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The reputation system has been disabled

The reputation system has been disabled

Kind of sad how most people feel that the only reason they post quality data is for a rep point. What happened to the love of game?

Do you think the original international playboys would care about how much internet rep they got? If the top posters here can't see the respect and admiration they get here just from replies then they are missing something.

Within a couple days in this forum it is very clear who is the most knowledgeable posters are, and they for the most part get the respect they deserve.

The reputation system has been disabled

Quote: (03-06-2012 12:17 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

How about this: let's try this for one month. On April 6 I will start a new thread and we will discuss how a no-rep system affects the forum, if there is a net gain or loss with this measure.

I hope Mixx and others who liked the rep system will just bear it for now to see what effect it has. I'm confident that it will be positive, but I'm not proud to reverse the decision.

Did anybody read this post? Just curious... I mean, everybody has all these 'ideas' on how to fix this rep system, but for the time being a decision has been made. Honestly shouldn't everyone be concerned with more important things? Like getting their minimum of three approaches in for the day? Hell I got laid last night, but I already made two (failed) approaches today, and I'm scheming on how I'm gonna get in more tonight, on a Tuesday.

The reputation system has been disabled


The reputation system has been disabled

Quote: (03-06-2012 05:01 PM)CJ Wrote:  

Quote: (03-06-2012 12:17 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

How about this: let's try this for one month. On April 6 I will start a new thread and we will discuss how a no-rep system affects the forum, if there is a net gain or loss with this measure.

I hope Mixx and others who liked the rep system will just bear it for now to see what effect it has. I'm confident that it will be positive, but I'm not proud to reverse the decision.

Did anybody read this post? Just curious... I mean, everybody has all these 'ideas' on how to fix this rep system, but for the time being a decision has been made. Honestly shouldn't everyone be concerned with more important things? Like getting their minimum of three approaches in for the day? Hell I got laid last night, but I already made two (failed) approaches today, and I'm scheming on how I'm gonna get in more tonight, on a Tuesday.

I saw the post and I know this is just a trial run, but at the same time it's cool that people care enough about this place to make suggestions or put out ideas that they think might make it better.

Quote: (03-06-2012 02:17 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

A lot of the suggestions you guys are making is just not possible with the software unless I hire a programmer to mess with the core code.

I want something more Danish-like and less American. The 1% here is headed towards oppression of the 99%. I want a flatter system that decreases e-bragging, e-power trips and e-penis slaps.

Honestly the problems started when I enable post reputation. Before that the reputation system was not causing many problems. One solution is to go back to the old system and delete all post ratings.

A system by which no one is better than anyone else, but we're all better than outsiders? I'll just spitball here if you're looking for an acknowledgement system and aren't planning to bring rep back (I know jack about programming, so the extent to which these can be implemented is lost on me, but they're just random brainstorms that I'm throwing out there not because I want to see them on the forum, but just to add to the idea swirl).

- People have said no rep points (giving or receiving) until a limited amount of posts has been reached (some have said 100, but in a forum where less than 300 members out of 7000 odd have 100+ posts this is hardly reasonable. 50 is an adequate number). You are 'in' the society, therefore you can comment on it.

- One rep point per post. The data sheets and game tips here are next level, but shit...I recently dropped a post for which I was awarded three rep points, and yeah the detail is there, but is anything in that post anything other than common knowledge amongst the community? I don't really care about my rep points; it's nice to be acknowledged for doing good work, but I don't lose any sleep if I post something that I feel should get a rep that doesn't get a rep. I frequent these forums because of how invaluable the information is and how awesome guys like G, Mixx, Tuth, Athlone, Samseau, El, Basil, Houston and Moma are, but rep served a distinct purpose in telling users who is the most on the ball of everyone here, and we need something like that.

- The post-liking option is something we should explore; users can 'like' a post, and instead of Rep Points, you have a list in your profile that looks like follows:

(# of Likes: # of posts)

50+ Likes: 3
40+ Likes: 7
30+ Likes: 18

And so on and so forth...

- Likes/Reps can only be given for posts which are required to link to, no 'Congratulations on your 30th like!' or 'He's just a cool guy!' or 'He contributes regularly to the forum'.

