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typical question

typical question

guys help me,

almost 98 % of women to whom i felt they are attracted to me have asked me the same question ...and every time i waz confused to to answer.

question :

how many gf do you have?/so you do this to all your girls?

now its a question that if you say yes you are traped if say no you come weak....

typical question

Just say, "they're not girlfriends, they're only fuckbuddies." :-)

typical question

very typical shit test.

means she's getting sexually aroused.

agree and amplify: relax, lean back say "yes MANY women...and I do MANY things with them" with a slight smirk and maybe some light kino as well.

typical question

Yeah, I think its a good thing when girls do this.

I think its also an age thing. Younger girls used to ask me this every time when I was younger.

Now I rarely get asked this.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

typical question

I agree with the first two, but I hesitantly employ them. I wouldn't directly say them like that, more indirect is much better in my opinion. Let her know that by telling a story or something, as this lets it be a vague fact in her mind that you are fucking around, but you are not lying or denying it. But I even prefer to just change the subject, and I have become a master at it. If she keeps digging it is only ceding more power to you, and it makes it look, and in many ways it is, that she is pushing the quasi-relationship further, stepping it up. This can be employed whenever you know something like that is going to come up, when she says "can I ask you something?" in that tone that you know is going to end up in some sort of shit test, relationship feelers, or what not.

typical question

recently a girl again asked me this same shit to whom i was talking on phone and teasing her.....and when i kept quiet she said ''i know you dont want to explore this secret''...then i was like no and then i tried to redirect into something else...then again she said ''itsok if you dont wanna tell me (sigh)''...and i was dumb enuff to answer this so i just replied like ''i had many girls interaction,but neither i made them my friend nor gfs.''

typical question

I've always just told women straight up that I am seeing other people.

The problem with being vague is that she will claim you lied to her. By telling her straight up that you are going to see whoever the fuck you want, it puts you in power and control If she still agrees to see you, she really can't bitch. Plus you know you have control over them.

It's what the really cunning women all do. They tell the guys straight up that they are seeing someone, and the guys all gather round and try to fight for that pussy. Works great for them.

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