If you are in Brasil now, a cozy and very friendly place with adorable girls who are just flat out fun, and down-to-earth is Coiba!
Just pack up and go like I did - no plans, and just go....I was pleasantly surprised at what a true hidden gem Coiba is.
if you are looking for a beach place like Uruguay's Punta del este, but with ZERO tourists, and ZERO street vendors harassing the shit out of you - check out Belem!
My top places to take a girl to just relax and unwind:
Termales de Santa Rosa - 1 hour drive from Pereira.
Here you will find a collection of waterfalls, and hot springs, and mud baths by a professional masseuse!! aaahhhh
Villa de Leyva -- 2 hour drive from Bogota - very, very nice. There is a beautiful hacienda like hotel that just screams relax, and each room has a hammock for daytime siestas, an a backyard with a grille for outdoor cooking - very cool.
VillaVicencio -- Unwind and go horseback riding with a cutie!!
Cartago - If this place does not relax you, nothing will!!! Nothing do do but eat, drink sleep on the beach, and have sex if you like - nobody else is there!!!
Armenia - stay in a hotel called "Las Heliconias" wow - just breathtaking!! An you don't hear a single sound at night - except for your girl moaning as you have slow, and pleasurable sex like rabbits!
While there - visit a theme park of eje cafetero, and scream your lungs out and let it all out like a kid!!
The Game plan is simple: Enjoy the life!