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Women Bosses

Women Bosses

I could write a book on this shit.

My post says nothing, but explains everything....go!

Women Bosses

It's been awhile since I worked for someone else but I count two women bosses. These were contract gigs. Both were cool as fuck. The first one let me get away with a lot of shit because I worked my ass off for her. I learned a lot from her and became pretty good friends. She definitely took care of me.

The second was pretty cool. She was a contractor as well and would come out drinking with us. I ended up fucking her. I wouldn't normally do something like that but she was cool enough were it didn't bother anything. It ended up more like fuck buddies. Shit, I ended up fucking her friend first and her later when I stopped hitting her friend.

I would say I have been extremely lucky when it came to women bosses.

Women Bosses

They have high variance. Either they are coolest person ever or the biggest cunt. No in between

Women Bosses

I found personally if I look at a boss as either woman or man, and better or worse because of his/her gender, it fucks everything up.

A boss is a boss. They all have their idiosyncratic personality quirks. Either can be a dick/cunt or cool/make you wanna work for 'em. Some female bosses can go into pregancy drama, but some male bosses are pussy-whipped and whine about that their wife all the time too, so shit doesn't matter & it all balances out in da worker/boss social strata.

Women Bosses

I'll say one good thing about female bosses, they're capable of seeing through the bullshit of other females and ,in my experience, will shut a bitch down if she's out of line(especially if she tries to fall back on the "innocent little girl defense"). I've had male bosses white knight for female employees I've had disagreements with, and a mangina can be just as passive-aggressive as a female. That said, I'd take an alpha over either.

Women Bosses

My boss is an alpha male. So is my company President. It makes it much easier to work with them, knowing I can be myself.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Women Bosses

My boss is a Jewish carpenter.

[Image: attachment.jpg8140]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Women Bosses

Incidentally, there's a very relevant thread to this one:

Working for a female boss.

In it, I posted the following, which I'll reproduce here:

Quote: (09-28-2011 01:55 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Man, I almost didn't chime in on this thread because I'm still smarting from my last job, where I was passed around from female boss to female boss after my male boss (the guy who hired me) took a golden parachute and bounced the fuck out of the company.

I put up with months of nuclear bullshit from these bitches, who were trying to push me out because they felt threatened by masculine behavior and creativity in a department dominated by dumb women and where the very few men were obvious, sniveling betas. In fact, I could probably write a whole thread just on the anecdotes--they're that hilarious. In the end, they were no match for the great Tuthmosis. I outsmarted them at every turn, manipulating them into creating a paper trail of all the semi-illegal bullshit they were pulling on me. After two years of survival--a period where they managed to pressure out everyone else who had even an ounce of personality--I got a rare golden ticket. I walked away with a nice big check, a smile on my face, and my pride intact. I'm now doing something 10 times better that I was doing there. The best part is that when those bitches found out (through some friends who stayed there a bit longer), they were eating shit with a fork and knife.

Everything that's been said is true. Women, on average, make way worse bosses--a trend that's worsened by the factors of age, relative ugliness, and marriage/children status. They aren't cut out for leadership roles and resort to bitchiness and bullying to get their way. They don't see the difference because they're not programmed to.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Women Bosses

Great point, Tuth. That perfectly describes my last female boss. She was a vulgar, screaming bully. Had a serious man-jaw on her too. Looked like a tranny.

Women Bosses

Quote: (10-11-2012 11:33 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

They aren't cut out for leadership roles and resort to bitchiness and bullying to get their way. They don't see the difference because they're not programmed to.

Exactly! Patrice O'neal on why female bosses are never happy:


Women Bosses

There is alot of academic evidence showing that both men and women prefer to work for male bosses, due to superior mentoring and more pleasant working environments.

Women Bosses

Quote: (10-12-2012 05:19 AM)Nineteen84 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-11-2012 11:33 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

They aren't cut out for leadership roles and resort to bitchiness and bullying to get their way. They don't see the difference because they're not programmed to.

Exactly! Patrice O'neal on why female bosses are never happy:

I love how the woman he's arguing with brings up "lionessses do the hunting, man just sits around", a bit of feminist propaganda that went unchallenged for decades. On the plains of the Sarangetti, hunting isn't even half battle. You can hunt every day and still not eat if bigger, badder groups of hyenas just push you of your kill and steal it every time. They did a study and found that the actual amount of food eaten more than doubled with lions present. Apparently, the ideal phenotype for sneaking around the bush and chasing stuff down (the lioness) is different from the ideal phenotype for straight up wrecking shit (the lion). It's a lot tougher to take HIS lunch.

Women Bosses

I have had two female bosses and both times they were very excellent. They were both post-menopausal, fairly heavy smokers, and just cool as shit. Years of factory work taught them both how to tango with assholes from the upper management division.

The only problem was that they were both somewhat pushovers from the really big guys in HR but I think that they both did better than most guys would. They also did not defend certain coworkers or take as many risks as I would have.

Women Bosses

I have mentioned once before working in an office, on the bottom end, getting paid like $13 an hour to do the work that lets people get shit done; distributing documents, filing, data entry, that shit.

