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Cooking Game

Cooking Game

This creamy pumpkin soup works wonders on the ladies. Especially in the colder months of the year. So easy to whip up as well. Always serve with a nice merlot for best results.

If you're not growing, you're dying.

Cooking Game

Earlier this week I utilized some good old fashioned cooking game to get a second date bang. For chicks I have not banged on the first date, I usually go with taking them to a couple of high energy clubs near my apartment and then back to my place for a drink on my rooftop and that usually does the trick. With this chick I got strong vibes from her that she was just not 100% comfortable in clubs. She had just turned 21, she was quite shy on the first date even though we were drinking heavily at a dive bar and she didn't have any experience with clubs in her words which I took with a massive grain of salt. Regardless I had a strong sense she was not going to be down for a lot of bump n' grind and serious escalation this early in the game. I decided to get creative and try out cooking game on this chick. While I am an above average cook, this was my first time trying this.

Chicken Fricassée without the breath killing ingredients, onion and garlic. I made her bring over the dessert, wine and a side dish to make her claim a stake in this. For those of you on team no apps, depending the on dish you could potentially get her to bring the majority of ingredients. Intuitively you should stay away from complicated or heavy dishes that will make you and your girl tired. Quick, light and fresh are the words that should describe your dish.

Approximate timeline:
6:45PM: Initial meal prep, cleaning the chicken, etc.
7:00PM: Chick arrives
7-8PM: The most critical stage, I believe if you ace this you get the bang 99% guaranteed. Engage in the operation together with lots of wine drinking and touching in what is purposefully a high energy process. Make sure you take complete control of the cooking process though from the get go. Constantly give her instruction.
8-8:30PM: Eat and drink more wine
8:30PM-9PM: Tour of my pad to begin the escalation, with more wine of course
9-End: Netflix & Chill

For a lot of the reasons Slubu listed, this worked out quite well. It's a team effort making her take part in the process, lots of opportunity for kino, isolation, and a clear cut way to demonstrate high value with some dope cooking skills at your slick pad. Not to mention a chance to consume a lot of quality wine on the cheap. With so many pros, this might become the go-to second date option. Bon Appétit.

Cooking Game

I've been doing "cooking game" pretty consistently for girls that are climbing up the roster. There are some good points in this thread but eMech is right. The key is to cook with a girl and keep the ball on your court.

Quote: (03-28-2012 04:16 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

This thread makes me want to puke. What's next? We need to show how good we can do laundry and clean house. Dominant frame huh? I'm the maid now watch me put these clothes in the washer..You put the detergent in.

I caught the tail end of when girls mothers would help them make YOU food to show HER value. This sucks balls!!!!

In order to avoid this there's a few guidelines I follow for using cooking game that ensure proper frame and max ROI.

1. Only use this after you've banged the girl. Girls that haven't put out yet still have a few rungs of the hoe ladder to climb before they get to taste food at my expense. Until they put out - we're meeting at a bar or doing something free outdoors.

2. Have her come to your house and then drive to the grocery together. This creates a fun "mini-date" and provides ample opportunity to slap her ass in the checkout line and get alcohol if you need it. If you're gonna try to act cheap it's easy to say "you pay for x and I pay for y" which should seem cool because you'll be buying top cut meat. You can also pick up different cuts of meat based on what she likes, and she can pick up vegetables because...dinner is steak and salad.

3. I cook the steak, she makes a salad. This accomplshes many things.

-First it lets me keep my diet in check. If I'm having a cheat day, it's planned. No girl will make me regret eating something just because she's picky.

-Next is that the salad portion puts the spotlight on her, too. It is not me cooking for her. It is me heating up some meat and her chopping some vegetables for us to eat.

-The salad is a barometer for if she will be a good cook.

-Eating steak is alpha and girls will respect your no-nonsense cooking. Only betas are scared of saturated fat.

-It's easy and fun. We get back from the grocery and I salt/pepper the steak. While it's marinating we prep the salad and then start drinking. While the steak is marinating is a great opportunity to get her liquored up or to bang if you really want.

4. Clean the kitchen together. Again, another test for how domestic she is. One girl threw all the dishes in the dishwasher without even wiping them. I appreciated the effort but tallied the red flag in my head.

After all is said and done your T levels should be through the roof from the steak, so don't waste any time and bang her in the kitchen.

Cooking Game

This book changed my life -


I went from being a horrible cook to pretty damn good in the kitchen thanks to it.

Bonus: it's all low carb / mostly paleo meals.

Cooking Game

Random thoughts with cooking game...

It looks manly as fuck to create a nice looking meal. Don't make it like you're trying to please her, make it like you're creating a piece of art and she gets to enjoy your creation.

When they ask to participate, I'm usually like "No, you'll just fuck it up."

I used to have elaborate cookware. Now it's just a dutch oven with a removable skillet, a smaller skillet, and a giant pot with a lid and steamer.

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