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quote from another thread :

Getting a working girl for free I call "Shoring", a word myself and some friends came up with. In some countries, especially parts Asia & Africa.. you will have no choice but to shore

anybody with experience on this want to give tips?

specifically as what to do when she mentions money or when she says lets go to your place and the implication is that she is expecting to be paid?


At that point I guess it is very hard to do anything.

But you gotta make a pre-emptive strike: ask her early in the interaction what she is doing for a living and a lot of the times, they will tell you some bullshit about them working in an office or hotel. When they say that you're almost home, just game them like normal girls, but make them talk a lot about their job. Later they will then want to be congruent with the image they have projected and you can just pretend as nothing.

It is awesome! Especially cause they don't have any stigma connected to sleeping with people they barely know, so you just got to lead and escalate.

Freebies (or shoring) are the best thing since sliced bread!


Personally i have tried asking "so are you out enjoying the night or are you working?" early on

then tell them, if they say they are working, that i am not a customer but they can still chat with me if they like

anyone have a better idea or frame projection than that ?


i did this in Rio a couple nights when i was unsuccessful at laying non pros in normal venues.

All me and my buddy did was go the the watering hole grab some beers and just let the females come to us. Some would would eject right away when they realized we were just there to have fun and meet some chicks and "didnt have money" or "wasnt paying" for sex. Half the girls would still stay and talk to us and by a few hours we had numerous options to take girls back to the apartment for free. And the ones we did cooked for us the next day lol

*Side note* If you dont speak Portuguese and dont have good local connections than you are gonna strike out and have a hard time getting pussy in Rio. So this is gonna be your best bet to talk (alot the the grls speak farely good english) and bang chicks on the same night. Beers are sold for cheap outside out of a locals cooler with ppl cooking cheap food also. So it makes for a fun night with alcohol and food and girls for dirt cheap.


I've done a slight modification to this that worked a treat in Argentina when I was there. Basically I got quite drunk and ended up in some dodgy establishment with working girls in BA. There was one girl there that I thought was absolutely stunning. I even said to her, 'I just want to make sure you are the best here'... [Image: smile.gif]
Turns out she was, she was part 'indian' (is that the right term?) from near Salta - beautiful.

So before anyone gets too excited, I paid for one nights action - $100 or so. But my enlightened moment came when I asked her to come to Uruguay with me. I was planning on going in two days time anyhow, I was travelling solo, and thought this is a great idea.

She said yes, and I had a great three days in Colonia and Montevideo with a hot chica. I picked up the tab for meals (bugger all), paid for the hotel room (which I had to anyhow), but no other money changed hands. She was happy for a holiday.

How's this as well - I then went backpacking around the rest of Argentina for a month before returning to BA for a couple of days before flying out. In the end I stayed in here TINY apartment in Palermo because her flatmate was out of town. This was without a doubt one of the highlights of the trip. Even though she is a pro (or perhaps part timer), I really enjoyed her company, loved the sex, and at the end of my trip my spanish was as good as it has ever been!

For me, money well spent.


Damok - No need for shame here. While obviously not having to fork over the $100 to begin with would've been the ideal scenario, you were able to turn it into a worthwhile investment. Just think how much effort and money spent on drinks, etc. it would've taken to try and pull an equally hot non-pro. You took a shortcut and had a great few days with a smoking hot broad for what turned into maybe $10 per bang (depending on how many times you hit it). I say bravo.


For me the turn-off of whores is not financial. It's the idea of banging somebody who has hundreds or thousands of notches.


Quote: (05-03-2010 04:08 AM)gringoed Wrote:  

For me the turn-off of whores is not financial. It's the idea of banging somebody who has hundreds or thousands of notches.

Seems strange bearing in mind you said you were thinking of paying girls in cordoba to do porn


Great to see my word has caught on!
[Image: banana.gif]
Me and a friend mine came up with it travelling this summer..

“Shoring” is the polite way of saying ‘seducing or scoring whores’. A person ‘shores’ when they have sex with a girl who may be a prostitute, but no payment is involved. Bar fining is not considered shoring. Shoring only occurs when the girl is genuinely attracted to a mate. She will often forego potential earnings with paying customers in this circumstance. It is not unusual for a man to have no idea the girl is a working girl. Shoring is common practice in parts of the developing world. If you shore, protection is recommended.

It's posted here:

I've done done this TONS of times. I find the best way is just to treat the girls like your girlfriend. Romance is the key to their pants. They are used to sleazy guys all the time and you just have to be the exception. You have to make them think you don't know they're working. Both parties want the illusion. Asking something like "are you a student?" conveys this. I never mention money. It's all in the kiss. If you kiss them passionately with gusto, they will be VERY aware this isn't a financial transaction, but rather feel connected to you. It's just mutual attraction shared by two people.


