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Demographics, Marriage, and Male Resentment of Double Standards

Demographics, Marriage, and Male Resentment of Double Standards

I see a lot of appropriate criticism of picky American spinsters. But I'm still a bit confused about mens' anger and resentment. Maybe this will show some understanding.

IMHO womens liberation is a social consequence of technological innovation. Specifically, labor-saving household appliances and the birth control pill allowed women to enter the workforce and eliminated womens' need for male providers.

That sounds like a good thing, and women exploited it by marrying later. Here is the problem with that strategy. Women happily date older men. That sucks for men in their twenties, because they must compete romantically with older, richer men. Young women have an enormous dating demographic advantage.

But this changes with age. Thirty-five-year-old women must compete for dates with twenty-five-year-olds. They have lost their demographic edge. In principle this is not a problem. Women might get married young. Older single woman might have great careers and seek equals or house-husbands. This is where the problem appears. Women tend to choose easier majors and lower-paying jobs. The previous generation needed male providers, and devoted themselves to learning domestic skills. Marriage was a contract that allowed men to purchase youth and beauty in exchange for future security and fidelity.

But now you have these thirty-something women with shitty careers demanding alpha male providers. They are in the twilight of their beauty years and don't offer femininity and domesticity. I don't understand why men are so antagonistic about women "riding the cock carousel". But I think this attitude shows these women cannot be trusted to be loyal and faithful. High-earning men get screwed on alimony. There is no reason to marry an older self-styled Sex in the City girl.

So what you have is deluded, self-entitled women who want an alpha provider prince. These women have squandered their youth and beauty, with no career or nurturing skills to offer. Their male cohorts have suffered loneliness and frustration in their twenties. Suddenly the men are expected to "man up", pursue the women, pay for dates, and generally be exploited. Basically it is a double standard. American women want to the opportunity to be economically liberated. But they don't want to be socially liberated. They shed old-fashioned domestic and relationship responsibilities, without assuming modern economic responsibilities.

Basically womens' sexual market value declines after thirty. Many of them have inflated out-of-date self-assessments. This consigns women to spinsterhood and disrupts the relationship market for men. With so many average women "5's" demanding men who are "10's", the average guy has a hard time finding a mate. So a lot of average men who are "5's" end up with women who are only "4's". Traditional men experience loneliness and frustration in their youth, and incomplete opportunities when they are older. Women have fun in their twenties. They have no responsibilities, and let men assume the burdens of economics and courtship. Then in their thirties they get therapists and anti-depressants. Nobody wins.

Demographics, Marriage, and Male Resentment of Double Standards

preaching to the snark. i liked the sermon.

Demographics, Marriage, and Male Resentment of Double Standards

Quote: (06-12-2012 07:43 PM)Divorco Wrote:  

Traditional men experience loneliness and frustration in their youth

This one is not discussed very much and is often overlooked.

Marriage in the past was an arrangement made by the parents once their son hit 18 or 20. Usually with a younger girl.

Demographics, Marriage, and Male Resentment of Double Standards

Quote: (06-12-2012 07:43 PM)Divorco Wrote:  

Marriage was a contract that allowed men to purchase youth and beauty in exchange for future security and fidelity.

Almost agree. Marriage is a contract that allowed men to purchase paternity certainty (or at least the promise of it) and codified women as men's sexual property in exchange for security and protection.

Now paternity certainty can now be attained with a testing kit from a pharmacy for under $100.

Now women now have their own jobs and careers if they want them and can provide their own security.

Like any broken or outdated system, the only intelligent thing to do is not to take part in it.

Demographics, Marriage, and Male Resentment of Double Standards

I imagine that in twenty years time there will be an amazing demographic of never-married, never-mother women.

The problem with the 'feminine logic' is that it is a war against biology. It doesn't really matter to me if I'm 20 or 50 when I have kids, biologically speaking, whereas the same isn't true of women.

I think what is happening now is the first lot of men who were subject widespread to the current attitude are now leveraging other avenues at their disposal (foreign women, game, opting out for a few years, etc.) and this is causing strange upheavals as the status-quo 'feminist/equalist/whatever' is forced to adapt or die.

Of course, the end game is always going to be the annihilation of beta-feminist society, because dominance rules the world.

If it takes 200 years, eventually a dominant culture will wreak havok upon the 'cultured' world. Of course, it'll happen long before that in reality - all it takes is dominant strains of current civilisation to rebel and put an end to the nonsense.

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