a very short trip in a limited area (business centers) but each time i go here im not really impressed. Ive only met one decent girl from QD, and she was only maybe a 7. Helluva lot of fun, but not really hot.
Things to Do - 3
Tour the Qingdao beer brewery is all that i can think of off hand without being very hooked into the city. Bars along the beach are pretty nice as well, but i didnt see many hotties at all. Good beaches in general. Maybe its b/c i was out on a monday tuesday night.
Cleanliness - 4
Very clean for a city in china.
Foreign access - 4
As a SEZ, lots of foreigners, but english isnt the major focus. Lots of korean and japanese, and german surprisingly. English is understood mostly, but dont expect people to even attempt to speak it back to you.
Cost - 3
Standard prices for china.
Overall - 3
All in all, just feels like a generic city i have been to, without anything notable.
Next up in a few days is Shenyang, Dongbei region. Hope to meet up with those tall, white skinned, model looking chicks that supposed to abound here. Already met one chinese chick with amazing legs in only a few hours.
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China Reports
06-09-2010, 05:30 PM
These posts are great! I've sent you a PM about harbin.
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China Reports
12-08-2010, 11:04 AM
I lived in Chongqing for several months in the last year. Girls are pretty, actually famous for that in China, easygoing but not many speak English. For nightlife, if you don't want P4P, go to "deyi square" at Jiefangbei where there are many clubs, bars around. You'll see tons of young girls in clubs like Babi. Normally there is no big dancing pool inside. Most people drink, dance around their table. Crowds are mainstream Chinese teenagers as well as some foreigners. Anther good place is Cotton club. They have a live band playing there, mostly America pop music. Many foreigners and hipster Chinese go there. The majority of foreigners are students or teacher from US or Russia and many African guys (not from US or Europe) too.
Girls are friendly and approachable. It's easy to open a girl and get her phone number if you speak some Mandarin or the local dialect. SNL on the other hand can be challenging.
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China Reports
12-09-2010, 03:53 AM
i'm planning on hitting up china in 2011 - most likely beijing and shanghai; would be great to hear other people's experiences...
Detective Rust Cohle: "All the dick swagger you roll, you can't spot crazy pussy?"
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China Reports
12-09-2010, 04:00 AM
I've also been reading this thread with great interest as I'd like to hit China in 2011 too. AlphaQuip2nite, if you're still around would love to get an update on the places you posted a while back and why not post about new places.
Cheers bro.
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China Reports
12-12-2010, 02:46 PM
How are non-Chinese/Asians treated in China?