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Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Gringoed has been doing a lot of cool experimentation with this and I wanted to start a thread on it.

I put an ad yesterday in Cordoba's paper (physical copy) for a Spanish teacher. I got 100 responses in a day, and I've been crosschecking the email addresses with Facebook to get a little peek. My plan is to only contact the hot ones (obviously). I'm still sifting through the emails but two of the girls are quite nice.


- If they attach a CV it's a guarantee they're older and probably not attractive.
- Hotter girls tend to write shorter, more retarded emails.
- A lot of girls don't have Facebook. [Image: sad.gif]

Okay so say I got a hot spanish teacher. I figure it will be challenging to transition from customer to sex partner (reminds me of that episode of Seinfeld where jerry was banging the maid).

So for my next ad I'm going to try for an intercambio, where we just exchange english and spanish conversation. I think girls who are down for that are more interested in meeting a gringo and there will be less barriers to romance.

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

I wrote on this from my experience although it was from a perspective of doing it in the US, on your home turf, your hood.

Language Lessons: http://www.thegmanifesto.com/2010/03/lan...ssons.html

"A lot of girls don't have Facebook."

Did you check myspace?

I am interested to see if you get a better response in Argentina with newspaper ads (physical) VS online ads.

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

100 responses in a day? I only got like 50 in my first day! I bet you that a lot of the same people responded to you as they did to me, and since I also cross-checked using FB let's see if you end up meeting any of the same chicks I did!

"- If they attach a CV it's a guarantee they're older and probably not attractive."
I had like 90% or more send a CV. The plus side is you can see their birthdate and marital status on it.

"I figure it will be challenging to transition from customer to sex partner"
One of the chicks that wanted to be my spanish teacher told me she wanted to integrate me with her friends. Instant decision! That one I'm making definite progress with building up the tension and storyline. I went dancing with her at a club on Saturday. Thanks to some great advice from Partytime I know exactly how I'm going to make that official transition move (this week hopefully). Part of it involves having to lie and say that I broke up with this girl I'm banging... *sigh*. We'll see if it works.

"So for my next ad I'm going to try for an intercambio."
That's a really good idea. After coming up with the brilliant realization that success is much easier with english-speaking girls, I've been trying to find ways to get near these chicks. I would recommend that you ask them to send a picture of themselves. You'll get fewer responses but it'll save you time and getting enough responses is never a problem.

Some other thoughts:

1. It seems that reading the regular newspaper is mostly for older folk. I've been wondering if there is a college newspaper. If so, that would be PURE GOLD!!!

2. Along the same idea of posting a newspaper ad, I'm playing with the idea of printing business cards with some kind of message, and hiring somebody to just hand them out to the hooooooooooooot girls walking around on Thurs/Fri/Sat. The message could be a modeling opportunity, dating opportunity, or party opportunity.

3. The main drawback for me in posting for spanish teachers is that I couldnt know if many of the girls that emailed me were bangable or not. I had to make educated guesses based on facebook profile pictures or birthdates. Thus, the subsequent models posting requesting a picture.

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Why not try the online language exchange sites


Anyone had any luck with them?

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Very good advice Lumiere. On the google link you mentioned, there is one site I've been trying with very good success over the past few years to meet real gems all over Brasil. Try any of the sites in that page and you'll have a good chance of finding a gem. I'll post a full report on that in the next few days when I get the time.
Roosh and Ged, good stuff guys. Specially like the variation of exchanging English lessons for Spanish. Try that as well in Brasil, you'd be positively surprised.

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Vacancier Permanent,

Which site?

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Try this:

This is usually a site I've kept secret to myself till now, but because you guys in here have provided me with a lot of useful tips, I feel I owe it to you guys to give something back in return. So enjoy it but please don't spread it to every Joe Shmoe ok?


Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Gringoed: what days did you put it on?

Mine went up on Sunday and Monday. I've gotten 160 responses so farand the emails keep coming. I feel like I'm being spammed.

Vacancier: Good share. Don't worry this forum isn't big enough to ruin things. Not yet anyway Devil

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Vacancier Permanent,

Thanks, I will keep it low-pro.

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Hah one girl said "Your ad is suspicious."

A lot of Argentines have italian names, I noticed.

Also, a lot of girls are UGLY. It'd be way too risky meeting up with any girl without facial confirmation, no matter how hot their name sounds (i'm partial to Julieta).

