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Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her (and new girlfriend leaves him because of his empty mouth)

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-...z1tNWceoOy

[Image: article-2136265-011DC469000004B0-582_233x364.jpg]

A dentist pulled out all her ex-boyfriend’s teeth after he dumped her for another woman – who has now left him because he is toothless.

Anna Mackowiak, 34, is facing jail after taking her revenge on 45-year-old Marek Olszewski when he turned up at her surgery with toothache just days after breaking up with her.

She gave him a heavy dose of anaesthetic and plucked his teeth out.

She then wrapped his head and jaw in a bandage to stop him opening his mouth and said there had been complications and he would need to see a specialist.

The dentist, who works in Wroclaw, Poland, said: ‘I tried to be professional and detach myself from my emotions.

'But when I saw him lying there I just thought, "What a b******".'

Mr Olszewski said: 'I knew something was wrong because when I woke up I couldn’t feel any teeth and my jaw was strapped up with bandages.

'She told me my mouth was numb and I wouldn’t be able to feel anything for a while and that the bandage was there to protect the gums, but that I would need to see a specialist.

'I didn’t have any reason to doubt her, I mean I thought she was a professional.

'But when I got home I looked in the mirror and couldn’t f****** believe it. The b**** had emptied my mouth.

'The new girlfriend has now left me saying she can’t be with a man without teeth.

'And I’m going to have to pay a fortune on getting indents or something.’

Mackowiak is being investigated for medical malpractice and abusing the trust of a patient. She could face three years in jail.

Team Nachos

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

Holy shit. What a dumb ass for going in to see her in the first place, days after he dumped her.

What do I always say? Bitches be crazy.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

Quote: (04-28-2012 06:12 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Holy shit. What a dumb ass for going in to see her in the first place, days after he dumped her.

What do I always say? Bitches be crazy.

Looks like you're not even safe in Poland. Never put yourself in a position where a woman has power over you.
He deserved it for being stupid. And she's only looking at 3 years for it.

Team Nachos

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

I don't know anything about Polish law but it seems like if a man did something similar to a woman he would be looking at a lot more than 3 years. I mean, holy shit that's fucked up (and yes, the guy is stupid for keeping her as his dentist after he dumped her).

Obviously she should get some serious jail time and never be allowed to practice dentistry again.

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

Fucking moron for doing that after he dumped her.


Obviously she should get some serious jail time and never be allowed to practice dentistry again.

I seriously doubt she will be able to do so. Stupid bitch too, just threw her career to the trash can because of some stupid shit.

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

this is fucked. I hope she has to pay for his implants/new teeth on top of being barred from practicing and jail time. Its like a double whammy to her future, she is now a convict and will have to restart in a certain profession.

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

I would have to pimp that bitch out to get my grill fixed. He was a fucking moron to let a broad that he dumped put him under. Fortunately she only pulled his teeth. She could've gave him to a guy in a Gimp Suit like Pulp Fiction.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her


With God's help, I'll conquer this terrible affliction.

By way of deception, thou shalt game women.

Diaboli virtus in lumbar est -The Devil's virtue is in his loins.

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

Not that it matters, but you get really good results tying human teeth into fishing lures. It has something to do with the enamel and the salt water reaction. There's science behind it that I can't explain.

It's just a trick I wanted to share with you guys.


Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

Quote: (04-28-2012 08:21 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Not that it matters, but you get really good results tying human teeth into fishing lures. It has something to do with the enamel and the salt water reaction. There's science behind it that I can't explain.

It's just a trick I wanted to share with you guys.


I see a new tooth theft trend on the horizon!

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

So much for Polish women! [Image: smile.gif]


Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

Quote: (04-28-2012 06:25 PM)FretDancer Wrote:  


Obviously she should get some serious jail time and never be allowed to practice dentistry again.

I seriously doubt she will be able to do so. Stupid bitch too, just threw her career to the trash can because of some stupid shit.

Calls to mind this.

Cliffs: Female astronaut goes crazy over male astronaut, tries to kidnap, probably murder, his girlfriend. Gets off with probation.

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

I guess it could be worse. She could have been his proctologist.

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

Quote: (04-28-2012 11:34 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I guess it could be worse. She could have been his proctologist.

[Image: potd.gif]

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

Holy fuck! She should definitely have all of her medical licenses revoked forever, pay for all of the guy's indents and then go to jail for assault and intentionally inflicting severe injury. This is much, much worse and cold-blooded than someone scuffling with another guy in a bar and breaking all of his teeth.

It says a lot that the most liked comment on the article is "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". Sure, women are angry by nature, so let them off the hook for doing the evilest possible shit! What a society that we live in!

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

Having your teeth fall out is one of the worst, most common male nightmares.

Women are totally out of control.

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

Should have chopped off all of her hair.

Let's see that pearly white smile then dentist bitch.


Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

The same story on Jezebel:


I've seen at least five people whining about the writer describing her as a "woman dentist."

Dentist pulled out ALL boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her

Quote: (04-28-2012 06:25 PM)FretDancer Wrote:  

Fucking moron for doing that after he dumped her.


Obviously she should get some serious jail time and never be allowed to practice dentistry again.

I seriously doubt she will be able to do so. Stupid bitch too, just threw her career to the trash can because of some stupid shit.

Women just don't understand anything. Like, at all.

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