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East African Women

East African Women

Hey long time reader of this great forum and thought I could give back with some information on East African women specifically women of the horn of Africa which consist of Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia. A little background on myself, I’m a 20 year old Somali guy living in America and going to college now. I found out about game when I was 16 and have been improving and evolving my game ever since. Now let’s get started shall we.

Culturally all three countries are very similar and it’s hard to tell the difference between the countries if you do not belong to any of the said countries. Let me just say this before I start rambling, I advise you guys not to actually go to Africa to bang these lizards though it is possible in Ethiopia and Eritrea but ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE IN SOMALIA. The country is 99% percent Muslim and if that didn’t put you off there is always some sort of fighting happening between tribes. I visited back in 2010 summer and didn’t get 1 bang to my name which was to be expected, I was actually more worried about my safety than banging away lizards behind a bush. So where can we find these lizards you ask? You find the Diaspora. A lot of immigrants fled these countries in the early 90’s and moved to lands outside of Africa. In the US the cities with the biggest populations of East African girls are Minneapolis, San Diego, Seattle, DC, and Atlanta. In Europe there is a huge population in London and other smaller cities. They also reside in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Also our brothers next door have a big population of them in Toronto, Ottawa, and Vancouver.

Now that you know where they reside how do you go about banging these beautiful cretins (Just wanted to say cretins substitute as needed). From my experiences of having dated and banging these girls for years they are mostly a tough bunch to crack. Most of these girls go to hookah bars instead of clubs although the ones in London and Toronto club like their lives depend on it and you should just run standard game on them. If you are in any of the cities or countries listed above just google “hookah bars” in your area and head there on a Friday or Saturday night. Now let’s say you do find one what do you do? This is the standard hookah bar game I run and tell any friends of mine who are interested in these girls to do. Social circle runs things in these communities so don’t think you are walking to any groups of two, it’s always usually 4+ and a tight nit circle. Go up introduce yourself and say “Hey this is the first time ive been to a hookah bar so im just wondering what are some good flavors because me and my friend aren’t sure whats good ( change it up to the situation that suits you). Now if you look put together and decent looking they will all just start rambling at once because they all think they are hookah connoisseurs Lol and go with the flow of the conversation. Throw in a couple jokes and eject out of there like a WWII Japanese pilot, tell them your friend or friends are getting lonely you should get back. At this point if you made a good enough impression or one of them is feeling you they will be eyeing you. Whenever the waiter brings you the flavor they suggested smoke it for 10 or so minutes. Go back to that table of girls you just talked to and ask if any of them know how to make “O’s” with the smoke they usually always do. You than proceed and say “Oh cool can you show me and my friend how to do it we are rookies at this shit” and bring them back to your table. From there on run standard game and tell her to invite one of her friends over to the table depending on how many wings you are running with. For the people that live in London or Toronto this is money there are these kinds of places prevalent throughout the city and the most beautiful east African girls live in the two places.

When it comes to gaming them they are just like every other girl use the three date rule with them don’t expect a SNL. Ethiopian and Eritrean girls are both similar in that they are mostly Christian countries so the girls drink and tend to be easier. But if you run into a Somali one there is a 90% chance she doesn’t drinks because she is muslim even if she does it will be on the low with her friends and not all sloppy at the clubs for other east African people to see and it spreading around the community. One thing they’ll throw at you is that virgin card, don’t listen and just keep pressing because she’s really not. I had one girl swear up and down that she was a virgin when I had her down to her panties so I said let me just put the tip in lo and behold my dick slides right in with little effort. For the Toronto guys who are stuck with those stuck up bitches these girls are your saviors and should be your bread and butter. I live 5 hours from Toronto so i usually head out there alot and i never bother with the white women. I haven't had a trip there without getting less than 2 bangs and i usually stay for 3-4 days.

If you have any questions ask away

East African Women

what clubs are good in Toronto for Somalian lizards? I found they were full of shyt just like the rest of the reptiles..



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

East African Women

Ok dude... you have to explain to me something. Even if I can guess the answer.

I don't want to insult african culture. But what is it with africans and infedility? Everbody fucks with everybody and there's an unspoken rule to not make a fuss about it. It's like your girl doesn't belong to you ; she belongs to half the neighborhood as well.

East African Women

Moma every trip I went I hit up Rotana cafe and always got a lay. Theirs a lil dance floor they have also the best nights is Thursday. Its just ridiculous the talent level in that place anytime I've been there.

East African Women

I'm not really sure why that is man I think that's just how the people from there are brought up

East African Women

I've only met a couple girls from those countries. I met some girls in South Beach that grew up in Germany but both of their parents were from Eritrea, and god damn they looked good. Nice light brown eyes and not too dark of skin and curly hair, though I'm not sure it was theirs. Just the type of look I like on a black girl.

Nice write up on the hookah bar game. It sounds pretty legit.

East African Women

Yo I find Somali girls to messed in the head to game. Some of my most fucked up ordeals with women have been with Somali chicks. But I do remember first starting school all the Somali girls were all about me but I was stupid and did not know how to game them since I assumed they were all conservative and stuff. Eritrea girls are more my style but a lot of them I find are rank rank hoes on the low.

