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Getting flaked!

Getting flaked!

After reading bang I was eager to start some of this new knowledge out and last week whilst in a 40 minute queue to a nightclub, a chance was presented.

A really cute girl joined the queue just behind me, I waited for an opportunity and when she blurted out she was freezing I offered her my coat, only to tell her she could not have it (not sure if this was cruel, was intended to be a joke however).
After making a jibe about my balding hair we actually managed to get into a conversation, she asked me a bunch of questions and I remembered to hold back some answers (let her guess) but gave her honest answers for the rest.

As I got more less nervous we joked a little bit, I teased her cause she is southern and I am northern. Some people queue jumped, to which she told them off. I joked that they will be after us once inside now and I don't want to be associated with her (joking).
After about 15 mins of getting to know her (and her friend, I did speak to her aswell) she then started getting really close to me, muttering how freezing she was.
I could not tell if she was just using me for my body heat or not however.

She was getting closer and I was now basically hugging her, at this point she actually was facing me and for about two seconds was staring directly into my eyes. Now for whatever reason I did not make a move, but it felt like she was waiting for a kiss. We were in a queue so I thought this was inappropriate, [b]was I wrong?[b]

She gave me back my gloves just before we went in, so i decided to call her bluff,
"You can make up for it by buying me a drink"
"I'm a good catch ya know" She replied and then something like she is not easy.

A couple of hours later I had pretty much forgotten about her, until I bumped into her on the dancefloor. At this point I was with a large group of people, she smiled and we approached each other.

I then invested in a bit of small talk asking her if she was having a good time etc. She kissed me on the cheek for lending her the gloves.
I further engaged in small talk with her and not forgetting her friend, making it my aim to make sure they were comfortable with my presence. Then we started dancing......

By this point we were getting closer, so I decided it was time to put one arm around her waist.
Numerous times I would slip it further down to her cute bum, but for some reason I was to scared to commit. Should I have taken a dive and just gained a firm grip? After all she appeared to have no objection.

Her friend then exited the dancefloor, only to return later with another guy, no risk of a cockblocker now!

We continued dancing, but heres the thing, whenever we got close she would not look at me and there was no small talk whilst in this state. She had no objection with me putting my arms round her and she did same to me. Did I need to up it and start getting sexual with my talk?

Anyway, after a little while she got her phone out and asked me to put my number in. Not soon after the lights came up and she said she will text me, we were joking a little still and her friend had clearly pulled for the night. Should I have invited myself or venue changed as there was an after party.

No sooner had she left when I got a text from her saying "bye bye he he x"

Now this is where I think I messed up, I did not reply to her message and decided to think it over. I text her in the morning and guess what............no reply!!!

I did text her about five days later, taking into account the teasing humour. I asked her if she had been any more fights or been barred from any clubs. She did reply laughin and joining in the banter but as soon as I suggested we should meet up again she stopped responding........HELP!

Im not bothered about her but just want to know where I went wrong!

Getting flaked!


I could not tell if she was just using me for my body heat or not however.

Probably not.

Yes, you should have kissed her in line. Who says what's inappropriate or not?


Should I have taken a dive and just gained a firm grip?

If a girl is not resisting what you are doing, then you could have gone farther. I don't know how firm you mean, but at this point you did a good job building attraction and could progress things. Sounds like you could have already kissed her so a more bold touch wouldn't have hurt.


Did I need to up it and start getting sexual with my talk?

No I don't believe that would have helped. You don't need to talk sexual to get to kissing. Touching alone with attraction is enough.

I got a little sad when you just got the number. The girl seemed down. At the minimum you should have gotten a kiss, but a venue change would have made a whole lot of sense. Things are going well, why not try to continue it?

Unfortunately you'll never know what you did "wrong," though from the sounds of it you weren't aggressive enough in the kiss/venue change. Not replying to the text until the next day probably was not a factor.

This is an important lesson to learn that numbers mean absolute shit and you need to push the interaction as far as you can when you meet her.

Getting flaked!

"We were in a queue so I thought this was inappropriate, was I wrong?"


When the Leopard sees a baby Thompson's Gazelle, he doesn't hesitate.

You need to re-condition your mind on what is possible and what is appropriate.

You probably could have gotten a blower around back of the club if you played your cards right.

If you don't think that is a possibility, I can tell you it will never happen.

"This is an important lesson to learn that numbers mean absolute shit and you need to push the interaction as far as you can when you meet her."

Yes. Especially in the nightclub setting. And during our current era of "Twitter Attention Spans".

Getting flaked!

I think the girl didn't call you back because she "thinks" you are a pussy. Seriously, girls talk about this all the time. You simply weren't aggressive enough and that turned her off, especially after she gave you the "green light" with the extended close range eye contact. Next time error on the side of aggression and fine tune from there.

Getting flaked!

a perfect example of messed up first encounter.

this thread should not be getting flaked.it should be getting fucked up.

next time take an energy confident drink before you reach this much close to a girl.

time to move on. !

Getting flaked!

Well, Ive messed up some fine pieces of ass, thats served their pussy on a plate back when I pretty much was clueless about women. The most epil fail was this gorgeous italian chick that invited herself back to my crip and said "I dont have any panties on" I thinking, "thats some weird shit to say" thats how clueless I was, the next day she banged my friend [Image: smile.gif]

Hot woman can only go so far to show they are willing without being totally desperate, which they never will be because there is other options plus is pisses them off/turn off that any guy is clueless [Image: biggrin.gif]

In my opinion it boils down to getting out of you head, stop planning and stop thinking so much, all that PUA stuff is more or less programs for a robot, be the jaguar that G mentioned, just go on primeval gut feelings and strive for enjoyment..

its not about pussy its about fun

Getting flaked!

Cheers Roosh and thanks for the added comments guys, appreciate it.

I intend to be more aggressive in future.

As far as kissing, if a girl is that close and making eye contact, how do you make the move. Is it best to glance at her lips then move in closer or just move in?

Also, how do you initiate a kiss when you are dancing close but she is not really giving eye contact? Do you touch closer to her face?

Getting flaked!

Quote: (02-10-2010 07:29 PM)8fatallimbs Wrote:  

Also, how do you initiate a kiss when you are dancing close but she is not really giving eye contact? Do you touch closer to her face?

I prefer kissing neck first or something like that, just kind of test the water, it's a good move.

And I agree with Quasi.

The point is to have fun. Some guys let seduction become an end in and of itself-- I think that's missing the point. The point of the whole seduction thing is to have fun and for the person you are with to have fun.

Enjoy what you are doing and even when you do not get the girl, or when you make godawful mistakes, you'll be able to laugh, learn, and STILL remember the experience fondly.

Getting flaked!

i prefer holding and slightly rubing her hand before going for a kiss,just to ensure how much resistence im gonna face.

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