Have you ever aimlessly walked around a crowded parking lot in search of your car and noticed that you are being followed by a car whose looking to take your place? (I think there was a joke on an episode of Seinfeld about this)Well, heres a way to turn that into an approach.
While you are walking, turn around, go up to the passenger window and motion to her to roll the windown down. Ask if shes looking for a spot and suggest that she give you a ride to your car. I've done this a couple times and they agreed to let me in.
I havn't gotten any numbers doing this but know a good opportunity when I see one. Just something to think about next time you are being followed by a cute girl in a mini cooper.
How would you guys go about getting the digits? Make fun of her driving? Tell a quick story? Drop bait? You have to act fast because you only have 1 minuet.
While you are walking, turn around, go up to the passenger window and motion to her to roll the windown down. Ask if shes looking for a spot and suggest that she give you a ride to your car. I've done this a couple times and they agreed to let me in.
I havn't gotten any numbers doing this but know a good opportunity when I see one. Just something to think about next time you are being followed by a cute girl in a mini cooper.
How would you guys go about getting the digits? Make fun of her driving? Tell a quick story? Drop bait? You have to act fast because you only have 1 minuet.