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Starting College, Should I Try..

Starting College, Should I Try..

Hey everyone, here's some stuff about me I'd like to share [Image: biggrin.gif]

my names Michael Kane, I'm 17, hope there's not an 18 age limit here, I'm pretty mature [Image: angel.gif] , I live in Scotland, and i start my new College course of September the 8th [Image: smile.gif] (NC Computer Games Design, I'm A Geek you see![Image: biggrin.gif])

Anyway, I'm 100% useless with women at the moment, seriously.
until recently my confidence has been nothing, I'm pretty sure it caused
depression, I never had cool hair, always had spots all over, when i was in high school I'd stay off for weeks because i got massive outbursts (not the best thing to read sorry guys).
Back in December/January my life wasn't that good, well it kind of was because my friend had 4 house parties a week, and we'd drink straight vodka till .. well drunk [Image: biggrin.gif]
but with women, it wasn't.

Another thing that got me was I smoke weed, frequently with my friends, we go to my friends house and bong up till baked, I love getting high, and don't intend to stop (people who think its bad, don't worry i always prioritize my life), but the set of girls we hanged about with, some who were extremly pretty all didn't really like me and treated me different, because they all saw me and the drug addict, which I'm totally not, but they've been brought up that way and think any drug like weed is extremly bad, other ones are, but not weed.

I'm starting College, and I've pretty much decided fuck it! I'm going to go all out, get rejected, possibly accepted.. I'm going to try pull..the lot. This will be the first time I've decided to try and actually pull girls, even talk to girl strangers. so I was hoping for a lot of advice! from the pros here [Image: biggrin.gif]
Is College a good place to start trying to play the field? [Image: biggrin.gif]
I'm not that handsome at all, i know that, but I don't think I'm Ugly.

So Should I start at College?[Image: biggrin.gif]
I want to know loads, is it a good idea to try and pull the ONE girl in my class of 20? is it a good idea to go and sit at the table of 5 girls and try and play my luck? I want to know as much as possible! [Image: biggrin.gif]

Recently I've been feeling so much better about my life, I'm happy, and I don't even think i fear rejection no more! seriously.. its almost like something has changed in my brain!

Please give me as much advice as possible, Im ALWAYS open to criticism, I want to know if i sound pathetic.. sad.. lonely to you guys. to me i sound like my life it turning for the better..
I think the reason my confidence was shattered was because in second year at high school (13yrs old) even some of first year, for a year straight, probably a little more i was bullied every day,but they didn't even see it as bullying, they wait for me after class and throw chairs on top of me (not the hardcore way, kind of in a jokey way for they guys).. and it defiantly changed me. but i feel like i need to change, i want to change and i want to learn how to pull ffs! [Image: biggrin.gif] I hate being useless with women, Its extremely gay but my friends all ask me why I'm never trying, I say to them and have actually convinced them I'm such a pot head I'm not even interested in women, to save the embarrassment of saying to my friends I'm useless

Just thought I'd add, its 9:38pm right now in Scotland and at about 12ish i plan to read BANG! and from reviews i think it'll give me so much more confidence! in fact all this 'new confidence' I've recently been getting is kind of built on this book, I'm hoping its as good as its said to be!

Thanks for reading my story people, I know its long, and to you guys probably sad and boring but please share your views!!

EDIT: here's a good (in my opinion) picture of me.

Starting College, Should I Try..

"I'm starting College, and I've pretty much decided fuck it!"

"Recently I've been feeling so much better about my life, I'm happy, and I don't even think i fear rejection no more!"

Hey kid, you already have half the battle won.

Stay positive, feel good about yourself and hit on every girl you can.

Don't ever get discouraged, you are in for the time of your life.

Regarding the whole weed thing, you are probably ahead of your time. Girls like weed. Especially at college. Just don't let it affect your motivation.

Keep us updated and feel free to ask more specific questions.

And get off the computer and go swoop some girls!

I am going to take my own advice.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Starting College, Should I Try..

thanks for the reply [Image: biggrin.gif]

Yeah maybe girls do love weed, just not the ones i know in my area.
Don't worry, I've been smoking weed for awhile and if anything, im motivated now more than ever (about deciding im going to try and play the field, and starting my career in games design).

Even though I'm not the most handsome person in my class, you think i should try pull the ONE girl in my class, despite there being like 15-20 boys (a lot of them not that good looking, sorry to them dont mean it in a harsh way).

I might try just to see where it gets me! [Image: biggrin.gif]

Starting College, Should I Try..

"Even though I'm not the most handsome person in my class"

Don't get to hung up on the looks thing.

The good news for guys is that we can get a lot further on confidence, personality, social proof, humor etc than we can on looks.

Work on those things, you natural looks are out of your control.

Focus on things you can improve on. Like personal style.

(And confidence, personality, social proof, humor)

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Starting College, Should I Try..

Another thing:

You might want to take your name and photo off of here.

Being anonymous has its advantages.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Starting College, Should I Try..

Hey Junior,

Get all of your education out of the way at one time. Still be the weed man, but even if you're planning on medical school or some bullshit, do it all at once.

I'm 33 and recently entertained the idea of returning to finish my MBA. I got 5 phone numbers from girls just going from my car to the admissions depo this morning. I also got the evil eye from every guy on the campus. It's just no place for a grown man. I represent a serious threat to all those douchebags. I'm older and learned how to work the wahines. I've also learned over the years how to beat a motherfucker who wants to get mouthy. I decided the risk might outweigh the reward. Now I pulled one of my all time top 10 girls off that campus the first time I went. I think I got all I needed.

The girls are everywhere, and I forgot how much they just want to talk. The guys are everywhere too, and 99.9% have no talent girl-wise. I just forgot about all of those guys. Plus, they got these buttons on poles everywhere that a candyass can press to get the campus bike cops on their way. I have a feeling I'll just wind up getting kicked out.

So do me a favor. Read everything you can and get out there and bang some of those chicks. Also, when you get a chance find the prettiest of prettyboys (look around the frat house) and smack him around a little.


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