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Data sheet on all of Russia

Data sheet on all of Russia

This will be great Brown Bear. :-)

An Australian friend said to me that two of the most magical peoples he has met are Russian women and Aboriginal men. I tend to agree with him.

Data sheet on all of Russia

Quote: (11-18-2012 12:10 AM)tiggaling Wrote:  

This will be great Brown Bear. :-)

An Australian friend said to me that two of the most magical peoples he has met are Russian women and Aboriginal men. I tend to agree with him.

I haven't met Aboriginal men yet((. Sorry for the long wait everyone doing my best!

Data sheet on all of Russia

Dude, make one on Sochi and Krasnodar, at least they are somewhat warm and more pleasant to be in.
I read thatSochi in the summer has tons of Russian tourists in the summer , probably a great summer destination. Also there is a 3-day no visa policy if you come by ferry.

Data sheet on all of Russia

Brown Bear,
You're doing a phenomenal job and when that whole project comes to fruition, you will be elevated to the rank of Ad Honoram Member, that is a member of very high Honor. We can't thank you enough for all your fantastic contribution. Huge thumbs up brother!!!

Spasiba Karacho Brat![Image: smile.gif]

Data sheet on all of Russia

Brown Bear just makes fun of you.He is not going to drop any data sheet.

Data sheet on all of Russia

For those interested in working in russia in the future, I just read this:

12 Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, 123610, Moscow
The Russian government's billion-dollar effort to create its own Silicon Valley is currently a construction site just outside Moscow. On completion in 2014 it will house clusters for biomedical, nuclear, energy, space and IT research. Startups will receive a grant pooled from a $250 million annual investment budget, plus tax benefits and no visa restrictions. "We want to convert research into money," says Alexander Turkot, executive director of the cluster.

Key words: No visa restrictions.

Data sheet on all of Russia

Quote: (11-22-2012 08:10 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Brown Bear just makes fun of you.He is not going to drop any data sheet.

GK, I'm glad you opened your mouth you've definitely removed all doubt))

Data sheet on all of Russia

Quote: (11-21-2012 04:59 AM)BrownBear Wrote:  

Quote: (11-18-2012 12:10 AM)tiggaling Wrote:  

This will be great Brown Bear. :-)

An Australian friend said to me that two of the most magical peoples he has met are Russian women and Aboriginal men. I tend to agree with him.

I haven't met Aboriginal men yet((. Sorry for the long wait everyone doing my best!

I think your mate is on drugs!

Abo's[sic] are kinda like your Indians [thats cow-boy & indians, NOT turban indians] in as much always complain and want government handouts etc

Once they get on the grog they are totally out of control and like animals, they are lazy, live on handouts, smell, are criminals and totally out of control, other than that they are ok!


Data sheet on all of Russia

Quote: (11-22-2012 09:46 AM)BrownBear Wrote:  

Quote: (11-22-2012 08:10 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Brown Bear just makes fun of you.He is not going to drop any data sheet.

GK, I'm glad you opened your mouth you've definitely removed all doubt))

Brown bear if you are a troll I will seak you out and brow beat you. In 5 years me and Ali will have cirrhossis of the liver, so we have have nothing to lose lol.

Data sheet on all of Russia

[Image: monkey.gif] I'm a troll now?

Because of this Greek хуй?

Ok Choche -

Data sheet on all of Russia


You're just sprouting cliches here about aboriginal men a lot of people would consider really racist. I'm guessing you really haven't spent time with aboriginal people or really talked to them. I don't blame you, I really don't. Your ancestors had good reasons to dehumanise them in order to march them off waterfalls without conpunction. Thing is though, there are people like myself and my friends who have put effort into personal relations and found some awesome human beings with a lot to share.

Russian women share the same cliches in western countries like Australia, mail order bride, gold diggers etc, and while there is at least some truth to that, just like you communicate about alcoholism, but it is very far from the whole story.

The basic point is there is something mysterious and magical about aboriginal men and russian women that is worth the time and effort, but if you're just looking for a cum dumpster, re: your sig, "Lifes about, shooting your load", I really doubt it is going to make any difference to you and Russian women are not going to be worth your effort! :-) best stick with Adelaide chicks aye?

