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Submissiveness and BDSM

Submissiveness and BDSM

I'm looking for a submissive female. I don't mean that in the BDSM sense, just a woman who knows how to act like one.

I've heard that women who are into BDSM tend to be a bit dysfunctional. My guess is that it's some sort of outlet for them submissiveness, which they repress in their day to day. I don't know.

Is there any truth to that? Are BDSM women (the submissive ones) dysfunctional?

Submissiveness and BDSM

It depends. At least they are honest about the fact that they want to be dominated sexually. A lot of women try to hide that side of themselves.

Submissiveness and BDSM

With 50 shades being the best seller that it is, there is a whole new segment of bitches just dying to experience domination. You just have to position yourself as a dom.

I could write a whole book on fifty shades game.

Submissiveness and BDSM

My experience with women in the "Scene" is that they tend to be fat and crazy. I hate to break the news to the unsullen, but Gorean slave girls are purchased by the pound.
Yes, there are are dominatrix's in leather who can squeeze juice from a rock, but they charge by the minute.
And that purple-eyed naked slave girl with a body by Vargas who is chained to the wall? Don't talk to her or her "Master" will have you tossed out of the party.

Submissiveness and BDSM

From my experience the only women I have seen be into this type of stuff to an extreme are mental. i.e. BPD, BiPolar etc.

Submissiveness and BDSM

Quote: (01-01-2013 02:34 PM)silverbullit Wrote:  

With 50 shades being the best seller that it is, there is a whole new segment of bitches just dying to experience domination. You just have to position yourself as a dom.

I could write a whole book on fifty shades game.

I was just thinking that there must be some way to capitalise on the 50 Shades phenomenon. Millions of women have read the book and supposedly a lot of them found it very arousing. Therefore ... there's a need going unfulfilled. How do we identify these women and give them (part of) what they want?

I'm against the idea of registering on sites like Fetlife - it's full of fatties, fuglies and crazies.

So, silverbullit, care to outline your 50 Shades game ideas?

Submissiveness and BDSM


I'm looking for a submissive female.

All women are submissive. All of them. Just like you need to realize that all women are responsive to game, all women will lie instead of facing responsibility, all women are hypergamous, you must realize that with precious few exceptions all women are submissive.

In fact you will find that the least submissive ones are often found amongst the bdsm scene. The men who are pulled into it are there because of the obvious association to sex, and they are often beta herbs of the worst sort.

To prove a point, there's a mantra that 'it is the submissive who is in charge'.

There are guys on this forum who have openly said they have a lot of experience with bdsm or the bdsm community and more still who have hinted at it so I'll let them speak for the positive aspects. My suggestion is that if this interests you then only get involved for the skills. Go there, learn some tricks, go home and play. Pick what you need off the internet - ebooks, blogs, maybe even forums. Fetlife is good for questions but keep them practical.


With 50 shades being the best seller that it is, there is a whole new segment of bitches just dying to experience domination. You just have to position yourself as a dom.

I could write a whole book on fifty shades game.
You should at least throw down a data sheet [Image: smile.gif]

If you're going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It's the only good fight there is.

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if it happened to you it’s your fault, I got no sympathy and I don’t believe your version of events.

Submissiveness and BDSM

I dated a girl that was submissive and I loved it. She would say stuff in spanish like she's all mine, I'm her owner, I can dominate her, whatever I say in the relationship goes... mmmmmm

Submissiveness and BDSM

Dude date an asian. A real one, not a westernized one. I love latinas, they are submissive, but Asians are a whole different level. The most feminine woman I have ever dated was South Korean. I was never on the Asian bandwagon but have come full circle now and am slightly obsessed.

Submissiveness and BDSM

Even the daughters of the Asian immigrants can still be submissive.

Submissiveness and BDSM

Quote: (01-27-2013 09:15 AM)storm Wrote:  


I'm looking for a submissive female.

All women are submissive. All of them. Just like you need to realize that all women are responsive to game, all women will lie instead of facing responsibility, all women are hypergamous, you must realize that with precious few exceptions all women are submissive.

In fact you will find that the least submissive ones are often found amongst the bdsm scene. The men who are pulled into it are there because of the obvious association to sex, and they are often beta herbs of the worst sort.

To prove a point, there's a mantra that 'it is the submissive who is in charge'.

