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Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Today I met a girl that doesn´t speak any English. I speak very butchered Portuguese, her first language. I know many words in Portuguese, but I suck at putting phrases together. Anyways, we hung out for a couple hours on the beach and then got some food. Her older brother was with us the whole time so I didn´t know if it was cool to make the move. I decided it was best that I didn´t, being that I´m in another country, I don´t know how that is looked upon, and personally, I don´t know how confortable I´d be with some random gringo suckin face with my sister in front of me. She seemed very interested though. She was really friendly and kept touching me and getting close. She invited me to her house but she lived an hour + away and I was pretty sure she lived with her family. I passed up her offer because I was supposed to go running with a friend and didnt´t want to pay for a taxi home. She wants to meet again Thursday. There is one minor problem though, she is married, but her husband lives in Spain, that´s why it´s only a minor problem (She was also kinda hinting she was down to cheat on him). This is the #1 hook up goal I´m looking to accomplish while in Brazil, banging a girl that doesn´t speak English, for two reasons. #1, It would be awesome to bang a chick that doesn´t speak your language. #2 It´s showing I am improving my Portuguese. There were really only a couple of instances where we didn´t understand what one another was trying to say, though I did have my handy little pocket dictionary with me, we didn´t use it much.

Any thoughts, advice, stories on this? Anyone pull it off yet? I think I read somewhere that Roosh had with a chick in Argentina.

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Yes. The best relationships I have had with girls are girls that didn't speak english.

Your bigger problems are:

"she lived an hour + away"

"she is married"

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Quote: (11-11-2009 01:43 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Yes. The best relationships I have had with girls are girls that didn't speak english.

Your bigger problems are:

"she lived an hour + away"

"she is married"

Yeah, and I also left out another detail, she has a kid and he´s with her here in Rio. Thats the thing that makes her living an hour away hard because it´s going to be tough to convince her to stay at my place when she has a kid at home. The married part I´m not too worried about. I´m infamous for hooking up with chicks who have boyfriends/husbands. Last time I was in Rio I hooked up with a married girl from China as a matter of fact.

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Dude I thought you spoke portuguese! You're always dropping words around here.

Anyway in this case...
club + alcohol + conveniently located room + a little luck

Not much more you can do.

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

I speak very bad Portuguese. I know a lot of words, but I´m terrible at putting phrases together. I´v never taken classes, I´ve just been learning the past year with friends. So I pretty much figure out how to speak word by word. I´ll recognize a word and ask what it means or ask how to say a word my friends know in English. I can get around with Portuguese, but I thought it would be a lot harder to pick up a girl with my Portuguese. I´m starting to learn pretty quickly now. Once you have a decent vocabulary, it really helps to get the ball rolling. Plus, I kinda have to figure it out to have a good time, because I´m by myself during the day usually, and the kids I´m staying with speak very butchered English. I have to say though, with the little Portuguese I know, it has made this trip all the more better than the last. Everyone is wondering how and why I speak. People have mad respect because they know it is not a common language. It also helps when you meet those girls who are shy to speak english. You start talking in Portuguese, show that you suck at Portuguese but aren´t ashamed to use it, and they will start to feel comfortable speaking English, especially when you start coming across things you don´t know how to say that they do in English.

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Its all down to vibe and kino imo

When I went to live in Paris I SNLd a french chick who did not speak English and I only spoke a few words of French (could not string a sentence together). My regular chick in Argentina was a local who did not speak English and, although my Spanish is ok now, it was not back when we met.

I got those lays with just vibe and kino pretty much.

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Well, this never worked out for me and I'm stoked it didn't because I banged one of the hottest chicks I've ever banged in my life the other night. If I was wasting my time on this chick in the thread, I wouldn't have gotten near as good pussy.

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Quote: (11-16-2009 12:03 AM)Brandon E Wrote:  

I banged one of the hottest chicks I've ever banged in my life the other night.

Nice Job.


Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

When I brought the chick home, the doorman was standing outside. He lets us in, and when we walk to the elevator I see him peak his head around the corner to get a second look. Haha. He couldn't believe a gringo who barely knows Portuguese (He probably doesn't think I really speak any because I don't really talk to him much) was pulling that ass.

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Nice job. Where did you meet her? How did you pull her?

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Quote: (11-16-2009 09:44 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Nice job. Where did you meet her? How did you pull her?

I actually met her through a friend. We went to Zero Zero and hit it off. It was a pretty crazy night. We took some "doses" if you know what I mean, drank a bunch, and just ended up clicking. Both my friends I was staying with left town that weekend so I had the appartement to myself. I would recomend Zero Zero. It's got a good atmosphere. It's a little pricey, but the thing I liked about it is that there is an indoor club area, and also an outside area that isn't so loud, so you can actually run some game.

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Doses of what?

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

"We took some "doses" if you know what I mean, drank a bunch, and just ended up clicking."

If "doses" are what I think they are then "ended up clicking." was a natural progression.

