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[Ideas Needed] Morning Motivation and Keeping Momentum:

[Ideas Needed] Morning Motivation and Keeping Momentum:

I used to make todo List for the next Day every evening.
But since Most of my Habbit's are Daily I use an Online To do List but i think you're Problem is different.

1.)Does that what you want to achieve inspire you ? Everybody Hase some day's where it's Hard to get up but if you do what you enjoy doing and fulfills you're needs it's much much easier. I Look forward to what I do on a Daily Basis and that gives me Energy.

I Love eating and preparing Healthy Food for myself. I enjoy making Money in the Markets. I like relaxing in a hote Tube and Eating my breakfast outside in the Garden and After that meditating for 21 Minutes.

I baysicly Build a daily Life that is Fun to me and Even though I sometimes feel tired or stay up Late because I am excited about something 97% oft Day's are Awesome and I Love them.

2.)So How can that help you?
You have to create a Day to Day live that is Fun to you and contains what ever Makes you feel excited on a Day to Day Basis.

If you're like me and you Love listening to Music than implement that, what ever you like doing implement it so you will have something to Look forward to every day.

3.)So that are the Basics if you have gotten that down you might want to Look at you're nutrion.

There is a Book called the ultimate Mind Solution and the athor Hase alot of Videos on Youtube that explain what the right Food can do for you. I Personaly choose to Listen to my Body since I feel which Food Takes and which Food gives me Energy and eating Paleo and preparing my Own Food is what Works best for me when it Comes to nutrition.

4.)Another Topic is People you accsociate with I noticed that a few People in my live tend to help me get Stressed Out more and other's help me feel better, so that is a Way to Improove you're Energy aswell.

5.)Fitness, Sport , Gym: I don't know which Sport you enjoy ( I like Swimming and Running True the woods) But if there is a Sport you like doing Try to Integrate it on a Daily Basis or 3 Atleast 3-4 Times a Week.

6.)Think about stoping Masturbation for 14- Days: Not everybody want's to do that but Sexual Energy is Not to be wasted and if you're willing you can use it to be mor Productive.

7.)Emotions.) I use EFT ( google it) to clear Subconsius Blocks in my electrical Energy Systems alot of Times we are tired or feel resitance to do something when ouer Subconsius is not Feeling comfortable or Safe which means you have a limiting beliefe about what you're doing. I don't what you do Own das to Day Basis but I used to have Problems with fear of Succes that where blockig me unciously so that would be the Thing I would work on if everything above failed.

If you actualy Implement the steps you should have much mor Energy and If you create the right Habbit's and day to day activities you're Energy should Even increase every Day as you learn about mor Things that ar Good for you.

Take Care

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