There are guys on this forum who have openly said they have a lot of experience with bdsm or the bdsm community and more still who have hinted at it so I'll let them speak for the positive aspects. My suggestion is that if this interests you then only get involved for the skills. Go there, learn some tricks, go home and play. Pick what you need off the internet - ebooks, blogs, maybe even forums. Fetlife is good for questions but keep them practical.


With 50 shades being the best seller that it is, there is a whole new segment of bitches just dying to experience domination. You just have to position yourself as a dom.

I could write a whole book on fifty shades game.
You should at least throw down a data sheet [Image: smile.gif]

I'm not into BDSM. When I mean submissive, I just mean that in an every day sense. But I think you're right about the BDSM scene, I get the impression that it's populated by dysfunctional people.

Submissiveness and BDSM

From the time I spent in the scene, mostly dysfunctional and fat, but also some dysfunctional and hot. Not too bad though. Most western women are dysfunctional, and if you maintain frame, it's worth it if it's your bag.

Protip: find a female domme who's a friend--not a fuckbuddy. They will lead you to poon. Even in my bluepill days got 2 lays out of that in a period of maybe six months, NO effort.

Submissiveness and BDSM

Quote: (01-01-2013 02:34 PM)silverbullit Wrote:  

With 50 shades being the best seller that it is, there is a whole new segment of bitches just dying to experience domination. You just have to position yourself as a dom.

I could write a whole book on fifty shades game.

Silverbullit mine would be the third request to bust out the Fifty Shades Game Post ..... I have Fifty Shades on my reading list.

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

Submissiveness and BDSM

BDSM is often found on loud, expressive and obnoxious chicks as well, which includes many feminists. I don't really associate it with femininity, given that going out to some swing club to be tied down and brutalized is not feminine at all, it's just slutty.

If you want submissiveness as in a girlfriend who doesn't give you shit and is happy to please you, I don't suggest the BDSM subculture. Find a normal girl at home (tough) or in Asia or South America (easier).

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Submissiveness and BDSM

Fifty shades of grey is just the dialog of a guy who meets a young woman and they go through heavy amounts of BDSM type sexual encounters.

The popularity of the book can be summarized with "women love to be fucked and dominated in degrading ways"

Submissiveness and BDSM

Quote: (01-28-2013 06:00 AM)Johnny1975 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-27-2013 09:15 AM)storm Wrote:  


I'm looking for a submissive female.

All women are submissive. All of them. Just like you need to realize that all women are responsive to game, all women will lie instead of facing responsibility, all women are hypergamous, you must realize that with precious few exceptions all women are submissive.

In fact you will find that the least submissive ones are often found amongst the bdsm scene. The men who are pulled into it are there because of the obvious association to sex, and they are often beta herbs of the worst sort.

To prove a point, there's a mantra that 'it is the submissive who is in charge'.

There are guys on this forum who have openly said they have a lot of experience with bdsm or the bdsm community and more still who have hinted at it so I'll let them speak for the positive aspects. My suggestion is that if this interests you then only get involved for the skills. Go there, learn some tricks, go home and play. Pick what you need off the internet - ebooks, blogs, maybe even forums. Fetlife is good for questions but keep them practical.


With 50 shades being the best seller that it is, there is a whole new segment of bitches just dying to experience domination. You just have to position yourself as a dom.

I could write a whole book on fifty shades game.
You should at least throw down a data sheet [Image: smile.gif]

I'm not into BDSM. When I mean submissive, I just mean that in an every day sense. But I think you're right about the BDSM scene, I get the impression that it's populated by dysfunctional people.

You could say the same about the pick up scene.

Or any scene, really.

How many non dysfunctional people do you know?

But to be honest, most of the people in the bdsm "scene" are dorks. 90% of Bdsm practicioners are not part of a scene, they just keep the shit in the bedroom, between them and who they fuck.

I would say about half of all women fantasize about some sort of brutal type kink, too many experiences to think otherwise.

Submissiveness and BDSM

I think with BDSM and submissiveness it call comes down to this: The biggest ballbreaking cunts in real life will let you dominate her six ways to sunday, while the feminine girl who seeks to please you will be indifferent to exteme agressiveness in the bedroom. I guess the other flip side could be a timid submissive girl in real life who plays dominatrix in the bedroom. For some reason I find that appealing. In fact, the opposite game of breaking down ballbreachers and getting dommed by sweeties seems like a good thing. But then again, since it seems pathetic for a man to have to use a costume to dominate his girl, I'm trying to shy away from BDSM and focus on boilerplate agressive sex.

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