I'm digging naughty nomad's blog


In some countries, especially parts Asia & Africa.. you will have no choice but to shore

Please list those countries so I can make sure not to go


Quote: (05-03-2010 04:44 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I'm digging naughty nomad's blog


In some countries, especially parts Asia & Africa.. you will have no choice but to shore

Please list those countries so I can make sure not to go

That's a big list! From my experience...
Democratic Republic of Congo
Parts of Tanzania/Ethiopia
Myanmar (Burma)

Basically depends.. the lower a country's GDP per capita, the less likely women can afford to go out and the more likely they will have to resort to prostitution. The reality is, in a lot of these countries the men are the only ones that work and provide the 'girlfriends' with money. But it's not unusual for guys to have several 'girlfriends' and girls to have several 'boyfriends'. The AIDS rate is generally bolstered as a result.

Thanks for the endorsement by the way [Image: wink.gif]


Quote: (05-02-2010 11:39 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  

then tell them, if they say they are working, that i am not a customer but they can still chat with me if they like

Exactly that has worked for me once in Thailand. I put out a vibe that im cool with what she does, but that im not interested, then proceeded to game her as normal.

Other tips are to stay out of tourist areas. In the tourest areas (like Patong beach, Phuket Island, Thailand) ALL of the girls in the clubs are working. Its rediculous.

And try to find the clubs that the richer locals go to. i say richer because the poorer girls don't really go to clubs.


Quote: (05-02-2010 12:14 PM)dlmelvin86 Wrote:  

All me and my buddy did was go the the watering hole grab some beers and just let the females come to us. Some would would eject right away when they realized we were just there to have fun and meet some chicks and "didnt have money" or "wasnt paying" for sex. Half the girls would still stay and talk to us and by a few hours we had numerous options to take girls back to the apartment for free. And the ones we did cooked for us the next day lol

What type of place is good for doing this. I mean a big famous whore spot like the club "Help" (which I heard is closing, or closed?) or smaller spots? Spots with more gringos, or less gringos? Whats the ideal spot? Any in particular you recommend?


la cafe in manila


Quote: (05-02-2010 12:21 PM)damok Wrote:  

So before anyone gets too excited, I paid for one nights action - $100 or so.

I'd say you got your money's worth.


Quote: (05-03-2010 04:08 AM)gringoed Wrote:  

For me the turn-off of whores is not financial. It's the idea of banging somebody who has hundreds or thousands of notches.

Not all are hardened pros. It countries like Thailand, many are part-timers, only doing it when they really need money.

I agree with you that the image of a hardened whore, a super slut, a double dick clutching ho, or whatever other creative name one may think of [Image: wink.gif] is a big turnoff for me. But what I worry about much more are diseases. I think the chance of getting one increases exponentially with hardcore whores because every trick she bangs has probably tricked with many other whores, and so on. The last thing I need is an itchy dick. jajajajaja


For me, it sounds like a good idea, but in the end not really. Most hookers i have met are very shallow creatures, and i can only discuss fashion for so long until the urge to strangle them kicks in. Sure i have met the occasional fun ones but at the end of the day, they are the quality of girls i am interested in working to bang. Tho one thing i noticed is that if you can be really drunk and turn down a bar girl, you get respect and they stop nagging you to sleep with them, but will still drink with you. I for one can occasionally enjoy the company of a cute girl and drink with her without needing to fuck her. Then again im quite picky with what kinda girls discover my magic sofa.


As I read this thread, its got me thinking this shorring shit is not such a bad idea. I mean a room full of hot girls approaching you (hopefully they are hot. if not scratch this idea), used to lame pussy ass men, not used to a fun guy with some good game, and they are (i assume) tipically wild, fun loving girls, like they're model and stripper cousins.

Provided that they are young, not full-timers, not hardened whores, and not too crazy, this doesnt sound too bad. Kinda like G-manifesto's strip club endeavors, but maybe a little more extreme.

My only worry, as I mentioned before are STD's.


STDs aren't only a worry with hookers, but also random non-pros that you bang along the way. This shouldn't ever prevent you from hooking up with a broad, because anyone could have anything these days. Just be smart and throw a J-cap around your cock before you rock. And use lube to prevent it from breaking.


STDs... shit, I'm thinking I should start a collection. I've got two in the last year... At least I've avoided herpes (that shits for life). Apart from that, most STD's are over-hyped.

