Quote: (09-04-2015 01:57 PM)space Wrote:
I'm not a conspiracy theorist but can someone explain what the fuck is going on?
In a nutshell (staying in the 20th century):
After WW2 the Zionists decided that they will never allow another Holocaust, or rather that they will never allow strong white nations (Germany...) support strong White leaders (Fuhrer, il Duce, Stallin...) And the only way to do it is to crumble the existing, and introduce the new world order.
Everything since then has been employed towards implementation of that goal.
Creation of Israel state.
Ending of colonialism.
US Immigration Act of 1965.
Introduction of swarthies from thirld world as guest workers (Germany, Scandinavia...)
Weakening/dissolution of White Christian religion.
Rule of feminism.
Creation of EU (abolishion of EU borders)
End of Apartheid
End of communism (until it was no longer useful)
Allowance of swarthiies to enter EU en-masse.
Complementary to political goals there were cultural goals to lock-step:
Automation of capitalism.
Introduction of women into workplace.
Corporations as individuals.
Dissolution of family/marriage as cornerstone of human existence.
Liberal popular culture as mainstream staple (rock and roll, hippy values, rap).
US tellecomunication act of early 1990s (which allowed few owners of the entire American media landscape: tv, radio, print, Internet.
Internet, both as surveillance state as well as breads and circuses distaction.