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Bachelor For Life (3rd Time's a Charm)

Bachelor For Life (3rd Time's a Charm)

38 yrs. old, and divorce #2 is underway. I'm done with giving up my freedom, only to have to compromise and be controlled by a woman with diminishing (pleasurable) returns. It's the single life for me from here on out. No woman, no kids, no debt, no worries. I'm finally feeling empowered about my life for the first time in a LONG time.

Anyone else with me on that? Similar experiences?

(First post, just found this site today.)

Bachelor For Life (3rd Time's a Charm)

Just curious: why did you get married a second time?

Bachelor For Life (3rd Time's a Charm)

Quote: (05-11-2010 10:43 PM)UgSlayer Wrote:  

Just curious: why did you get married a second time?

From my youth I was of the mindset that "you grow up, finish school, get married, have kids, etc." I knew in high school I did NOT want kids, so I got that out of the way at 25 with a vasectomy (although I did date women with kids later in life = STUPID). So my first marriage (9 yrs.) did not work. When it ended I was still convinced I wanted to be married, and have a partner for life.

Six or so years of dating, I found a woman. I thought "this is it!" Proposed in less than 2 months. Full speed ahead. The warning signs soon followed, but we were engaged with a honeymoon to plan. Shortly after the return from the honeymoon, I knew a huge mistake had been made.

Called it off, fortunately she didn't go crazy, I consider myself lucky to get off with only paying $300 to settle it.

Moving on, never again, a bachelor's life (child free) for me.

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