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Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

I remember reading responses to this one before so someone please post the link to the thread here - I can't find it.

scenario is this: this is the 3rd bang with the same girl and after sex we're lying down (yeah yeah cuddle or w/e). anyway out of nowhere she says so are we having fun or is this something more than that.

i actually paused as i didn't know the response. i want to keep banging this chick, as many others past her, but not if she wants to be around with me during the day or 'as a boyfriend." so i froze for a few seconds, and that awkward silence made her blurt out, "im okay with it if its just for fun." i just said something like "im not sure, im just way too busy right now to decide."

what would you guys say? I feel like i have lost girls in my rotation too soon because im always caught off guard when they pop this question or a variation of it. sometimes its on the 10th bang, sometimes 5th, but now this... 3rd bang...

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

she's 25.. not sure if that biological hamster made a move in her head. not sure if age is relevant here.

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

I love that one! I'm going to have things to say here..

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

"I'm enjoying spending time with you. We'll see where it leads."

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

Quote: (01-23-2013 11:25 PM)lurker Wrote:  

"I'm enjoying spending time with you. We'll see where it leads."
Ah fantastic ill steal this one. Positive but vague.

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

Quote: (01-23-2013 11:27 PM)alphaspiraton Wrote:  

Quote: (01-23-2013 11:25 PM)lurker Wrote:  

"I'm enjoying spending time with you. We'll see where it leads."
Ah fantastic ill steal this one. Positive but vague.


Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

Quote: (01-23-2013 11:25 PM)lurker Wrote:  

"I'm enjoying spending time with you. We'll see where it leads."
I used this on a girl who I kept dangling on a string for 3 months by saying that, but I saw her only once a week, I would never give her more time than that.

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

Quote: (01-23-2013 11:25 PM)lurker Wrote:  

"I'm enjoying spending time with you. We'll see where it leads."
[Image: cool.gif]
Yeah i need to borrow that line

Girls should be an ornament to the eye, not an ache in the ear.

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

Quote: (01-23-2013 10:32 PM)alphaspiraton Wrote:  

i actually paused as i didn't know the response. i want to keep banging this chick, as many others past her, but not if she wants to be around with me during the day or 'as a boyfriend." so i froze for a few seconds, and that awkward silence made her blurt out, "im okay with it if its just for fun." i just said something like "im not sure, im just way too busy right now to decide."

She was probing you. It wasn't a shit test, but most women that you bang a few times will wonder "where this is going." She put it out there, didn't get a response, so she responded in such a way that you'll keep her around until SHE figures out what to do. Maybe she's got another option in mind, and is trying to figure out which to go with. If you like banging her, keep doing so. If she comes back at you with this again, give her that ambiguous answer that was suggested, that you like spending time with her but haven't thought much beyond that. If she can't hang with that, she'll bounce. It'll be on her.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"


I can’t make you any promises. I don’t want to make you any promises. My life is very uncertain, and I don’t know what the future holds. I have a lot of things going on and a lot of things I want to do and I tend to move around a lot and travel and go live in different cities and countries, and I can’t promise that I’ll always be here, or even how long I’ll be here. I like you; I like spending time with you, and I like being with you. And I’d like to see where this goes. But I can’t promise you anything more than that I’ll be honest with you, and I’ll treat you well and care for you so long as you treat me well and care for me too. I’m not going to lie to you like other men might, and make promises that I’m not sure I can keep – I like you, and I respect you too much for that. I’ll leave it to you to decide.

I haven't had to use this yet but I have the gist of it memorized.

The credit goes to Girls Chase.

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

Quote:Heartwork Wrote:

Listen _(Girls Name)_, I love the time we spend together, we always have a great time. However you need to know that I am not the kind of person that jumps into a relationship. I feel like too many people do that and they end up ruining everything and that is the last thing I want to happen with us. The main reason I feel this way is because when I commit to a relationship, I go all in and I don’t half ass it. So until I feel that I can give the full commitment and give us what our relationship deserves, I just want to continue to have a great time together. Okay? (Small kiss on the lips, pull back, make eye contact, and smile)

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

I was faced with this question once. My response was: "I don't know. I'm not trying to make anything happen - just going with the flow."

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

I tell them it is up to them. If they want it to be more we can try being something more. Although this might of lead to a stalker issue in Peru.

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

wait... if you're not a prostitute then what have I been paying you for? (said with obvious sarcasm)

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

i'm an in the moment kind of guy. and if all those moments lead up to something more than just 'having fun' over time, then so be it. but all i can promise you is the right now

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

Quote: (01-25-2013 11:23 AM)reaper23 Wrote:  

i'm an in the moment kind of guy. and if all those moments lead up to something more than just 'having fun' over time, then so be it. but all i can promise you is the right now

HA HA...THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN' ABOUT! And you look deeply into her eyes when you say this shit...

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

Quote: (01-24-2013 06:14 PM)reino341 Wrote:  


I can’t make you any promises. I don’t want to make you any promises. My life is very uncertain, and I don’t know what the future holds. I have a lot of things going on and a lot of things I want to do and I tend to move around a lot and travel and go live in different cities and countries, and I can’t promise that I’ll always be here, or even how long I’ll be here. I like you; I like spending time with you, and I like being with you. And I’d like to see where this goes. But I can’t promise you anything more than that I’ll be honest with you, and I’ll treat you well and care for you so long as you treat me well and care for me too. I’m not going to lie to you like other men might, and make promises that I’m not sure I can keep – I like you, and I respect you too much for that. I’ll leave it to you to decide.

I haven't had to use this yet but I have the gist of it memorized.

The credit goes to Girls Chase.

Haha, I received that quote in an e-mail almost verbatim from a girl I was banging a couple of years back. She replaced a few words because it was a break up e-mail but I just moved to a couple of other spinning plates I had. No biggie. [Image: banana.gif]

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

As long as you don't say "i want a relationship" or something to that effect, you've passed the shit test.

I say "how about we take it one date at a time and see what happens."

You gotta be vague and aloof but without being a prick. Girls feel vulnerable after they've fucked you, they know theres been a power shift and they're just looking for some reassurance that you didn't play them. However, if you beta out and appear needy you'll give her buyers remorse on giving you the bang.

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

Do we have to put labels on it?
Why do you need to be so ceirtain about everything in life? Are you happy? Are you enjoing?
There you are.
Push the question back, she will be confused and prospone trouble about commitment.

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

You could always A+A as well:

[shocked look] Of course we're something more than that! I've already picked out our first six kids' names!

Girl asks "so are we just having fun or are we something more than that"

Quote: (01-29-2013 11:45 AM)lurker Wrote:  

You could always A+A as well:

[shocked look] Of course we're something more than that! I've already picked out our first six kids' names!

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