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World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

I'm a GQ model if that nerd is a 6.

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

Quote: (10-10-2012 12:55 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I've been trying to drive this home for years but a lot of guys don't want to believe it.

Unfortunately I believe it. In DC even custom suited with plenty of dough hitting up clubs i still strike out more often than not, probably batting only .050
Game almost always trumps money

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

Same exact thing happens in Chicago. I'm in Michigan now (barely been two months) in a college town where suit game would be completely out of place because all the venues are casual bars. But going back to Chicago where I'm from....suit game ain't shit unless you can back it up with some tight game & perhaps a complete lifestyle to boot. The broads tend to move pretty fast and the hot ones always have some other Fabios or Chads (depending on their swag...u know Euro style or Midwest style lol) on speed dial and in their circles.

Quote: (10-10-2012 08:08 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2012 12:55 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I've been trying to drive this home for years but a lot of guys don't want to believe it.

Unfortunately I believe it. In DC even custom suited with plenty of dough hitting up clubs i still strike out more often than not, probably batting only .050
Game almost always trumps money

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

Quote: (10-10-2012 06:08 PM)Divorco Wrote:  

He spent $65K over twelve years. That's only around $100 per week - a typical bar bill for many guys. He had 250 blind dates - only one every two weeks. He isn't necessarily extremely rich.

He wants a pretty, slim, young, Jewish woman who is ready to have kids. He looks like this

[Image: 09.1n013.LonelyMillionaire1.ta--300x300.jpg]

and found no "chemistry" with a woman three years his junior:

[Image: 09.2n013.LonelyMillionaire.ta--300x300.jpg].

He is just picky and clueless.

I don't get it. Are you suggesting that he should adjust his expectations based on his appearance?

I'd need viagra if I lived my life that way.

I'm old, short, balding, and strikingly below average in appearance - many girlfriends call me ugly to my face - but I still often have serious LTRs with girls half my age. My current girl is 23 and a head turner. I'm sure it's often assumed that she MUST be a prostitute. Even for SEA, these types of pairings are not common.

I wouldn't fuck the girl in that picture for any amount of money, let alone give it to her for free - with commitment!

Who sold you the idea that there is equity in dating for looks? The man has money - that counts the same as tits does on a girl. You've never dated a girl for her tits?

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

Quote: (10-10-2012 06:08 PM)Divorco Wrote:  

He spent $65K over twelve years. That's only around $100 per week - a typical bar bill for many guys. He had 250 blind dates - only one every two weeks. He isn't necessarily extremely rich.

He wants a pretty, slim, young, Jewish woman who is ready to have kids. He looks like this

and found no "chemistry" with a woman three years his junior:

He is just picky and clueless.

This is a common problem in the Jewish community. A lot of these guys are "Mama's boys."

Roosh would make a killing if he wrote Bang Jews.

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

I've seen it too. Not surprisingly, the hotter Jewish chicks and alpha male Jewish guys are more likely to be found in Israel than in the USA.

Quote: (10-11-2012 07:25 AM)Smitty Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2012 06:08 PM)Divorco Wrote:  

He spent $65K over twelve years. That's only around $100 per week - a typical bar bill for many guys. He had 250 blind dates - only one every two weeks. He isn't necessarily extremely rich.

He wants a pretty, slim, young, Jewish woman who is ready to have kids. He looks like this

and found no "chemistry" with a woman three years his junior:

He is just picky and clueless.

This is a common problem in the Jewish community. A lot of these guys are "Mama's boys."

Roosh would make a killing if he wrote Bang Jews.

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

A couple of years ago I was active on JDate. My target age was 35 to 40 (with exceptions). I was 48 at the time and I'm not Jewish but my step father and step siblings are. I was also raised in a very Jewish suburban city.

On my many dates with Jewish dames I always asked about their dating experiences with Jewish guys. The most frequent complaint (and they complained a lot) was about the "mama's boys" and "nebbishes" A nebbish (spelling?) is a nobody, a guy with no personality and zero presence in this world. The guy in question is likely an affluent nebbish.

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

Damn I really don't get why this dude or Jewish people in general are so pressed to date within their religion. I don't think it's an issue of the guy getting laid, he could pay top dollar porn star level escorts or travel to Thailand and Colombia and have a field day if that's what he's after. This guy has a specific ideal dream woman that he is searching for that must match a very specific criteria, that he'll never find, Jewish, hot, young, submissive, wanting to have kids, be a house wife, etc.

I agree that this guy would have been much better off paying Roosh, Tyler Durden, Krauser, etc. to do one on one coaching, than all the money he wasted on the "match makers". Those "match makers" sound like they have the perfect job, get paid a ridiculous amount of money by rich beta guy to introduce them to hot women, they get paid regardless, and have nothing to lose if things don't work out.

I can understand that a guy at his age might want to settle down and have the white picket fence house in the burbs, trophy wife, and a couple little kids. He's almost 50 and has enough money to retire, but he will continue to waste his money and be unhappy if he doesn't learn game, or at the very least relax his standards for women, whether it be their religion, looks, etc.

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

Quote: (10-11-2012 04:31 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Damn I really don't get why this dude or Jewish people in general are so pressed to date within their religion. ... but he will continue to waste his money and be unhappy if he doesn't learn game, or at the very least relax his standards for women, whether it be their religion, looks, etc.

Good point. Back when I used to have high intellectual standards for women I would date less appealing women "in the meantime". Because who knows when or if I'd meet a more interesting girl.