- The Buddy List becomes a real and corporeal thing. On my list I have just about everybody here that I like and respect, but maybe in the profile page, you could switch it out so it shows people who view your page who is on your buddy list, and the people who's buddy list you are on (call it something less weesh than the Buddy List though; The Team or some shit). This could devolve into 'Add me to your team and I'll add you!' or 'You don't have enough people on your team to make that assertion!', though.

- Finally, something mad radical; instead of rep, you can give users 'CASH' for posts (up to $10000 or something - someone drops a good but not revolutionary observation, $50, someone posts a datasheet on how to bang models every day in Saint Petersburg, $10000). You can then take your 'CASH' to a 'Roosh Store' on the forum (this is not real cash) and buy gear; Fuzzy Hat: $49, Gym Membership: $350, Custom Suit: $4250, Penis Enlargement Surgery: $10,000, Corvette, $50,000, Manhattan Penthouse: $1,000,000 and so on and so forth, gear is displayed in your profile.


The reputation system has been disabled

Quote: (03-06-2012 04:56 PM)babelfish669 Wrote:  

I think whats really happening here has nothing to do with the rep system, its just what happens during the natural aging of any message board. I've seen this happen many times including a forum I've owned and another I was an admin on. As the board grows, members butt heads.

Aged forums either get noisier or they die. Post count, user age, and the fact that the user hasn't said something stupid enough to get banned in that time frame usually is all that says a member is legit without further research.

Limiting registration to one day a month was really smart, I think Roosh can figure out some additional ways to keep things smooth.

No need for cash prizes. Better game bares it's own fruit.

Yes, there are a lot posts (and repeat threads) to sift through, it can be difficult to browse, and it can also be hard to get a sense of which posts are more valuable than others (especially for newbies). This is why I started a hierarchy of game ideas thread when I first joined.

I say we get rid of the user rating system, and make judgments on each individual post. Then we can have a "sort by votes" option for all posts so that people can see which topics matter most to this community.

Then, once a year, we can have an award ceremony for user reputations/titles and everyone can vote. There was a thread on this a little while back.

The reputation system has been disabled

Quote: (03-06-2012 04:58 PM)canucktraveller Wrote:  

Do you think the original international playboys would care about how much internet rep they got? If the top posters here can't see the respect and admiration they get here just from replies then they are missing something.

The "original international playboys" wouldn't have shared information with complete strangers.

This is why this forum is so unique and valuable.

Quote: (03-06-2012 04:24 PM)MSW2007 Wrote:  

I'm curious to know whether or not MiXX would have still made so many high-quality posts had the rep system NOT been in place. I'm sure people here would still have deferred to him as a high-value contributor, high number beside his username or not.

That is a great question.

I have to think that maybe he wouldn't have. Not as a diss to him, but that is just my gut feeling.

Others thoughts on the matter?

Also, for all the guys coming up with complicated formulas about how to do other types of "ratings", keep dreaming.

Good on paper, but I doubt that is going to happen.

The reputation system has been disabled

Quote: (03-06-2012 05:43 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Also, for all the guys coming up with complicated formulas about how to do other types of "ratings", keep dreaming.

Good on paper, but I doubt that is going to happen.

Mine is simple enough. He just has to install a plugin.

The reputation system has been disabled

Maybe we could give each other gifts like they do on dating sites that stay in our signature area like roses and boxes of chocolate.

Great data sheet here you go

The reputation system has been disabled

Quote: (03-06-2012 05:54 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Maybe we could give each other gifts like they do on dating sites that stay in our signature area like roses and boxes of chocolate.

Great data sheet here you go

Now you are on to something.

Maybe we should all create Amazon "wishlists"?


The reputation system has been disabled

Quote: (03-06-2012 05:59 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-06-2012 05:54 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Maybe we could give each other gifts like they do on dating sites that stay in our signature area like roses and boxes of chocolate.

Great data sheet here you go

Now you are on to something.

Maybe we should all create Amazon "wishlists"?


What am I gonna do with a 1000 copies of Bang? [Image: lol.gif]

Team Nachos

The reputation system has been disabled

Quote: (03-06-2012 05:59 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-06-2012 05:54 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Maybe we could give each other gifts like they do on dating sites that stay in our signature area like roses and boxes of chocolate.

Great data sheet here you go

Now you are on to something.

Maybe we should all create Amazon "wishlists"?


Great idea!

