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Easy girls

Easy girls

Do you think girls who drink, smoke, have tattoos, and/or have multiple piercings are easier than girls who don't?

Easy girls

It used to be that way, but now it's a crapshoot. Where I am, there are a lot of those types types of "scene" girls. Way more than where I am originally from. So I think more goes into it now.

I think in a more conservative place, those things are indicators of an easier lay.

Easy girls

so far I think the easiest girls I have slept with have considered themselves to be feminists

Easy girls

Right on Kerouac. They seem to bang out of the right to do so, weather or not they really are naturally that slutty. One time a feminazi gave me a blow job and it was the worst most lame blowjob I could have ever hoped not to get. It was as if in her mind she was doing me a huge favor and she was in control, her control part fed her ego I guess. But in reality I'd have been better off with my hand.

Easy girls

As far as women who smoke and drink (asside from College girls who do so to look cool) I do think they are def. more likely to be easier to bed. That is of course only based on American women, but its more of a wreckless/self destructive behaviour.

The Tattos and peircings, like Slayer suggests is a crap shoot. Now its so common that tatoos and nose rings are more the rule than the exception. I find the best lays are thesometimes more conservatively dressed chicks anyways..

Easy girls

the whale tail tatoo, yes

Easy girls

Atleast in china i find girls who smoke or drink to be much easier.

And if you know a girl who only smokes with you, or says shes does, here, its a free pass to do whatever you want to her.

Easy girls

I agree. Since most girls in China do not smoke or have tattoos, girls who do
cross that line are basically sluts. I think chicks who do not care what society thinks are willing
to do anything. I really look down on them.

Easy girls

Quote: (04-15-2010 10:24 PM)weblinks Wrote:  

I agree. Since most girls in China do not smoke or have tattoos, girls who do
cross that line are basically sluts. I think chicks who do not care what society thinks are willing
to do anything. I really look down on them.

Thats quite a huge divide and a huge generalization here. I think you might have mistaken me.

I said "only smoke with you" not smoke in general. For example, in southern china, lots of women smoke for business (passing cigarettes out and receiving them is a cultural expectation when you do business), or just becuase they want to. This is very different then the girls who smoke only with you b/c they want to and they know you wont go around blabbing to everyone about what they do.

And tattoos are by no means the sign of a slut. You would be surpised how many "good" girls get tattoos in places where you cant see them. Yes, it is true there used to be some kind of stigma about it, but that doesnt make them a slut.

As a general rule, girls with tattoos and smoke and drink are usally more open minded than other people, but to classify them all as sluts for behavior that they enjoy is just ignorant. There are shades of gray, not everyone who doesnt buy into the social values opens her legs to anything.

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