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1984 VS Brave New World - Which Resembles Life?
984 VS Brave New World - Which Resembles Life?
Neither of these dystopias bears the least resemblance to the crazily interesting, various and complex world that we live in today.

The difference is that "1984" is, in its first half, a great book about dreariness, inspired by the depth of Orwell's feeling about the dreariness of life in postwar England and the far worse, nightmarish dreariness that some of the monstrous totalitarian regimes of the 20th century have created for their people; it is Orwell's best book until it goes off the rails in its unfortunate second half. Whereas "Brave New World" is a contrived bit of allegory, utterly thin and bloodless, and the less said about it the better.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

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