Here ya go
That should cover your rep bill from me for a few weeks

The reputation system has been disabled

Damn, I left home when this thread had one post, when i came back a few hours later it where already 6 pages of mostly quality posts,especcially the first 4 pages. I already said yesterday that there was a certain vibe on going on this forum and that there was a fire brewing already. Guess i was right.

I agree with a lot of big names here. It would be too much to start quoting everything but i agreed with most of the points of Athlone,basilransom,G,hencredible and especially Tuthmosis who i always regard as the wise master on top of the mountain.
What he wrote :

If you recognize yourself in this list, don't take offense. Chances are, you're one of my favorite members on the board, and there's no ill-will intended. Plus, there's already a lot of beef in the air:

1. Guys excoriating other guys for not having sufficient rep to be making certain claims.

2. Guys openly and repeatedly complaining that, despite all their contributions, they aren't getting enough rep. They would then get a couple of courtesy points.

3. Guys giving rep just for the sake of rounding off a member to the next major digit (saw three examples of this).

4. Guys publicly asking for rep in exchange for information. "If you give me a rep point, I'll tell you."

5. I had a guy PM-ing me immediately after giving me a rep point asking me to give him one in return.

6. Guys using rep as a way to retort to disagreements. "When you have this much rep you can X."

Number 3,4,5 and 6 shocked me and this should be punished.

I think Mixx is a bit too drastic in turning his back to the forum this fast. Come back buddy.

What do i think about the rep system ? Well, I think the basic system was really good, a guy should be recognized for dropping good knowledge. It always gave me lots of incentive to drop datasheets. Hell, i stayed in 3rd world shithole countries longer than necessarily just to check out some extra places and make a good datasheet. I was exited to drop datasheets on unknown places like Paraguay, Guyana and Suriname. Not only to get my hard work recognized but also because i like to share my knowledge to others. Others who i owe flags and bangs to.

I may not agree with everyone and had small arguments to knockout bouts on this forum.

I also saw the flaws in the system and openly brought them out, why ?
because i think its unfair to others. Sorry, but this is a forum for traveling playas. We want to get laid and share our knowledge. Getting points for posting a thread on thumb rings or a new way to flush a turd and getting points for it. I think not ! ( im making this subjects up not to insult anyone) Maybe rep point should only be handed out in the game and travel section since this is the main part of the forum.
I got a rep point from someone for saying something funny about a toilet (!?)
I've been watching closely lately to gained points from most user here. Who gave what to who and why.
I have seen guys with 4 points in a row from the same noob with all the same message. I have suspicions about people repping themselves through double accounts. I have seen noobs handing out point like candy.

On the other hand points are judged by the eye of the beholder, i got points saying things like great contributor, awesome guy, dropping some serious knowledge etc etc , these are not linked to posts or datasheets. I'm not a modest guy, i feel proud when i get recognized for improving my life and spending money, time and sometimes my safety to make good posts here. Proud eventhough i have never met 99.9 % of guys here and one can reason that its just a bunch of dudes on the internet but its an unique community. The only known guy here whom i met is Gmac but im sure i can have drink and a fun night out with all members here even the ones who doubt or frown upon me sometimes like G and hooligan harry (damn those aussies grrr). Hell, i could probably even get along with Greek Kamaki if we met in person. (challenge excepted !)

What should be changed over time about the rep points ?

I think that the old system of repping outside the post should return AND that a rep moderator should come in handy. A mod who take away rep points like doubles, points given without any good reason, bullshit points and can also question a poster why have gave some one a rep point ( discretly by PM) The last thing should be keeping the load of rep points given by noobs for little reason away. Personally i don't value a rep point given by an newbie. I rather have 5 rep points from respected members here than 10 from noobs.
The mod should be someone with true integrity and again i point to Tuth here but i could see others do this too. It shouldn't be a hothead so that rules myself and a few others out.

Also repping one datasheet 10 times should be avoided, sometimes i wanted to give a rep point but saw that others had given a shitload already. maybe 3 should be maximum, should one loose points this way, well so be it ,at least the points left are true points.

lets hear it.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

The reputation system has been disabled

In my humble opinion, you guys are acting just like validation-seeking women. There's nothing to gain from rep but a skewed sense of bragging rights. Didn't do much for the bodybuilder forums... with dudes that will "rep back." It was fun while it lasted, but it won't be missed. Wise up and stick around, or good riddance I say.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

The reputation system has been disabled


Before it was like a broke hostel forum.

