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Response to Terry McMillan's Infamous Why You're Not Married article

Response to Terry McMillan's Infamous Why You're Not Married article

I got a kick out of this --

"I want an amazing, passionate, self-aware, dynamic, understanding life partner"

Since that wasn't gender specific, I'm assuming she's looking for a woman?

Response to Terry McMillan's Infamous Why You're Not Married article

Decode all the girl speak:

1. I'm not ready.
2. I'm not willing to settle.
3. I haven't found the right partner.
4. I don't want to rush into marriage.
5. I actually do like being single right now.
6. I don't want to get married just for the sake of getting married.

Translation: Hello. I am a slut. Please bang me out ASAP.

Response to Terry McMillan's Infamous Why You're Not Married article

Quote: (04-27-2012 01:45 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-26-2012 11:25 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

This and the selfish impulse/culture behind it are merely new means for Darwin's Natural Selection to keep its hands on our modern population development. There is no need for harsh environmental change to do the culling and selecting now-humans will naturally push themselves into completing these tasks one way or another.

Unfortunately though, it's the dumbest people that have the most kids. Ideally the people with the highest IQs should be having lots of kids and the dumbest ones should be practicing contraception. Unfortunately reality is the opposite.

It just so happens that the less educated among us are the only ones incined to reproduced. At the end of the day, this is the gold standard for survivability-your IQ scores and Ivy League degree mean little to the forces of nature when you fail to even replicate yourself. That is what we're actually here for, our most basic and essential function, and our brightest minds are failing it.

Like I said, we're in for some serious change here within our lifetimes, and while some of it will be positive (super selfish, deluded women like the author of the response article will be bred out of existence), quite a bit of it will be rough for many of us to adjust to (more religion in mainstream politics, social conservatism a stronger force, etc).

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

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