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Have you tried meeting broads on Hi5 or Sonico? They're basically the Facebooks of South America from what I've heard.

Also, I think asking for a picture in the ad would be really shady. You're better off sticking to online sources where you can see what you're working with up-front. Plus you eliminate the possibility of pairing up with a grandma.


Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Quote: (04-13-2010 04:35 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Gringoed: what days did you put it on?

Mine went up on Sunday and Monday. I've gotten 160 responses so farand the emails keep coming. I feel like I'm being spammed.

Vacancier: Good share. Don't worry this forum isn't big enough to ruin things. Not yet anyway Devil

I think it was up for 4 days, including a Sunday. The difference must have been the content. What did yours say? Mine said that I a 26 y/o American looking for a student to teach me Castellano.

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Quote: (04-13-2010 05:42 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Also, a lot of girls are UGLY.

So much for the myth of hot Argentine girls.

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Something like, "I'm an American living in Cordoba and looking for a teacher to study spanish for at least two hours a week. You don't have to speak english but it's a bonus."

Maybe putting your age made it sound like a personal ad.. Also, did you put it up on a holiday weekend? I got about 158 responses.

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Roosh and Gringoed,
Are your ads in Spanish or English?
Have you tried testing an ad in each language to see which one pulls better?
I'm watching this little experiment of yours with a lot of interest as I'll be testing that approach too next time I'm down in SA, mainly in Brasil.

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Quote: (04-14-2010 05:05 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

So much for the myth of hot Argentine girls.

I think hes referring to the girls who replied to the ad. Not the average girl on the streets of Nueva Cordoba.

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Quote: (04-14-2010 12:19 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Maybe putting your age made it sound like a personal ad.. Also, did you put it up on a holiday weekend? I got about 158 responses.

Besides his age he also stated that he's male, and that he's american.

It makes sense that he got less responses, but more targeted, relevant responses.
Any girls out there that are interested in meeting a young american man will surely reply.

I wonder how the ad can be even more specific and targeted...

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads


I will give you another one, check out LiveMocha.com. This site is crawling with hot Latin American girls looking to learn English and help you learn Portugese and Spanish. And the best part is that many of them state their age and relationship status in their profiles.

If you are in the same city as them, I am pretty sure you could CLEAN UP!

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

The sample size of girls who responded to my ad proves or disproves nothing about the beauty of Argentine girls, especially when only 50 or so had facebook.

I put the ad in Spanish. Haven't tried english.

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

That's an interesting idea to post in English. I will probably be putting 2-3 more ads for modeling/porn so maybe I'll do one in English and see how it works.

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

So I met with eight girls. My Facebook screening process failed horribly because none were higher than a 6. For a second it felt like I was internet dating with girls who put up photos from years ago. Some seriously looked nothing like their facebook photo.


From a getting laid standpoint: horribly failure, unless I take the time to integrate myself in their circles and meet cuter friends, which I won't do.
From a getting a spanish teacher standpoint at rock bottom prices ($5-6 per hour): great success!

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

"unless I take the time to integrate myself in their circles and meet cuter friends, which I won't do."

why not? If they're young, they're basically guaranteed to have hot friends. Plus, the social circle pick-up is sooooooooo much easier!

Simply bring up that you want to host a "previa" (pre-party) and you want her to come. She will bring her friends. If she doesnt come, she will invite you to something of hers out of politeness.

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Quote: (04-19-2010 09:05 PM)gringoed Wrote:  

why not? If they're young, they're basically guaranteed to have hot friends. Plus, the social circle pick-up is sooooooooo much easier!

GrinoEd makes a great point. Plus integrating into social circles gives you great opportunities to practice your spanish.

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

I don't value these women enough to take a very indirect approach to get laid. Maybe if I didn't just come from Brazil.

Honestly I'm impressed that you guys have that energy to deal with these girls. I've kind of given up before even starting. They just don't seem worth it to me.

Meeting foreign girls via newspaper ads

Quote: (04-20-2010 03:43 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I don't value these women enough to take a very indirect approach to get laid. Maybe if I didn't just come from Brazil.

Honestly I'm impressed that you guys have that energy to deal with these girls. I've kind of given up before even starting. They just don't seem worth it to me.

So what's your gameplan for the duration of your trip in Argentina?

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