This was not that long ago, before my physique was ruined by China; 6'3, 190, sharp dressed and with the 'walk' down. At least twenty girls in the company (700+ people) wanted to fuck me, I have confirmation on this*. Almost all of the people I worked with and for loved me, took me out for dinner and drinks after work on occasions, and we had some great chats.

Everybody in the office loved me except for one; my cunt of a boss. Late 50's, fat, never married and no kids, uptight, ultra passive-aggressive and threatened by anything that didn't fit into the little 'boxes' that made up her narrow-minded worldview.

My male co-workers who worked directly under this cunt? One looked like a[n even more] Jewish Krusty the Klown who would jump over himself to apologize for even the slightest indiscretions and spoke in a lilting alto that can at its most masculine be described as 'faggy and effeminate'. The other was a short, balding man who was actually a cool cat who had wisdom to impart; he had been beaten down in two divorces.

It was a government job, so you know what that means; diversity seminars, outlandish political correctness, being told to celebrate our differences one day and the next to not acknowledge them, Thoughtpolice HR, just maddening, maddening shit.

After almost 18 months she ended my contract within a few weeks of Christmas, 18 months in which I did at least twice the amount of work that the other person doing the same job did. The real tick? Over a 5-month period I kept track of how many days the 11 or so people in our department took. She took 23, the girl beside me took 11, Krusty took 7, the other temp took many did I take? One, and consider that I was going out 3-4 nights a week to bars and on dates, drinking, fucking, living it up.

After that happened I went down a few floors, chatted with the cutest girl who I knew liked me, made plans with her for that night and fucked her. Put her in the rotation and I actually heard from her not long before coming to China...she's engaged now, good for her (not so for her fiancee)

* - I eventually fucked two of them, as well as a co-worker's 19-year old daughter (which I managed to deny when it became a subject of inter-office gossip). Most of them were nasty or not hot enough to risk the painfully milquetoast 'office conduct' chat by HR.

Another female boss (again, government, but years back) was almost as bad in all areas but not quite, but what got me when I first met her? Midget, and according to some an AA hire. Would have been nice to have that info going in on the first day, but I kept it in.

Women Bosses

My female bosses, let me think in order..... they were all cunts, out to prove themselves, I fucked 3 of my female bosses in my life, one was still a cunt after but she was just a cunt in general. the other 2 were cool all along, I think this says alot. As i can honestly say most of my male bosses have been ok, bar a few fuckheads of course.

Women Bosses

Quote: (10-12-2012 05:19 AM)Nineteen84 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-11-2012 11:33 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

They aren't cut out for leadership roles and resort to bitchiness and bullying to get their way. They don't see the difference because they're not programmed to.

Exactly! Patrice O'neal on why female bosses are never happy:

This guy is right on the money: "women think it terms of us."

They need to feel connected to a community. I believe this is because, in evo-psych terms, they need social support when they are pregnant/vulnerable.

This is why, in most of the 1st world nations or non-poor environments, they value survival characteristics over reproductive attributes in men.

Women Bosses

I hope all you guys here are putting a plan in place where you'd never be in the position working for a woman or under one in any capacity.

Also having one in charge of your housing, banking or even your cell bill because as soon as any little thing goes wrong your card get pulled. I've seen it so many times.

Girlfriend paying car insurance....Takes off collision to save $(30 bucks a month) without asking and my buddy wrecks his car and is out 15k

Buddy on cell plan with wife...Builds business over the years and she cancels his # that's the only one connected to his work, on his vans etc..

Woman takes over station manager for an airline I worked for......Runs it into the ground and puts transfers in for people she doesn't like making families uproot etc.

Dude lets girl put car in her name....She gets mad at him and sells it to me over trivial repairs that she deems "his fault" this happens at my place all the time. Two in the last month or so..

I can go on about this forever but Mech..Someone has to work for them right? Yes. Someone does just not you guys.

Women Bosses

thankfully, i'm the top executive of about 120 people so I don't have to work for any women. but i have plenty of opportunities to see how women work together. the women in my organization are always bickering and fighting with each other, always pointing fingers and no one, not a single one of them, ever fucking owns a thing. well, i take that back. the only one who is worth a shit on an administrative level is post menopausal. and i actually trust her to get it done. but she is also the wife of a rich oil exec who is doing this "for fun."

there is a black woman who works for me who said the other day: "I hate working with women. especially black women."

Women Bosses

While a woman boss is bad, never have a woman landlord or RA if you're in college.

Last year when I had a male RA, he was chill. He would mind his business and only complain if the music in my room was too loud. Also made sure I was okay when I was shitfaced. Hey man, the music is a bit loud can you please turn it down? Are you alright, I heard ya throwing up. As long as you guys in the hall don't do anything stupid, I'm fine.

This year, this female RA is damn near a correctional officer. Complains and questions about anything. Rosca where you going? Why do you talk so slow, it irks me! Rosca you sound like such a stoner! I just can't stand people who aren't genuinely who they are! Did you get my email? No don't tell me now, send it to my email!

So for college players, don't get a fucking female RA. She will make your college stay a prison visit.


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