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Is bodybuilding/fitness an impediment for world game?

Is bodybuilding/fitness an impediment for world game?

I have a particular lifestyle,bodybuilding,specifically this category:

could this lifestlyle be contra to the world game? I mean,my point of view is to spend periods of 1-2 weeks maximum or 2-3 months.

Spend the entire summer in another country and go in other periods of the year in 1-2 weeks of duration

Is bodybuilding/fitness an impediment for world game?

You can certainly stay in good shape when travelling, and no reason why you cant stay in very good shape if you're parked up the same place for a while with access to gym, kitchen and groceries.

That said travelling and partying and irregular eating and sometimes lack of access to clean foods and supps will of course affect your physique. I think to be on the road for more than a couple of weeks and stay in competition shape or near it is quite unlikely. But you can stay muscular and lean, that is for certain.

Personally, I stopped giving a shit about a bodybuilding aesthetic once I realised what I actually enjoy is a) looking pretty muscular/athletic, b) being strong and c) actually DOING cool stuff like global adventure and pickup rather than caring about my bicep circumference.

"looking good + being strong + really living" trumps "looking amazing and my life being kitchen and gym", by a long shot. your mileage may vary...

Is bodybuilding/fitness an impediment for world game?

thanks richie!

Is bodybuilding/fitness an impediment for world game?

Quote: (11-11-2012 07:33 AM)RichieP Wrote:  

Personally, I stopped giving a shit about a bodybuilding aesthetic once I realised what I actually enjoy is a) looking pretty muscular/athletic, b) being strong and c) actually DOING cool stuff like global adventure and pickup rather than caring about my bicep circumference.


i got a few mates who are so concerned about their diet and getting protein shakes in their strength etc they don't live

what they don't realise is nobody else really gives a fuck

Is bodybuilding/fitness an impediment for world game?

You really need to be around women who are either in or appreciate this lifestyle. Realistically unless you are doing shows for money, gaming is not really condusive to this lifestyle. I have done Bodybuilding shows in the past and even now I stay in really good shape, and am really conscious of nutrition. To meet tonnes of women and make lots of approaches generally recquires going to bars and pubs unless you are in Europe where lots of people are out and about all the time. 24 hour gyms would be a helpful to guys travelling around you would think. Being able to order supplements on the internet would be useful to the fitness/bodybuilding lifestyle.

Is bodybuilding/fitness an impediment for world game?

Quote: (11-12-2012 06:16 AM)Magic Bullets Wrote:  

You really need to be around women who are either in or appreciate this lifestyle. Realistically unless you are doing shows for money, gaming is not really condusive to this lifestyle. I have done Bodybuilding shows in the past and even now I stay in really good shape, and am really conscious of nutrition. To meet tonnes of women and make lots of approaches generally recquires going to bars and pubs unless you are in Europe where lots of people are out and about all the time. 24 hour gyms would be a helpful to guys travelling around you would think. Being able to order supplements on the internet would be useful to the fitness/bodybuilding lifestyle.


and while you were doing shows did u usually went on world game?

I don't drink alcohol,so I think it would be a pro..and going out at night can be solved by sleeping the required hours and eating properly.

Is bodybuilding/fitness an impediment for world game?

Hi, Spanish Courage!

I am also an amateur bodybuilder (meaning I´ve never competed nor plan to, but train hard and eat right) and I think it is indeed an impediment to world game.
The truth is, in order for you to get the best physique you possibly can, it is necessary to eat properly and to follow the natural cycles of life( this implies one gets proper rest, sleeps during the night hours when there´s absence of light and remains emotionally balanced, avoiding the stress and emotional ups and downs of always going out at night).
It´s clear you have to make the choice of either dedicating yourself to physical training or picking up chicks.
Fortunately, as another poster has already written, it is possible, at least in theory, to get in contact with women who are also into this lifestyle if you decide to be a bodybuilder. The problem is that there are only very few of them.

Is bodybuilding/fitness an impediment for world game?

Forgot to say that you can also take some time off from your training once in a while in order to travel the world, but bear in mind it will have a negative impact on your physique.

Is bodybuilding/fitness an impediment for world game?

thanks brazilian guy!

is very interesting your point of view,but I have planned many options:

*Make several trips when i'm off steroids(2 or 3 times per year)of a weeklong.
*Specialize and work in day game,because I prefer this rather than night.
*If I want to spend a long time abroad stay from 2-6 months period and establish a "headquarter" where I can eat good and train

what do u think? [Image: smile.gif]

Is bodybuilding/fitness an impediment for world game?

No problem, man. Us meatheads have to stick together.

If you´re taking steroids then you know you must be specially committed and systematic in your diet, training and rest.

I like the idea of specializing in day game. This is something I have been doing for a few months now, and I have no regrets.
The truth is that the overall quality of women you meet during the day is higher than your standard club bitch. Not only are day game women healthier, they also have personalities that are more pleasant and interesting. They also tend to be less flakier than chicks you meet in bars and clubs.
Women seem to engage bitch mode at night.

Establishing a temporary headquarter abroad seems like a good idea if you have the means.

I like the way you are trying to adapt women to your lifestyle and not the other way around.
It never pays off to give up on something you truly want (in your case, achieving peak fitness) just for pussy.

Is bodybuilding/fitness an impediment for world game?

I agree with you brazilian

One important thing that doesn't usually appear in seduction books and materials is that the guys who most success have with women are those who don't pursue the pussy,are whom dedicate to his passion and then women come easily and without notice it.

Its like pareto rule ,the 80/20 system:

I see day game the most efficient way to meet women,not only because you have (i could say) zero competence..instead of going to the disco that is so full of men looking for pussy that islike a glass so full of sugar that ends up being nasty

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