Data sheet on all of Russia

Quote: (11-22-2012 08:00 PM)tiggaling Wrote:  


You're just sprouting cliches here about aboriginal men a lot of people would consider really racist. I'm guessing you really haven't spent time with aboriginal people or really talked to them. I don't blame you, I really don't. Your ancestors had good reasons to dehumanise them in order to march them off waterfalls without conpunction. Thing is though, there are people like myself and my friends who have put effort into personal relations and found some awesome human beings with a lot to share.

Firstly, chill brother! [Image: treehugger.gif]

Let me reply you and clear the air

I have spent LOTS of time with ABOS, maybe 1 in 1000 has what you could call normal behavior?

Unlike Melbourne/Sydney with have a large community of them in Adelaide, i see them all the time, in the back of cop cars, they are totally out of control, hunt in packs, rape/pillage/rob and abuse, steal cars that speed crash and kill people, happens ALL THE TIME.

The moan and complain that they dont get a fair go, we give them new houses and try to intergrate them, they pay us back by burning the house to keep warm, steal cars, and cry poor when caught by our hard working police [slap on the wrist, dont do it again, move on, judges are softcocks]

I travel the outback and see them and how they act, same thing but they do REVERSE RACIST mindset to us! WTF we give them whole towns and whites are NOT allowed into these towns....WTF?

The drive the tractors and power equipment into the dams so they dont have to work, puncture the tyres in the work vehicles and leave them

Thats still not NOT enough they come to other towns, break into bottle shops, smash everything, destroy every single thing they can, steal and rob cars etc.

We have bent overbackwards for them, changed all our laws, no pub opened till midday, no take out booze after 7PM, there actions have ruined it for the others, do we complain NO, yet they want more and more, its sad comedy each week they get there governement paycheck for doing nothing, all the town needs to be shuttered.

My ancestors did not hunt them, that was the British stock, i am of neither, dont point the finger and cock your mouth off till you know what you are talking about.

Best you come to Australia and see for yourself, forget Google and online garbage, come camp with me up north, you can meet a few and see the true picture, you will shit your pants and run off home to your mommy, thats if they dont steal all your possesions in the process

In all fairness i will tell you one thing, its the poison of booze that turned them into this, for mine forget trying to intergrate, they are NOT interested, we have spent BILLIONS over 200 years and its just like day 1, nothing has changed.

I have no solution, just telling you as it is, forget the garbage you have read in Readers Digest etc

Cheers brother

PS Yeap, Adelaide chicks rock, keep it quiet please!

"Lifes about, shooting your load"

Data sheet on all of Russia

Quote: (11-22-2012 07:03 PM)BrownBear Wrote:  

[Image: monkey.gif] I'm a troll now?

Because of this Greek хуй?

Ok Choche -

Kidding with you my dear sir. Lets make history happen by making this Russian adventure come true!!!

Data sheet on all of Russia


Why do you assume I have not been to Australia? I've probably spent more time there than you ;-)

Yeah, its fucked up with the alcohol and violence everything else... but even despite all that, and that's not all "abos" of course, I generally feel more comfortable with these people than white Australians. And you really stress the negative - there is positive there is of course.

I see white Australian culture as totally fucked up - why would they want to integrate into suburban hell?

I see it more that we need to integrate more with their culture... it is a two way process of sharing. So I can say that myself and other friends have been involved in that process.

p.s. I agree, compared to chicks from other cities, in Australia, Adelaide chicks do indeed rock!

Data sheet on all of Russia

Guys I'll have to do this a little bit later...I'm not in good standing with someone (impressive debt)

Data sheet on all of Russia


Serious stuff!

"Lifes about, shooting your load"

Data sheet on all of Russia

so, brownbear was never going to bust that datasheet, he just wanted to get everybody revved up because he got a kick out of it.

The "I even have contacts for you when you arrive" was an over-the-top giveaway this guy was full of shit.

Data sheet on all of Russia

Quote: (12-23-2012 12:54 PM)Tenerife Wrote:  

so, brownbear was never going to bust that datasheet, he just wanted to get everybody revved up because he got a kick out of it.

The "I even have contacts for you when you arrive" was an over-the-top giveaway this guy was full of shit.

The great majority of men dont want a group of foreigners to come and slay their local pussy. I have met a few while traveling, who had so many available, that they were very willing to share. But these types of men are extremely rare. We were hoping brown bear was one of these, which was not the case.

Data sheet on all of Russia

I suspect he was Deb actually.

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