Now has some real players.

[Image: lol.gif]

Vice: I like the thanks system. Will look into it.

MikeCF: There are members with the highest rep counts on the forum who agree with this decision. You're making it sound more oppressive than it is, like I'm moderating posts.

It's interesting how G, who had the 2nd highest rep, is laughing this off, while Mixx stormed out the room. I think Mixx may have used today's events as a pretext to something he was planning, as speakeasy explained. There was tension coming from his corner in recent weeks. In his case, I don't think there would be anything I could do, besides create a private clubhouse for him, that would satisfy his desire to be recognized for his contributions.

This forum is truly microcosm of society. I tweeted about it earlier (https://twitter.com/#!/rooshv/status/177055069202681857 ).

P.S. I guess I'll beat Mixx to 5,000. [Image: smile.gif]

The reputation system has been disabled

Quote: (03-06-2012 05:54 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Maybe we could give each other gifts like they do on dating sites that stay in our signature area like roses and boxes of chocolate.

Great data sheet here you go

+1 for el mechanico

The reputation system has been disabled

Quote: (03-06-2012 06:18 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It's interesting how G, who had the 2nd highest rep, is laughing this off

For maybe the first year I was on this forum I thought the reputation was bad. One day somebody gave Thegmanifesto a point and I was thinking "of that sucks, he's a nice guy." A little while later I figured it out.

And I apologize. I abused the reputation system one day. Neil Skywalker was unhappy about some points, so I gave him one. I thought it would cheer him up.


The reputation system has been disabled

Quote: (03-06-2012 06:18 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It's interesting how G, who had the 2nd highest rep, is laughing this off, while Mixx stormed out the room.

Check yo' numbers. That said, I'm laughing it off too. We should add up all the rep of the guys laughing it off and the guys not laughing it off and decide that way. [Image: lol.gif]

Mixx: 104 (most definitely not laughing it off)
Tuthmosis: 69 [Image: lol.gif]
G-Manifesto: 64-ish [Image: lol.gif]
Roosh: 64-ish [Image: lol.gif]

It's really a testament to how bad things got that guys remembered each other counts. Someone above remembered that I stopped at 69 (no coincidence).

Maybe we should have only negative rep points. That would create some weird, gay-like bizarro world where being zero is like being an unpenetrated pussy. Dudes would troll each other's zero cherries. It would be disgusting.

[Image: badger.gif]

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

The reputation system has been disabled

Quote: (03-06-2012 06:10 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

1. Guys excoriating other guys for not having sufficient rep to be making certain claims.

2. Guys openly and repeatedly complaining that, despite all their contributions, they aren't getting enough rep. They would then get a couple of courtesy points.

3. Guys giving rep just for the sake of rounding off a member to the next major digit (saw three examples of this).

4. Guys publicly asking for rep in exchange for information. "If you give me a rep point, I'll tell you."

5. I had a guy PM-ing me immediately after giving me a rep point asking me to give him one in return.

6. Guys using rep as a way to retort to disagreements. "When you have this much rep you can X."

Number 3,4,5 and 6 shocked me and this should be punished.


Well, since you were guilty of #2 it makes sense that it shouldn't be "punished".


The only known guy here whom i met is Gmac but im sure i can have drink and a fun night out with all members here even the ones who doubt or frown upon me sometimes like G and hooligan harry (damn those aussies grrr).

Neil -

100% of the time when I give you a hard time, it is in a joking manner.

Just wanted to clear that up since it doesn't always come thru online.

Plus, this thread needs some good vibrations.

The reputation system has been disabled

Neil was definitely an underrated member. So was Naughty Nomad, though he did post that one pic of an Armenian girl he claimed to swoop that someone later found on a random online site. That one was never explained.

Timoteo, OGNorcal and Speakeasy were also very underrated in terms of rep points.

The reputation system has been disabled

Quote: (03-06-2012 06:12 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

In my humble opinion, you guys are acting just like validation-seeking women. There's nothing to gain from rep but a skewed sense of bragging rights. Didn't do much for the bodybuilder forums... with dudes that will "rep back." It was fun while it lasted, but it won't be missed. Wise up and stick around, or good riddance I say.

