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shes getting too close

shes getting too close

ive been seeing this girl for about six months now and i'm getting a little edgy and am very much ready to start banging other girls
i met her while i was traveling in rio last june, we went out a bunch of times and kept in touch on the regular while i was working from the u.s. for the past 5 months
since i came back last week, she's stayed over five of the seven nights
starting on saturday, ive become very aloof. ill just stop talking, or ignore her calls for sex while i stare at my fantasy football scoreboard

she seems to think shes coming along with me to argentina when i leave in a couple weeks. ive already told her if she wants to come she has to pay for her own transportation. now im thinking of just telling her to pay for her own shit, period.

the thing is i dont wanna break it off totally with her
A because shes a chill, working-class, educated girl
B because she lives in my favorite city in the world and i'd like to come back and spend carnival with her and her friends at a beach house in arraial de cabo

how do i pull this off?

i have her whipped

shes getting too close

Quote: (12-07-2009 07:40 AM)mojodrew Wrote:  

i have her whipped

Well then here's an idea:

You are stuck with her for at least two weeks. It's not long. Try to get a three way out of her somehow.

In about a week or so tell her you have to go back to wherever it is you are from because you just have something wonderful to do there. If you don't think you can sell going back for something great, tell her somebody died.

Don't let her buy anything ticket wise to Argentina. That's mean.

Just see if you can change your travel arrangements to Argentina cheaply. Make them either a day early or a day later. If you are prepaid wherever you are staying losing one night won't kill you, worst case scenario. You can stay with her the extra night.

You let her know that the big meeting or the funeral, whichever, aren't for a few days, and you can still spend those together. Also, remind her of this upcoming carnival at the beach house. Tell her you will make it back for that anyway, because you want to spend it with her, at the beach house. Call her 1/2 way through you Argentina trip, too and remind her again. Tell her you miss her.

Assuming the beach house is free, I'm stoked for you. I don't know how much beach house rentals go for in that area, but in general they cost a few dollars. Tell her what types of foods you like to eat, so the place is ready for you.

I've never been to this carnival in Rio but it sounds like something I should do once.


shes getting too close

You're only here for two more weeks?

Take how many times she wants to see you a week and then divide by 2. She won't like it but tell her that you are not used to relationships and need space before taking it to the next level.

shes getting too close

Roosh is correct once again. Additionally, you can start having a lot of "guy nights" or just don't call her for a day or so and go way long on the text responses (like half a day or once a day). This will give you buffer. Good luck.

shes getting too close

Quote: (12-07-2009 07:40 AM)mojodrew Wrote:  

since i came back last week, she's stayed over five of the seven nights

My advice is too late for this girl but in a general manner, if you don't want the girl to be too close, you establish the relationship in the first week or two: don't see her more than every 3 days or such at the beginning.

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