Hookah lounges, I used to hit them up out in the Prairies where surprisingly they were quite bumping. It makes sense though I never realized that it was such a bumping spot for East African girls but it makes a lot of sense since that would be more their vibe and scene.

This is a good thread because I was thinking of a new angle to try and hit this year and prior to this I was thinking I was going to try the Latin Clubs in Toronto to see if anything is good in that scene but maybe this is a better option for me to exploit.

East African Women

Hahaha I hear you on that bro those Somali lizards are definitely crazy but they are another level anytime I've visited t dot. Its funny out of the 3 countries they are the ones with the fattest asses while the Ethiopian girl have bigger breasts. Yeah if your looking for them head downtown to all the different hookah bars you'll find em there. My T dot connect isn't in town or else I would have asked him for the up to date names on all the jumping places

East African Women


Does it make a difference if your are of the same ethnicity or not? I mean if your ethnic background is from one of these three places, or not.

East African Women

Quote: (01-30-2013 11:07 PM)Pappy Wrote:  

Ok dude... you have to explain to me something. Even if I can guess the answer.

I don't want to insult african culture. But what is it with africans and infedility? Everbody fucks with everybody and there's an unspoken rule to not make a fuss about it. It's like your girl doesn't belong to you ; she belongs to half the neighborhood as well.

Tribal tradition. They are a community more than individuals with shared resources.

East African Women

OP isn't kidding. East African women (specifically Ethiopian) are smoking hawt. I met one today in Sephora in The Grove and I approached a group of four a week ago also in The Grove (they were actually on vacation from Toronto). I was telling my buddy today how these Ethiopian babes seemingly are always at least a 7 and very commonly an 8 or 9. It's pretty nutty.

East African Women

The east African women who retain near-50% Chinese lineage are insanely hot

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East African Women

east african women are flames and what the OP said i agree with all. Had a crazy somali, turns out she was circumcised, after it went downhill, she went stir crazy, i dont think its a coincidence but the sounds of other peoples accounts. took a while to shake her loose, would 1 ring call for months and months. just weird.

Ethiopians are hot and do seem very social game and also upscale. so they come across hard to crack or boujie. Like you say if there out there gonna be in numbers which is not ideal, for me the girls in their 2s or 3s are easiest to game.

When the ethiopians are pretty with a natural arch and a fat ass, there is not much more finer sights in the world.

I planned on going to the source, because in London the 8s and 9s act boujie, hard to get at, bending one over just seems a long way away or a lot of work.
This has potential to be a good thread

East African Women

how do i post photos?

East African Women

This is a cool thread!

I met a lot of East African girls, in Ethiopia and also in Europe.

I had a short thing with a Somali but she had lots of issues. She explained me how her grandmother circumsized her at age 9 with scissors and she was happy they didn't sew everything up. She came from a very rich background and was very smart. She rejected the traditional ways of her people and embraced the cock carousel. She was very reserved, considerate and polite. She did not have contact with other Somali people except her family. Sexually she was lazy and wanted me to do all the work. That's why I stopped seeing her.

I met 3 girls in Ethiopia and again they were all reserved, considerate and polite. 1 of those 3 was also circumsized, and one night she drank too much, wanted me to lick her pussy. I didn't want to because of being in Africa and the STD thing going on there and because she didn't want to give me a blowjob. She drank more and got angry, at one point she almost fell of the balcony. I had to hug her tight to not let her do crazy things until she fell asleep. I was scared to end up in an Ethiopian prison charged with murder because she fell of the balcony.

It was the thrid night I had sex with her, the first very bad, the second a little better and the last she wanted to break out of her sexual repression. But she was too much for me to handle, haha. Guess I'm not so tough after all. Anyway, this was one of the most uncomfortable nights in my life.

The other 2 werre alright, although one was a "real" black one and doestn't really count as Ethiopian. But all, except the real black girl, were not good at all in bed.

Recently I met 3 Djiboutan girls. Again one seems to have lots of mental issues: smokes weed all the time, gets drunk until passing out, can't seem too hold a job, talks trash about white people as the reason of all her problems while ignoring her own mistakes, is always texting with different guys. cryring when drinking, feeling guilty... I also think she's stuck in between the western hedonistic and extreme islamist mindset. But I don't think she represents the average East African though. But maybe OP can chime in?

The other 2 are sweet, and polite. I would like to hook up with one that showed some interest in me. In the beginning she was all reserved but after talking about her culture and stuff I did in Ethiopia, she opened up. She's really, really hot, but I'm not sure if I want to follow through because she might have some hidden issues and I really don't want to be dissapointed by her lack of sexual skills.

The best memory I have is of a girl I didn't hook up with. She was the sweetest, good girl I ever met. There's just something sexy about a modelesque Ethiopian girl in high heels reading a bible.

To conclude, almost all East African girls have good manners and are considarate. They keep their distance but once they feel comfortable, they open up and are great company. I also think that a lot of these girls are LTR worthy because they give me to impression of being loyal and wanting to take car of their man. Still, they can have severe sexual issues. That circumsicion and negative views of the society to enjoy sex, cripples their sexuality. Maybe it takes some time to open up sexually? I didn't stay with one long enough to tell.

Some question to OP:

Can you describe how these girls are when in a relationship? Give some info about how they are in bed?

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