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Quote: (11-18-2009 05:43 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

"We took some "doses" if you know what I mean, drank a bunch, and just ended up clicking."

If "doses" are what I think they are then "ended up clicking." was a natural progression.

Haha, that it was my friend, that it was. Doses = Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Yo sickos thought doses= date rape, didn't you? haha

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

You really just have to amp up the kino and body language- dancing really helps here.

One interesting wrinkle to this that I've noticed is that gaming women who know little/no English for a while has improved my game with native English speakers. I imagine most people on this board have, or have gotten past, the problem (when dealing with women) of being overly analytical/intellectual and talking your way out of sex. I'm a pretty big believer that the quickest way to sex with the most desirable women is the thunderbolt from the sky + journey on emotional rollercoaster approach that's brought up a lot in Roissy's posts. You really have no choice but to roll that way when you're going after women who can't speak any English, and after doing that for a while you can't help but act more that way around other women.

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Mission accomplished. Banged a gorgeous girl that didn't speak english last night. Not the same one I started the thread with, this one was a lot hotter. Awe, it took some effort, but the pay off was a beauty.

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Quote: (12-02-2009 09:43 AM)Brandon E Wrote:  

Mission accomplished. Banged a gorgeous girl that didn't speak english last night. Not the same one I started the thread with, this one was a lot harder. Awe, it took some effort, but the pay off was a beauty.

howd u get it done man...details.

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English

Man, I was working on here for a week and a half. I met her through some friends. The first night we met I didn't really talk to her a whole lot. I remembered thinking she was real cute, but she didn't speak English so I thought that could be a problem. A couple days later I see her at a Bar-B-Que and figure I'd try to convince her to come out with us after the Bar-B-Que in my shitty Portuguese. She basically said she'd think about it, and that was kinda the end of that. A little bit later though she comes to the table with me and my group of friends so I decide to spark up conversation with her. Since I don't know good Portuguese, I figured it would be a good idea to show her my pictures so we can have something to keep us entertained and it would be pretty simple diologue. Once we started looking through them I realized it was not the best idea because of pictures of me and other girls and also some pictures of some of the local herbs, which she was not into. But it was all good, just through in some "Yeah those were old pictures of me and an ex, and "Oh yeah, my friends smoke a little herb now and then. I hadn't seen what it looked like here so I took a picture." It was all good. We looked through the pictures for about 35 minutes and I went for the kiss. She wouldn't do it at first, and told me she was shy to kiss in front of everyone. We end up kissing and hanging out the rest of the night.

The rest of the week we would hang out about every other night. Finally on Saturday we went to a pretty upbeat club (Actually saw Roosh there) and I tried asking her to go to a hotel with me as well as I could in Portuguese. She wasn't too into the idea at first but then the night went on and we started getting pretty into it. I brought it up a couple of more times. On the way home she said something to me about a "quarto" (bedroom) but I didn't understand anything else. I was pretty sure she was talking about going back to my room, so I ask her to repeat it. By now we are in the car and she won't say it because everyone else can hear her. I probably could have gotten her back to the room that night, but I guess I just didn't really try hard enough.

Then last night, we go out to the bar with two other friends. We're having a good night, and by now my Portuguese is a lot better because I had been talking to her on the internet trying to make plans and the like for the previous week, and she's been helping me out alot with gramatics and verbs, things like that. So I'm doing a lot better at building attraction with my Portguese. We were talking all night, getting a little drunk, having fun. At the end of the night I end up asking her to come sleep with me since it's my last night. At first she didn't want to because her mom didn't even want her to go out and she had school at 6 am, but I start saying, "Yeah, but it's only one day, you can sleep afterwards. It's my last night, we're not going to get another oprotunity like this." She won't give a straight answer and finally we get to her house and I start running the sweet talk. She finally says she can't. I knew she wanted to but wasn't used to moving this fast. I say alright, and open the door and get out of the car, but she doesn't get out. I wait about a mintue while she is talking with my friend who is driving, who's house I'm also staying at. After I wait a minute I get back into the car and say, "Alright, let's go?" She says, "Go where?" I look to my friend and say, "Can I take her back to your place?" In English. My friend says that's fine. I say, "Alirght, we can go hang out at Moniques house." She agrees, we get back to the place and you know the rest of the story. I think it being my last night helped because I think she was the type of girl who wasn't used to having sex that fast. It took some work, but it was damn sweet and the work paid off.

Banging Girls That Don´t Speak English


The last night info had helped u a lot, because most of brazilian girls don't go that fast... As u hv seen, we kiss fast and it is part of fun, but the rest is totally another history. In fact, as much easy going we are, our country is very conservative. Go figure.

Some things to train:

1) Você é linda = You are beautiful
2) Quero um beijo = I want a kiss (kero uñ baidjo, something like that...)
3) Vamos para o quarto (motel...) = Let`s get a room (love hotel...)

Very useful! hahahaha... I think it is so cute foreigners learning Portuguese because their accents sounds like Portugal accent to us.
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