I once had unprotected sex with a girl who told me after she had HIV!

I was fucking shitting myself. So I did some research..
Contrary to popular belief HIV is quite difficult to contract if you a man.
It's a 1 in 2,000 chance from straight sex with an infected partner. (assuming NO condom use)



Quote: (05-07-2010 10:59 AM)naughtynomad Wrote:  

STDs... shit, I'm thinking I should start a collection. I've got two in the last year... At least I've avoided herpes (that shits for life). Apart from that, most STD's are over-hyped.

I once had unprotected sex with a girl who told me after she had HIV!

I was fucking shitting myself. So I did some research..
Contrary to popular belief HIV is quite difficult to contract if you a man.
It's a 1 in 2,000 chance from straight sex with an infected partner. (assuming NO condom use)


What STD's did you get? Are you having protected or unprotected sex with these girls?

Yes, its true. There are tons of misconceptions about AIDs, and it really is hard for a guy to get (from heterosexual sex). I once read a 15 page article about this. I forgot where, I'm gonna try to find it and link to it.

Yeah, Herpes is the real danger, not because it will affect your health, but because its permanent.


Quote: (05-07-2010 01:08 PM)PartyTime Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2010 10:59 AM)naughtynomad Wrote:  

STDs... shit, I'm thinking I should start a collection. I've got two in the last year... At least I've avoided herpes (that shits for life). Apart from that, most STD's are over-hyped.

I once had unprotected sex with a girl who told me after she had HIV!

I was fucking shitting myself. So I did some research..
Contrary to popular belief HIV is quite difficult to contract if you a man.
It's a 1 in 2,000 chance from straight sex with an infected partner. (assuming NO condom use)


What STD's did you get? Are you having protected or unprotected sex with these girls?

Yes, its true. There are tons of misconceptions about AIDs, and it really is hard for a guy to get (from heterosexual sex). I once read a 15 page article about this. I forgot where, I'm gonna try to find it and link to it.

Yeah, Herpes is the real danger, not because it will affect your health, but because its permanent.

You don't want to know.To be honest, its my own fault... I don't always wrap up. Anyways... It's all sorted now.

I was a bit of slut this year, now it's about quality over quantity After all, sometimes even a kiss from really amazing looking women is better than sex with a "She'll do" kinda girl.

Back onto Shoring, another place it's easy is Phuket in Thailand... If you wanted you can consummate with a different local every night.


When I was in Brazil I met a guy who did this all the time. He told the hookers that he really liked them and he wanted to date them and possibly bring them back home to New York. He just wanted free pussy. The next night he would tell the same thing to a different girl. After a few weeks, this guy became known as a "fake customer" who was just out to "steal pussy" from the local girls. His body was found badly burned a few months later.

Be careful hustling poor people in a foreign country.

P.S. I know there are plenty of situations were a working girl actually likes hanging with you and she will give you a freebie. This is a different story.

I'm talking about the guys who flat out lie and deceive girls out of money.


Quote: (05-06-2010 10:47 PM)PartyTime Wrote:  

Quote: (05-02-2010 12:14 PM)dlmelvin86 Wrote:  

All me and my buddy did was go the the watering hole grab some beers and just let the females come to us. Some would would eject right away when they realized we were just there to have fun and meet some chicks and "didnt have money" or "wasnt paying" for sex. Half the girls would still stay and talk to us and by a few hours we had numerous options to take girls back to the apartment for free. And the ones we did cooked for us the next day lol

What type of place is good for doing this. I mean a big famous whore spot like the club "Help" (which I heard is closing, or closed?) or smaller spots? Spots with more gringos, or less gringos? Whats the ideal spot? Any in particular you recommend?

Any place that attracts alot of working girls is ideal. Because at all these places you will find numerous chicks that are new to the game, just there to help pay for something family related ect. These are the girls that will go home with you for free. The harden pros are less likely to have sex with you for free. Me and my friend did this and pulled a girl for free each night we tried at the Balcony Bar in Copacabana. We found that place alot more fun because alot of girls spoke english, and would come up to us and talk and flirt. Not to mention the CHEAP beer and food sold on the street corner! At the regular clubs with no Portuguese it is difficult to pull SNL. We were def diff from the older ugly gringos that made up the majority of guys there.


Quote: (05-07-2010 02:07 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I'm talking about the guys who flat out lie and deceive girls out of money.

Yeah thats not the way to go

After some serious experimentation in Manila I pretty much got the technique down successfully and it does not involve any lying.

Will draw up a run down when I have time.

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