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how to play the asshole card?

how to play the asshole card?

right now Im at the point in a relationship with this girl where I think I need to show that I will and can be capable of being a complete dick.

She's just gotten me to the point with her whole shit test bullshit that I feel like I should be shit testing back.

Thing is I tried it a couple days ago, and we were working away and she starts talking about just random stuff and Id look into her eyes and feel bad if I said anything dickish or whatever.

But anyway, guys, to what extent should I play the asshole card?

tommorow she's probably gonna ask me why I wasnt at the team meeting on Thursday night. Truth is, I got absolutely hammered and passed out on a girl's appartment couch. I feel though just a "Well I had better things to do" will do and conversation over before it had even started.

Any Ideas or convo openers that could lead to me ending it by being a dick would be awesome!

how to play the asshole card?

Quote: (11-07-2009 07:18 PM)KCT0673 Wrote:  

right now Im at the point in a relationship with this girl where I think I need to show that I will and can be capable of being a complete dick.

She's just gotten me to the point with her whole shit test bullshit that I feel like I should be shit testing back.

Thing is I tried it a couple days ago, and we were working away and she starts talking about just random stuff and Id look into her eyes and feel bad if I said anything dickish or whatever.

But anyway, guys, to what extent should I play the asshole card?

tommorow she's probably gonna ask me why I wasnt at the team meeting on Thursday night. Truth is, I got absolutely hammered and passed out on a girl's appartment couch. I feel though just a "Well I had better things to do" will do and conversation over before it had even started.

Any Ideas or convo openers that could lead to me ending it by being a dick would be awesome!

You're missing the point. You're not actually a dick to the girl and you don't hurt her feelings. Asshole game is a balance board where you're more rude and aloof than anything else. And with a girl in a relationship it's DEFINITELY not being an asshole, it's just assuming the dominant role in the relationship. Tell her where she meets you, don't ask for permission, call her woman, don't agree if you disagree, set her straight when she jabbers about bullshit incorrectly the way girls do. But do it all gently ffs.

Also, if you're not naturally a dick: It's probably not your style. If you need a paradigm shift in your approach to this girl or others just to try and be an asshole, it's not gonna work out for you.

how to play the asshole card?

I can't tell from your post if you're actually in a relationship or not, but if you are the "asshole card" might not be what you're looking for.

In a relationship, as well as everywhere else in life, you should stay true to your opinions and positions.

I think the biggest thing that helps in all of this is to know what you want. When you figure it out just stick with it.

Girls love to see how far they can get with you. They will try all sorts of tests, just to see how comfortable you are with yourself as a man. Once you figure that stuff out, you start to understand it. I wouldn't go so far as to say respect it, but you definitely start to understand it.

how to play the asshole card?

I don't think you understand the meaning of being an asshole. If you just take charge of the situation and steer things into the direction you want it to go then it'll make more sense to you. Just a week or two ago a chick I banged actually said to me that she loves it that I don't let her get away with her little shit like most guys would. And I didn't do it by being mean or a raging asshole. I did it by taking control of the situation between she and I. Like if she said she wanted to do a particular thing I would say no we're doing this instead. When I made a decision I stood firm on that decision and wouldn't allow her to sway me.

She even tried the 20 questions thing with me wondering where I was a particular night. I told her the truth and that stopped her at question #2 dead in her tracks because there was nothing else to ask. She asked what I was doing because she wanted to get with me and I told her I was getting drunk with another chick.

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