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Patagonia, Argentina

Patagonia, Argentina

Am going there next. Any tips on bars / clubs / party hostels / places to visit in any of the major cities?

El Calatafe, Bariloche, Ushuaia, Rio Gallegos ?

Patagonia, Argentina

"Clubs" haha. It's pretty dead there when it comes to nightlife (talking about el calafate and el chantel)

Patagonia, Argentina

Bariloche is supposed to be great as far as scenery. Don't expect to get laid though. You'll probably want to check out the Chilean side of Patagonia, it has more of the amazing sites.

Patagonia, Argentina

I chuckled when I saw "Patagonia" and "clubs" in the same sentence.

Patagonia, Argentina

Quote: (10-18-2009 02:13 PM)elguapo Wrote:  

I chuckled when I saw "Patagonia" and "clubs" in the same sentence.

Lol, tell me about it. I think the penguins down there have the most fun.

Patagonia, Argentina

Actually I was wrong, looks like Bariloche has some serious nightlife: http://www.genux.com.ar/

They used to have a Pacha nightclub a few years ago which is surprising.

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