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BA for a year

BA for a year

Hey I'm moving to Buenos Aires for 11 months next thursday. I've got two things I'm gonna focus on there: Girls and Spanish. Do you guys have any suggestions as to where are good spots to chill, pick up girls, etc. Roosh i read your article on the girls there but do you have anything else to add? Does anyone else have any experience in BA and have any advice to add?

BA for a year

and by spots i mean neighborhoods like palermo, puerto madero, etc. i hear that boca is fine during the day but you should stay out of there at night..is this true?

BA for a year


BA for a year

oh thanks man cant believe i didnt see that

BA for a year

and dude thanks for all this advice it actually works, this girl was being bitchy randomly so i just said nice talking to you and walked away, and she came up to me later and apologized and gave me her number. before i read your article on that i would have totally just laughed it off and keep on talking with her, but i probably wouldn't have gotten anywhere

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