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London Observations

London Observations

Quote: (04-04-2015 08:02 PM)The_Wonder Wrote:  

I was born and raised in London (one of those Zone 5 areas mentioned by OP). I have noticed birds here to be up their own arses a lot. I think a lot of it is that it attracts those kinds of people from the rest of the UK. A lot of people from the north of England feel they are "better" than the people they leave behind up there and it really shows. I also noticed this even with the migrant workers and students it's like "I'm in a better place now so I should leave all what I have previously believed in the country I just left".

Spot on. The arrogance of London women is, indeed, a nauseating spectacle to behold, although I would add that even in the north east of England, where I am living at the moment, I've noticed a big increase over the last five years in haughty and narcissistic attitudes of the women. Even my German ex used to comment on how stuck-up she found British women. Whenever I meet a women from outside of the Anglosphere, I am continually blown away at how obnoxious UK women are in comparison - every time.

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