Quote: (01-13-2013 07:21 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:
Tenderman have you always been into fitness and if not how old were you when you started to get serious about it? I had a guy who was 63 in my Kung Fu class for a while, I thought the guy was a complete asshole, but he was an inspiration as far as physical fitness and aging. He has seriously been a body builder since his early twenties and at 63 is completely ripped to shreds, he's got extremely low body fat %, and great muscle mass as well as definition. I thought he was on steroids of a good bit, but I think he just has the right combo of good genetics, lifelong committed weightlifter, and impeccable diet. On top of physique, for the longest time I thought the guy was in his late 40's, I was floored when I found out he's 63, it just goes to show how working out, eating right, and living a healthy diet pays off, especially if you're a man.
I was always pretty athletic -- played Babe Ruth baseball, but not good enough to play in college -- and lifted weights fairly regularly between the ages of 35 and 50 and would swim on the weekends. At around 50, I hurt my back (bending over and tying my shoes!!), went to a chiropractor who had played some high level rugby. Every Saturday morning at 7 am he had his "boot camp" -- extremely intense circuit training, box jumps, holding plank, shoulder presses among others -- which was the hardest thing I had ever done. Alas, he stopped it about 2 years later, and, frankly, i got kinda portly.
Then about 3 years ago, I put together a little gym in my basement, bowflex dumbells, and a second set of cheap Chinese dumbells that go up to 100 lbs each) a pullup bar attached to the cellar beams, a bench, and a treadmill. I did a few rounds of P90X, and Insanity, and I mix those in from time to time with more concentrated weight training and some HIIT on the treadmill.
Unlike your 63 year old friend, I am not cut, but in shape. No six pack, but good definition on my chest, arms, tris, and legs. (I did an Insanity workout with my 30 year old nephew a year or so ago, and he was impressed particularly my leg strength and calf definition).
I eat very clean -- keep the carbs lows, lots of protein. The problem is I love a good bottle of wine! Pure sugar, alas.
I have been tempted to go totally paleo to see how lean I could get. I may yet do it.