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London Observations

London Observations

Quote: (04-05-2015 03:44 PM)Feldeinsamkeit Wrote:  

Quote: (04-04-2015 08:02 PM)The_Wonder Wrote:  

I was born and raised in London (one of those Zone 5 areas mentioned by OP). I have noticed birds here to be up their own arses a lot. I think a lot of it is that it attracts those kinds of people from the rest of the UK. A lot of people from the north of England feel they are "better" than the people they leave behind up there and it really shows. I also noticed this even with the migrant workers and students it's like "I'm in a better place now so I should leave all what I have previously believed in the country I just left".

Spot on. The arrogance of London women is, indeed, a nauseating spectacle to behold, although I would add that even in the north east of England, where I am living at the moment, I've noticed a big increase over the last five years in haughty and narcissistic attitudes of the women. Even my German ex used to comment on how stuck-up she found British women. Whenever I meet a women from outside of the Anglosphere, I am continually blown away at how obnoxious UK women are in comparison - every time.

I always thought Geordies to be a down to Earth bunch. I v. much approve of what Geordie women wear on a night out, and I must admit the accent is very nice to my ears! Much better than say a Leeds accent which is rough as fuck.

I always had problems with pulling in the north of England though, coz I have a very strong London accent, and regional accents are not very popular outside their own area. It is an advantage here though, coz there are hardly any people with old school London accents, everyone raised here talks like Ali G or Dizzee Rascal now, which is just annoying. I represent old school London, so outside people can't disprove of me speaking in a way synonymous with the traditional view of the area. The funny thing is, it's a novelty now (I'll be one of the few people in the bar speaking that way) and novelty is always good [Image: banana.gif]

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