Of course the meantime was most of the time, and I got used to it.

And I learned that physical standards are more important to me than mental standards. Hotness is way up there on the hierarchy of needs.

Religion is nowhere on the hierarchy.

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

Quote: (10-11-2012 04:52 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

Quote: (10-11-2012 04:31 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Damn I really don't get why this dude or Jewish people in general are so pressed to date within their religion. ... but he will continue to waste his money and be unhappy if he doesn't learn game, or at the very least relax his standards for women, whether it be their religion, looks, etc.

Good point. Back when I used to have high intellectual standards for women I would date less appealing women "in the meantime". Because who knows when or if I'd meet a more interesting girl.

Of course the meantime was most of the time, and I got used to it.

And I learned that physical standards are more important to me than mental standards. Hotness is way up there on the hierarchy of needs.

Religion is nowhere on the hierarchy.

I think if that's what you come from, it becomes instilled in you that you adhere to certain cultural/religious norms. Especially among the more observant Jews. Even for those that aren't highly observant, marrying a non-Jew isn't a serious consideration. Especially if mom is still alive...HA HA! For this guy, the religion isn't the stumbling block. It's some of the other requirements that aren't race/religion related that he can't get past, like personality and life goals of the women he's meeting. In a different generation, he'd have had more prospects than he could handle. Or if he were Orthodox, it wouldn't be a problem either.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

Maybe he has no "in the meantime" strategy? Marriage or bust? That might account for an unappealing beta vibe.

Being charismatic is a muscle that gets built up by use. I doubt you get that from going out on dates. You have to get more involved than that.

I got the bulk of my early sexual experience with older ladies. It's like work experience; you don't start at the top.

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

Quote: (10-10-2012 12:55 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I've been trying to drive this home for years but a lot of guys don't want to believe it.

Its good they don't believe it...less competition for you and everyone on this board.

Besides alot of those guys don't want to live in reality....they prefer to stay in a world that is fictional and where they can control it....

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

He hit the big time, but he's still a loser. That's bad. That's Peter Andre levels of Beta-tude.

I wear steel toe boots to work, and he's a millionaire, but I wouldn't trade places with him.

Life is what you make it.

Quote: (03-05-2016 02:42 PM)SudoRoot Wrote:  
Fuck this shit, I peace out.

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

Quote: (10-11-2012 07:07 AM)xsplat Wrote:  

Are you suggesting that he should adjust his expectations based on his appearance?

No, I'm just trying to explain his abject failure. He has money, but has no game and is unwilling to settle for an age-appropriate woman who matches him in looks. Can you seriously imagine a hot 35-year-old going for that guy? It doesn't sound like he has a new career, a charitable foundation, cool travel/hobbies, or anything else exciting.

His situation reminds me of dumpy forty-something women who unreasonably expect to date a handsome financially stable man their age. They think that these men used to chase them ten years ago, and now these men are older and richer, so there should be no problem. Indeed, there are plenty of middle-aged men in their peak earning years. But if they are decent looking and single then they have too many choices to bail out aging woman. These women consign themselves to spinsterhood by being unwilling to comromise. They demand the guy they could barely have had ten years ago.

This guy wants a pretty, perky, slim Jewish princess. He delusionally thinks these women would want him, and he just needs Matchmakers to find them.

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

This dude is an idiot. He is boring and extremely beta. just the fact that he had 65k to throw away means he could easily create a lifestyle to attract top notch women but he is likely a virgin.

Said she only fucked like 4 or 5 niggas so you know you gotta multiply by three

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

I love the picture in the article. The guy's holding his hands up in the air like "Oy vey, I dunno watthe fuck is goin on with these shvitzkas"

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

is it just me or is the new york accent/attitude an instant turn off

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

Quote: (10-11-2012 05:23 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Especially if mom is still alive...HA HA!

This guy only becomes free when he takes home a Zulu warrior princess and his mother drops dead. No man who is beholden to his mom's approval over dates will ever get pussy he doesn't buy.

This is a man who's listened to other people his whole life. Go to a good college, they said. Get a good job, they said. Make money, they said, and invest it conservatively. Marry a nice slim Jewish girl, they said.

Even now, now that he's made it to "the top" of whatever he was told the mountain is, and even if he gets his nice slim pretty educated but unemployed Jewish girl, it's not gonna make him happy. It's what he was told to want rather than what he wants. He probably beats off to pictures of Prussian Blue in dirndls in front of a Swastika flag, if he can even allow himself thirty seconds of honest pleasure.

Maybe he is gay, but I don't think so. But he is *figuratively* gay. In the sense that what he really wants is so far from what society told him he wants that he's buried his desires too deep to ever be dug up. He's a good boy. The day they catch him getting sucked off by a hooker who looks like Precious while taking a shit on a portrait of his mother is the day I'll call him a man.

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

Quote: (10-14-2012 10:28 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  

The day they catch him getting sucked off by a hooker who looks like Precious while taking a shit on a portrait of his mother is the day I'll call him a man.

There's a sexual fetish I've never heard of before.

World's Unluckiest Bachelor? 6 Matchmakers, 250 Dates, 65K spent still struck out

Quote: (10-15-2012 12:22 AM)xsplat Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2012 10:28 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  

The day they catch him getting sucked off by a hooker who looks like Precious while taking a shit on a portrait of his mother is the day I'll call him a man.

There's a sexual fetish I've never heard of before.

They call it a "Tijuana Bar Mitzvah."

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