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Growth of the Manosphere

Growth of the Manosphere

I took a look at the latest linkage is good for you and realised there's a shit ton of blogs, and it's growing rapidly.

Where does it go from here? When does it become more than just a group of blogs?

A radio show? A youtube channel with interviews? A manosphere conference?

I predict as the rise of fem-cunts increases, the manosphere will increase in proportion as more men will be turned away from traditional values and look for alternative lifestyles.


Growth of the Manosphere

We aren't "turning away" from traditional values (if anything, that's what women have ignorantly been doing for 30+ years), we're adapting them to be compatible with today's women. I suspect a more PC blog (i.e. Paul Elam's will go mainstream much sooner than ours. The truth is the "manosphere" is still very much on the fringe when it comes to men's rights. The majority of the U.S., for example, would most likely still shun most of us in public.

The key is to keep the message strong and clear because feminists and white-knighting beta males will be our enemy in the near future. This is a movement that benefits both men and women... but for anything significant to happen would mean women yielding a lot of ground. I don't see that happening anytime soon. We're still at war for the time being, don't think for a second that this isn't a real war between the genders - it is.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Growth of the Manosphere

Women are confused and lost. That is why so many of them are on meds. They've been tricked into denying their true nature by feminists who want the world to reflect their values so that they don't feel like outsiders.

Weak-willed men and ignorant men have also fallen under the control of the feminist agenda. As the manopshere grows, so will the white-knights. The stakes will get bigger and the world will become more polarized. Unless the truth gets out to the rest of the guys in the world, the numbers of "Herbivore" men will grow, and we will start to see witch hunts against players (like an offline version of that crazy Southern agency that sent out warnings to the police about Roosh).

Women will never accept the truth until it is too late. They will sell-out their own next generation to try to hold on to any power they feel that they have.

Growth of the Manosphere

You'll know when the manosphere has gone mainstream when you start seeing MRA and game-related writing in magazines like GQ and Maxim. I don't read any of the men's magazines so for the all I know such articles mat exist already.

Growth of the Manosphere

Some of my friends are cognizant of manosphere type writings but they think it's bullshit. It's mostly because women choose not to have sex with them and they take it personally. By personally, I mean that they think there's something wrong with themselves, like a personal defect that turns women off.

There's an air of ignorance around the whole manosphere since women do not understand sexual dynamics (since for them understanding sexual power is not a cognitive thing), and neither do men who never get laid (roughly 70%), and neither do men who are so attractive that they could spit beta game and still get mad laid (maybe 1-3% of men). Of the groups it's feminist cunts in the lead with the attractive cats following; betas then omegas last.

So there's probably one in seven people who is in a position to appreciate the manosphere, with maybe one in ten of them actually aware of it, and fewer still who apply it. I don't think this dark corner of the Internet is going to get much attention, and if it does, it will be vivisected by feminists/white knights to no apparent effect, since you can't spot a manosphere-adherent by sight and game still works even if they know about it.

Of these manosphere guys, I would guess that maybe 1 in 20 are solid veterans of game (which means that natural gamers outnumber unnaturals 10 to 1). I'm not in this elite group. Of all the groups previously listed, these are the guys who have an actual awareness of the sexual market from a scarcity perspective.

quick edit - saw the linkage page, quite impressed that the guy put ten other blogs in front of Roissy; with Matt Forney twice. Not sure what that cat is up to.

Growth of the Manosphere

Money. Figure out how to take the message, and sell it, in the way you would any piece of entertainment. I'm not sure you'll ever get lots of people reading wordy blogs. And even if you could, you'd get a much faster uptake through something like an internet radio channel or TV show. Forsake 'activism' for hustling.

Someone should establish an alternative media universe that caters to men with a pair. It would have masculine, entertaining guys and turn a little profit. Hire people like Tom Leykis, Adam Carolla, Bill Burr, figure out some way build a network based on them, give them free reign. These guys are already using the internet to transmit their message anyway. And no phony, feminist rags a la Maxim/GQ.

If you can package the message in a format that is first and foremost *entertaining,* you'll have way way more reach, as the popularity of those comics I mentioned attests. Get Hollywood quality video and audio production, with the entertainment value to match, and you'll have great potential. If the internet and new technologies like Apple TV can let you watch films from outside of the Hollywood establishment with ease, then the manosphere could make some headway. Hollywood's lock on distribution is probably the biggest stumbling block.

It's really not that hard to make some of this stuff entertaining.

Growth of the Manosphere

The 1st thing that popped into my mind was Spike TV from about 10 years ago. It started out very male centric with the programming but eventually got watered down to the crap you see on it today.

Maybe the best solution is a softer digestible person that is more about equality and MRA than "game".
Its easy for white knights and femi-nazi's to rail against us who practice game but very difficult to rail against a "nice" guy who slips in red pill theory with some equal rights stuff. A little bit of Trojan horse theory if you will.

We all see how hard people come at Roosh for his content and he's arguably the most "mainstream" of the Game 2.0 crowd.

I shudder to imagine a future where our kind is hunted down because our notch count is "too high" for the local feminist court and we are sentenced to some sort of brainwashing to kill off our need to score new pussy. Or we might be "shamed" into gaming fat and unattractive girls to make everything even.

Growth of the Manosphere

That Olympic track dancing chick makes my manosphere grow.

Growth of the Manosphere

I'd like to hear a legit manosphere podcast. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there's anything out there.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Growth of the Manosphere

Two thoughts on this.

