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Movie/Music/Book Recommendations

Movie/Music/Book Recommendations

I want to hook up some new good music and shit to read or watch I find I usually liked most stuff posted in the music share threads. Don't have to be game related.

I'll go first since I started the thread.


A Clockwork Orange - my alltime favorite movie

Roger Dodger - main character(Roger) is really great but the sidekick character is really annoying, and the main character over values slutty older women. But he's such a lovable asshole and cool character. If they skipped the older women and lost the sidekick character it'd be an awesome movie.

Scarface - obvious


I liked all the acts that Eastern Conference Records had signed until they went bankrupt.


Art of the Start - good book on starting businesses, light read and very entertaining

The Way to Willpower - really good book on getting shit done

1001 Street Fighting Secrets - in process of reading it now seems decent but I haven't been in any fights before not since elementary school at least

Full Facts of Cold Reading - reading this one now, gives you good material to run on women, the book even says women are easier to fool than men in this area

A Dead Bat in Paraguay - as a cubicle drone I hope I can grow a set of balls some day and skip off for a year to travel like Roosh did. I don't know if I want the severe cases of diarhea though ha

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