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Losing Your Game

Losing Your Game

My best friend used to kill it with girls in highschool. He took half the hot girls in my class´virginity and banged almost all the other half at some point. He met a girl towards the end of highschool and stayed with her for about 4 or 5 years. But this kid could pull any ass he wanted. He´s a good looking guy and really really knew how to push womens bottons, like no one I have ever seen before. But him and his girl broke up a little over a year ago and it just seems like he doesn´t have it anymore. He is still banging a decent number of women, but not quality at all. I think now I definitely bang more quality women and maybe even the same or more quantity. Has anyone else witnessed this with a friend or with themselves? THis has happened with a lot of my friends from highschool. They used to pull WAY more women than me, but now I pull as many as they used to and they pull less.

Losing Your Game

I think it has to do with girls changing after high school/early college. When they're young they're a bit more insecure so if you're a good looking guy like him, you can push their buttons and basically get what you want. After they start shedding away some of their insecurities, that kind of game doesn't work anymore, and a guy needs to transition to something more like what you are probably doing (maybe we can call that Adult game).

Roosh did a pretty good analysis on this before, something like a breakdown by age of girls and what kind of game works best with them. I can't find it, but it was pretty spot on.

Your friend probably just has to change up his game a little bit, or if you mean he's lost that magic touch, then he needs to get his touch back by going out in the field and firing away until he gets the feel of it again.

Losing Your Game

Basically all thats happened is that his inner game has gone to crap

Losing Your Game

"Has anyone else witnessed this"


Many people flame out early.

Game changes over your lifetime. Girls change. Styles change. Culture changes.

Highschool, college, post college, 30 year old etc. These are all big milestones.

Have have seen players do good at certain stops then completely fall off.


I keep getting better.

Losing Your Game

I have seen it many, many times....great players come and go just like beautiful young women become tired dry looking 7's before age 30......the reason??? I have seen it all. Drugs, alcohol, career, kids, poor diet, no exercise, no inner game work, fall in love, broken heart, loss of social status, loss of style, no ability to adapt, and the #1 reason...loss of confidence. Any combination of these things can cause a little loss of confidence...and if you don't catch it right away it can grow slowly like a cancer. For me, high school and college were easy cause i played sports. But after graduation things became much harder...i was no longer "known" around town. I had to adjust my game, my style of dress, my hair, everything....i used to walk around in sweats and a shaved head and pull easily....now it takes more effort and strategy. Bottom line: If your "inner game" gets shaken you better get it back on track....cause it can fall fast and it can be tough to get back.

Losing Your Game

That's basically it. Ya gotta adapt. Some people define intelligence as the ability to adapt to change.

Losing Your Game

I still have tight game, I know that, but the fire is gone, that drive to approach ten women a day. It has been killed by a constant supply of good sex from someone who feels they are my girlfriend. I of course am sleeping around but it is more and more from girls of a lesser quality, or girls that I have banged before.

Losing Your Game

College Game,

Make sure you read this:


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