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US Banks That Allow Multiple Debit Cards To Be Linked to the Same Account

US Banks That Allow Multiple Debit Cards To Be Linked to the Same Account

About 3 years ago I used to have an account with this bank called Netbank which went belly up. One of the best features of this bank was that they allowed you to have an unlimitted number of uniquely numbered Visa or Mastercard debits card tied to your account. So, in case of any mishap while traveling lost card, machine eats your card, goons take your wallet, etc you can just log into their website cancel the card and continue using the other 5 cards you have stashed in diffrent places. Fast foward to last year while I was in Bolivia, an ATM eats my Chase card and I basically lost acccess to almost half of my money until I make it back to the US. Chase says you can only have one card per account. My question is does anybody know any banks that allow more than one card per account?

US Banks That Allow Multiple Debit Cards To Be Linked to the Same Account

I use fairfx.com

I have 2 of their credit cards. One in dollars the other in euros. It's a pre-paid credit card.

I link it to my current account and I just top it up online with cash when I want to withdraw cash. They give close to the spot rate on FX and, because its pre-paid, there is no interest charges like you get taking cash out on normal credit cards.

US Banks That Allow Multiple Debit Cards To Be Linked to the Same Account

PNC Bank allows this. The checking cards are free, plus no atm fees if you have a minimum balance of $2500 in your account.

US Banks That Allow Multiple Debit Cards To Be Linked to the Same Account

I am all CASH.

US Banks That Allow Multiple Debit Cards To Be Linked to the Same Account

Quote: (11-11-2009 10:47 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

I am all CASH.

You mean you take a fat stack of cash with you before leaving the states, or you withdraw it from ATMs while abroad?

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