(1) Threads like this always make me want to "out" my blog where I write about game in addition to other things. But then I always hesitate as I do blog under my real name. Some day, some day...

(2) I also noticed that a lot of the MRA types actually actively DENY and attack game. Many of them would be banned from this forum as trolls. For instance just today a manosphere blogger told me that game is not a skill that can be mastered and that it is looks, fame, money, blah blah blah that count.

The MRA's are correct on many social issues. That said I can't fully sympathize with them as a group because too many of them (see above) simply whine too much and don't do anything proactive to improve their lot like learning languages, going abroad, becoming more interesting people, learning game, etc as Roosh recommends. Others stray into near psychopathic territory in hating women (as opposed to the cynical bemusement and easy-going disillusionment most of us here feel towards them).

Case in point - this blog I recently came across: The author is a self-confessed virgin who voices standard manosphere grievances but outright denies game and makes fun of players as frauds and scammers and "Paleo-Game Cultists". Even his very website is a dreary, funereal black, - and he can't figure out why chicks don't like him.

Anyhow... one can respect player MRA's. One can respect traditionalist MRA's, who recognize game but eschew it by their own free choice and not because they are "omega virgins in revolt." The movement as a whole does have some serious issues though... to many cranks, game-deniers, etc.

Growth of the Manosphere

The people who get my respect recognize the reality of who and what they are. Women who act like men but are on inside feminine are like children who have been led astray.

I'm actually OK with dyed-in-the-wool lesbians who act like men, and have high testosterone levels. A lot of them really are just being themselves. What I don't like is how they feel the need to persuade feminine girls to be more mannish. Their insecurity is ruining our culture. If they really want to be mannish, they should mind their own business. We don't live in the dark ages anymore, and they won't be hunted like witches, so they need to stop over-reaching for power.

Growth of the Manosphere

Yeah, most of those MRAs, although many have good points, are mostly pretty bitter men that were seriously fucked over or simply ignored by women and don't have very good attitudes. Instead of doing something about it they whine.
As for manosphere-like stuff to become more mainstream, I think it's necessary to somewhat water-down some of the more (hate to say it) misogynist elements. I know where these guys are coming from, but if you take some normal people (let's say a normal guy, somewhat beta but not overly white knighting, or a normal, reasonable, non-feminist woman), they are going to be appalled. There are other red-pill blogs that these regular people wouldn't find anything wrong with and wouldn't be able to help themselves but agree. Examples - Athol Kay's, mark Mason's, Susan Walsh's (Although to be honest Susan's hamster often runs wild (she's an American woman after all), the advice, especially for women, is quite good, and women are definitely valuable allies.)

Growth of the Manosphere

Quote: (08-13-2012 12:36 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

I'd like to hear a legit manosphere podcast. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there's anything out there.

Yeah I came into this thread to say this.

The only sort of decent podcasts that I can think of relevant to the 'sphere are Black Dragon's one-off (although I did e-mail him to tell him to do more) and DeAngelo's huge series which he did interviewing every PUA out there about ten years ago. Although the issue with both is that they didn't really discuss current affairs that affect the community (stuff in the news - see our Everything Else forum for example) on a regular basis like an ideal, weekly manosphere panel podcast would do.

Growth of the Manosphere

Scott, Tom Leykis does a great podcast, and he's a proven wildly successful entertainer.

And Susan Walsh is a whoremonger. She wants to create a better, smarter, more discreet whore, but a whore nonetheless. It's all there in the title of her blog - Hooking Up Smart.

Most MRAs are contemptible. I was thinking of starting a thread on this, but basically MRAs resent manliness. They *hate* being held up to masculine ideals. They are feminists who want to abolish the sexes - their beef with feminists is that they aren't feminist *enough* - they don't believe in gender equality enough. This forum is the opposite - guys here hold manliness in high regard. We aren't bitter and hurt that the world expects us to be men. But in equal measure, we like our women feminine, girly even. While on some policy issues the forum has common ground with MRAs, MRAs and the ethos of the forum are polar opposites.

My description does not apply to all MRAs. The Spearhead for instance does not suffer from the problems I mentioned. I just wish there were separate terms for MRAs, for those who support the fantasy of sexual equality, and those who don't.

Growth of the Manosphere

Quote: (08-12-2012 07:15 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

You'll know when the manosphere has gone mainstream when you start seeing MRA and game-related writing in magazines like GQ and Maxim. I don't read any of the men's magazines so for the all I know such articles mat exist already.

I don't read those mags but i'm always super annoyed by Men's Health relationship advice. Bunch of white knighting beta shit. At least in the Dutch version but i assume that's mostly translated from the USA magazine.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Growth of the Manosphere

Cheers Basil - I'll check him out.

And since you mentioned an entertainer, I guess it would be unjust not to mention the great Practise O'Neil.


Growth of the Manosphere

Quote: (08-13-2012 02:33 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Quote: (08-12-2012 07:15 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

You'll know when the manosphere has gone mainstream when you start seeing MRA and game-related writing in magazines like GQ and Maxim. I don't read any of the men's magazines so for the all I know such articles mat exist already.

I don't read those mags but i'm always super annoyed by Men's Health relationship advice. Bunch of white knighting beta shit. At least in the Dutch version but i assume that's mostly translated from the USA magazine.

Forgot to mention, Roosh just tweeted a legit pro-man article published in Esquire - . While there's a lot more that could be said, the article notably offered a steadfast criticism of misunderstood - not the usual mealy mouthed endorsement of it.

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