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How could one start speaking to Other in first meeting ?

How could one start speaking to Other in first meeting ?

If i found someone very beautiful in A shopping mall or BUS Train , a short of hesitation I feel to start taking with her. So how could to overcome this? Pl replay

How could one start speaking to Other in first meeting ?

Just ask her to borrow a light, or ask her the time! just dont let her see that your already wearing a watch [Image: wink.gif]

How could one start speaking to Other in first meeting ?

I usually try to ask for their opinion on something. People don't really want to talk to you. But people love giving opinions and they love telling stories about themselves. Flatter her with polite phrases like you really want her opinion on something. When she gets really interested, pull away like you got what you needed from her. Just a little pause and she will suddenly feel insecure and hopefully ask you something. If she asks you something back, she might be interested.

How could one start speaking to Other in first meeting ?

Refer to day game threads.

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