But..But...But...humans are self interest status seeking creatures...and..and...and...if you don't have a rep system then the majority of players will have no incentive to post good data sheets..so...so..so...you must have a rep system. Since, hell, we are chasing superficial shit right? (sex) so lets have a superficial system.

And..and..and..if you disagree with this. You are a woman like, bitch like, girl like, beta male, chumba wumba fuck me in the ass fagat tard that wants to take everything and not give shit. Entitlement minded fucks you.

Grrrrrr....I shall thrash all of you with my Alpha male powers and 50 point rep count.

And I thought seeing Jar Jar binks again was the worse thing I would see this week. "Misa love da negroes"

Okay, I've had enough fun. Good discussion everyone.

[Image: angel.gif]

The reputation system has been disabled

Also the removal of this system doesn't mean that seniority won't hold sway in forum disputes. Newbs: you still need to respect your elders.

The reputation system has been disabled

Quote: (03-06-2012 06:43 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Neil was definitely an underrated member. So was Naughty Nomad, though he did post that one pic of an Armenian girl he claimed to swoop that someone later found on a random online site. That one was never explained.

Timoteo, OGNorcal and Speakeasy were also very underrated in terms of rep points.

I raised this point earlier.

Honestly, if there was any deflation, it was at the top.

Mixx has 100 rep points? He should have had 800.

Neil should have had more also, but he had like 40? With 1000 posts.

Hell, I had 4000 posts and 60? As, in I only dropped 60 good posts on here at most?

Mixx had 4000 posts and 100? As, in Mixx only dropped 100 good posts on here at most?

Neil was doing pretty damn well if you think about it.

(Plus he bitched about it every day for three months, so he got a bunch of courtesy rep points™)

Wait, Was this Beta?™ that I knew that?

The reputation system has been disabled

Quote: (03-06-2012 06:51 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-06-2012 06:43 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Neil was definitely an underrated member. So was Naughty Nomad, though he did post that one pic of an Armenian girl he claimed to swoop that someone later found on a random online site. That one was never explained.

Timoteo, OGNorcal and Speakeasy were also very underrated in terms of rep points.

I raised this point earlier.

Honestly, if there was any deflation, it was at the top.

Mixx has 100 rep points? He should have had 800.

Neil should have had more also, but he had like 40? With 1000 posts.

Hell, I had 4000 posts and 60?

Mixx had 4000 posts and 100?

Neil was doing pretty damn well if you think about it.

(Plus he bitched about it every day for three months, so he got a bunch of "courtesy rep points™")

Wait, Was this Beta?™ that I knew that?

I don't look at it that way. I don't think just because someone has made a lot of posts that means they deserve more points. I judge the quality of the posts, not really the quantity.

Neil dropped a very thorough data sheet about an off-the-beaten path country like Suriname (before I joined the forum, I think) and didn't receive a single rep point for it until way after he complained about that!

I think that's ridiculous. When a guy goes through great lengths to share data about a country that is so remote and unknown, he deserves some props.

Neil never got his just due under the old system. He had to speak out about that many times.

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Quote: (03-06-2012 06:55 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

I don't look at it that way. I don't think just because someone has made a lot of posts that means they deserve more points. I judge the quality of the posts, not really the quantity.

Neil dropped a very thorough data sheet about an off-the-beaten path country like Suriname (before I joined the forum, I think) and didn't receive a single rep point for it until way after he complained about that!

I think that's ridiculous. When a guy goes through great lengths to share data about a country that is so remote and unknown, he deserves some props.

Neil never got his just due under the old system. He had to speak out about that many times.

I edited what I said above, and of course I was implying quality over quantity:

Hell, I had 4000 posts and 60? As, in I only dropped 60 good posts on here at most?

Mixx had 4000 posts and 100? As, in Mixx only dropped 100 good posts on here at most?

I mentioned on another thread, a lot of what came down to was "timing" when you joined the forum.

My first 1000 posts, I had 6 rep points.

Now, you can get 40 rep points if you drop a sheet, on "Ways to avoid tipping Abroad"

Neil actually was doing mindblowingly well on rep points.

The reputation system has been disabled

Meanwhile, at NaughtyNomad's Bizarro Forum... [Image: lol.gif]

[Image: attachment.jpg5180]   

Let's not forget, fellas: we have it good here. You may be able to nick-pick about this and that, but we don't have this March of the Trolls, haterade bullshit here.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

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